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Sunday new poem reviews 11/14

It's a lovely day reviews will be posted later....after I've enjoyed the sunshine!


Thank You tungtied~

For the mention on my poem

~~~~~"A Blizzard Forever"~~~~~~~

I want to say it's easy to write about something
that moves us so much but then again it's not...
presentation is the icing and topic is like the
cake, (heard that somewhere) but cooking is the
key...whole lot of ingredients just to let someone
take a quick bite~

anyway thanks~
Maria2394 said:

freeze frame, by neonurotic.
I just love this poet's short takes on life, baby, I would rewind that one over and over just to get the same feeling , ( flirt, flirt ;) )

Thanks for the mention Maria; I appreciate it. I hadn't thought of freezing frame at the good parts and rewinding for replay, which is infintely better than letting the film melt into two :rose:

Also, thank you much to those who voted and commented. ;)

- neo
WickedEve said:
In a Bookstore Corner
by flyguy69 ©

will spill from vellum’s grip, trail
their nails along an inside edge
and scrape the margins clear. Let
eyelash shuttered incandescence

Good, good poetry! Just go read it!
Ooh! Screw the E; I got a WE! Is there a higher honor? Perhaps that hard-to-reproduce N...

I have elsewhere asserted that comments are of greater value to me than votes or reads (or even Es), and I mean it. Thank you for your remarks, Eve, both in the review and in your PC. Thank you, also, fine poets who took time to read and comment. Your guidance and tutelage have helped me immeasurably.
she said use it
by annaswirls ©

I am so tired
of poems.

The moment they are made
into flat representations
of that beyond dimension
they begin to die

and they just keep dying
and dying.

I read this poem and it immediately dawned on me that I love this girl! Go read and see how totally suck-less poetry should be written!

Sigh. Finally. Are you going to tell me "just as friends" and break my heart?


Seriously, thank you for your taking the time to review our poems so carefully, you are the best, really.

And "I love this girl" has been proclaimed from this end upon reading you too :) A confession I have made many times to others.

okay confessions over before I really embarass myself.


annaswirls said:
Sigh. Finally. Are you going to tell me "just as friends" and break my heart?


Seriously, thank you for your taking the time to review our poems so carefully, you are the best, really.

And "I love this girl" has been proclaimed from this end upon reading you too :) A confession I have made many times to others.

okay confessions over before I really embarass myself.


I loved the poem so much that I was ready to offer you a kidney--whether you needed it or not. :D (just between us, let's make the kidney a bottle of nail polish or a machete or maybe an elvis on velvet.)
Re: New Poems, monday 11/15

Maria2394 said:

Goodnight Sweet Prince, by Vampiric Mirage. This one made me tear up. I'm sorry, but I am an old softie for horses and I hope I didnt mistake the meaning of this poem . I knew a horse named Prince once, he was arrogant and beautiful. This poem is sensitive and sweet and mournful, if youre in need of a little weep, read this one, it should do the trick :rose:

Thank you so much for the mention. You understood the meaning of the poem perfectly. Originally I hadn't intended to post it, but like the horse it was written in memory of, this poem seemed to have a mind of its own and demanded otherwise.

Thank you for reading and commenting on it,

WickedEve said:
I loved the poem so much that I was ready to offer you a kidney--whether you needed it or not. :D (just between us, let's make the kidney a bottle of nail polish or a machete or maybe an elvis on velvet.)

I do need a kidney, I think I gave you mine for Machiavellian.


but actually I think I will take Elvis on velvet..... you bring the camera. Make him young please.
Tuesday reviews

WickedEve said:
by tungtied2u ©

compressed and under wraps
without a sudden snap

or pop then strands
flying bands of sinew and skin

I like it. Why? Can't a reader like a poem simply for the word choices and the way it rolls off the tongue or mind? In other words, go read it. lol

Coming from you Eve....praise on word choice is truly humbling.

Thank you. And thank you to flyguy, LilDarlin and all the others who read and/or commented. It is truly appreciated.
So totally cool!

cheap grace
by SoundsErotica ©

I'm not sure about this piece, but I see by the P.C. that one poet likes it very much, so you may enjoy it as well.
Thanks for the mention. I think it is so totally cool that you would mention my poem even though you don't really like it so much. Thanks Eve
WickedEve said:

Celtic Tigress’s Song
by lostandfounder ©

Five foot four of sunset,
soft, smooth, red and pale.
Speaks words of light
and hard fought wisdom
to those who listen well.

This is a nice poem. The above stanza is especially nice. But as I said in my public comment, it's not quite rocking my world... and then I went on about pebbles and throwing stones at me, or something like that. Anyway, why don't you people disagree with me! Go read the poem yourself and post a comment telling me that I should be stoned for not getting my world rocked by this poem.

And no, I'm not stoned right now. I have had 6 cups of green tea, though.

Also, check out:
Rolling Wishes on Ice
by lostandfounder ©

Thanks for the kind words Oh Wicked One! Both of the poems are more of a personal nature than what I usually post, so I don't feel bad if people didn't get all the references. I'm pleasantly surprised by the reactions I did get. Thanks to all who voted and a big thanks to all who commented! I'm sorry that I haven't been leaving comments on the great work that has posted the last couple of weeks, but my life has been topsy-turvey lately (in a very good way) and sometimes I don't know if I'm coming or going. Thanks again to all!

Oh yes, Miss Eve.... sorry my poem didn't rock ya. Now I feel the need to do so... give me a topic and I'll see if I can get your earth to shake a tad ;)

WickedEve said:

For fans of minsue and very brief poetry:
by minsue ©

Ummm...thanks, I think. ;)

And many thanks for all the time and work you put into your reviews, Eve. And everyone else, too. :rose:
minsue said:
Ummm...thanks, I think. ;)

And many thanks for all the time and work you put into your reviews, Eve. And everyone else, too. :rose:
Sorry, min. :) There wasn't enough poem there to even give an excerpt. So I thought I'd say very little and hope the curious readers among us would check it out.
Fingers dipped in dew
moisten lips
that await your kiss
By minsue

I did like this poem and did comment on it. I just wanted to know more about the lips. A little more detail...taste, feel, touch. "That await your kiss"- was definitely cute.
WickedEve said:
Sorry, min. :) There wasn't enough poem there to even give an excerpt. So I thought I'd say very little and hope the curious readers among us would check it out.

Bite your tongue! :eek: No sorries ever needed, especially involving reviews!

I was just afraid it was an 'obligation mention'. ;) I seem to recall a while back some people saying they would mention poems by board regulars even if the reviewer didn't care much for the poem because they didn't want to offend someone by leaving them out. Personally, I'd much rather not be mentioned in such a case. Ain't gonna learn nuttin' that way.
Originally posted by neonurotic

"This tasty erotic poem by Christina O. Leigh makes me want to lick it off a spoon because it is All So Sweet"

:p Thank you, neo:heart:
Thanks again to Neonurotic for the mention in new poems. I REALLY appreciate it, it makes me try to work harder on upcoming stuff and also makes me think what a great bunch of people come to this site! :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
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