To keep the review thread clean...

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WickedEve said:

Over you
by tungtied2u ©

I melt
spread over your body
seep into your pores
absorbed in the soft pillows
and velvet folds which are you

Nice and erotic, but it's under non erotic. Very nice imagery with the "absorbed in the soft pillows" line. Though, is soft needed? Pillows are soft to start with. Never mind. I like the soft. :)


Thanks Eve for the kind words. Pretty slick, huh, tricking you into doing reviews , so you'd check out my poem... ;)

Thanks very much for taking up my slack on such short notice...hope this doesn't damage your reputation for being a bitch...:D

And thanks very much to all those who have read not only this poem, but many others I've posted recently.
Thank you Eve for your mention of " Killing Beauty"
I promise I'll do a spoken one just for you soon.......
Target Infidelity

Thanks, Eve, for shopping at Target. I had a tough time explaining the kick-start bottlenose fetish in the cart, though. "It's for a friend," I said.

Thanks, also, to LilDarlin, anna, tt2u, icm, Chris and imp for fondling my wares. Careful with the heart, though; you break it, you buy it.
tungtied2u said:
Thanks very much for taking up my slack on such short notice...hope this doesn't damage your reputation for being a bitch...:D
What rep for being a bitch? I thought a sex fiend reputation.
Tathagata said:
Thank you Eve for your mention of " Killing Beauty"
I promise I'll do a spoken one just for you soon.......
Make sure you add some heavy breathing... for poetic effect.

Thanks for the mention of my challenge poem on the review thread. I'll lick your lips anytime.

Miss O.
thanks so much neo...

for the mention,

for the line,

and for doing such a thourough and thoughtful job with the reviews.

Thanks for putting me in today, neo, there was an amazing amount of awesome poetry posted today and you are doing a great job! :D
You are a gem!

Thanks neonurotic, for the acknowledgement. I'd also like to thank Remec and champagne1982, whose lines were highlighted in your review.

That was the first time I was acknowledged for my stuff. I am still humbled and delighted!
bows humble~

awesome reviews...bows humble to
the zen masters of pen...
Eve...neon...maria...tath...tung and liar~

your reviews are as much a lesson
as your poems themselves...

apples for everbody...grin!
No apples for me.... Real Life inteferred with the thursday reviews. And now I'm too tired, too overloaded with other thoughts and just plain too intoxicated to get on with it.

I'll be back with them tomorrow. Sorry. :rose:

Just wanted to say thanks to champagne1982 for the mention today on Going Under. It's always heart warming to see my name in lights, as it were. :D

Everyone have a safe and happy weekend!
:rose: A sincere thank you to those that commented and voted on my Thanksgiving Challenge poem, Creation of Words. I greatly appreciate

and also thanks to Flyguy69 and Remec for the use of their lines.

- neo
A :rose: and a big hug to Champagne for stepping in and doing Thursdaz when I was outta both town and my mind. You pretty much covered the ones that I would had reccomended, so nobody really missed me. :)

Safety in Stillness - tungtied2u


there is safety
in stillness, a peace
painful yet predictable
the knowing of nothingness

When a truth is presented so simply and directly you have to read it a few times.
This poem deserves a few reads just for that verse alone.
but read the whole thing.
TT has found a well of wisdom in his soul in the past 6 months or so and we are the benefactors.
Thank you
Thank you tath. I have learned more than my heart can bear.

Thanks so much, Du Lac and Tathagata for the wonderful compliments on my poem:

]Speak As The Flower Blossoms

I really enjoyed writing this one. And, with all the wonderful feedback it's really helping me with free verse. I'm just lovin' it :)
You guys are great!!

And, looky! I almost got that link right...*smiles*
My thanks to Tathagata for choosing Small White Bones and diffidence to highlight in Fridays new poems.

I was sorry to miss being part of the challenge but thanks to Tath, twelvoone, SeattleRain and Wicked Eve for the use of their lines.
Belated Thank You to Neo for doing the reviews, Ange for her idea, Tess and Gina for running with it. Thanks to Neo, denis, champagne and catbabe for the use of your lines. And I loved seeing some of my lines in new homes! Very cool experience, you are right, Gina!

I am still not here. bye

Thanks to Neo for reviewing my Thanksgiving Challenge poem. Thanks also for the comments and feedback. Of course I should mention Eve and Ange from whom I stole lines from their works.

For the record, that form was a Terzanelle, which is Wicked Eve's chosen poison when it comes to Form Poetry, while I think Ange is more comfortable with Sonnets. The Villanelle and Terzanelle are very close in form.

Kind of Ironic. The Line I took from Wicked was from a Terzanelle and the line I took from Ange was from a Sonnet. There is some irony there.

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