To keep the review thread clean...

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Thank you all

Originally posted by neonurotic Strait jacked and A sorcererful of secrets are both by tungtied2u

Wow... this guy can write metaphors that everyone can identify, from sadness feeling like a strait-jacket (which I agree with you, tt2u as the "D" feels exactly like that.) to life being a great trixter]

Thank you neo for the mentions, and especially thank you to all who read and commented on them. With so many good poems
being posted daily, I really appreciate the effort it takes. Kisses to everyone...and to My Erotic Tail...who reviews poems all by hisself daily on his poem academy thread.... Man, you crazy!...but God bless you for it.
Last but not least...
cryptic and primed by annaswirls
...made me feel like the idiot I am. I flunked in maths, and numbers give me headaches simply by existing. So athough I feel that the cool form and style should hide some brilliant content, I could never tell. Rock on.

oh my Maria, I think we may be the only crazy ones.... let me see if I can explain. I got some other questions on this poem.....

Prime numbers are just numbers you cannot break down into another whole number, can't be divided. Like 3 or 5 or 7, 11, 13, 17........

so I just have this pre-occupation with them.

Sometimes it prevents my writing or thinking-- you know
this big
writers block

it used to be 17

I would try to write and the only thing that would come alone would be 17

now if a 16 came along, no problem

I would just break it into two 8's

then break those each into a 4 and a 2
then break each of those 4's into two 2's
then break each of those 2's into 1's!!

See how easy it is to dissassemble 16?

and who cannot handle blowing away a pile of mental blocks that each have a value of 1?

but put 47 on top
and I can't shake it.

you know?

AND prime numbers can be used in cryptography. There is a big search for the next biggest prime number always going on.

how big of a mother fucker can you get that cannot be broken!!!

Think of the power!!!!

The bohemeth of all numbers undivisible!!!!!

eh hem

Liar, I pretty much failed math too.

I was too busy thinking about the poetic value of odds and evens, the sexy nature of multiplication and how lonely remainders seemed to be.

oh and making faces on the 9's

and thinking how cool circles were with the infinite curve
I want to be an infinite curve
Liar said:
Howdy poets. Here be some recommendations for this thursday's new poems hullabaloo. <snip>
For My Love, (on his birthday) by champagne1982
Starts out a little tentatice, but patience pays. A lovely poem with delicate imagery and a big heart unfolds for each stanza.
[color=008833]We have made a journey
few are blessed to take,
without a map to point
the way or even crumbs
upon the path, but darling
we have blazed a trail and set
markers where we should stop again.[/color]

*sniff* Ain't love just grand?</snip>

Seriously, though, I'd like to thank any who have read and voted, and those who've left comment as well, on my poetic gift. It makes my words that much more special knowing that I've appealed to so many good and diversified poets with the shape of them.
Liar, I can only hope that the world comes to know, eventually, just how grand love is, that would solve a lot of problems I think. Thanks for reading and reviewing the new poems.
Oh Tathagata, you naughty little monkey. Thanks BIG time for not shredding the sonnett, that was a very kind gesture on your part, not to be forgotten, ever.

And yes, I am having my desperate housewife moments, the husband had better be envied, he's not doing ANY of the work! lol:kiss:
Muffled Screams - Wicked Eve

Almost like a Hitchcock movie ( yes Eve..I said cock)
This seems to be a straight forward read but as we move along we realize something's not quite right.
The horror in the everyday.
what goes on behind white lace curtains
Give it a read.
And never sleep over at Eve's house..
You say cock. I say... well, I say cock, too.
It's a fun little disturbing poem from 2002 and it was originally titled Lumpy.
And don't tell people to never sleep over at my house. It's fun sleeping at my house. I may chain you to the wall and throw possums at you or... what was that other thing... oh yeah, staple mops to your ass, but it's all in fun. :)
Liar, thank you for mentioning my 2 babies yesterday. I appreciate your kind words and sending people my way :rose:

also, thanks to everyone who read, commented and voted and all that good stuff... your kindness is always appreciated :rose:
Review part Two

In Her Own Special Way - Wicked Eve

I like to think this is really what's way down inside Eve
A child looking out who sometimes sees the magic and wonder the world tries to hide.
I love this poem for many reasons ( it mentions monkeys)
but mostly because I can see the child there waiting to show Eve...her purple drawing..and hold her hand all the way home.
Please read it

Beauty Parlor Light II - Wicked Eve

I love it just for the opening verse...
Thanks, tath. Yes, I'm a freaky mixture of child-like and wickedness. Now you know what's wrong with me. lol
twin engine dolphin by WickedEve

Ha! Eve... naughty, this should've been in the erotic category.. I was thinking hydro-planes when I opened this up ;)
I should have put it under erotic. I can never decide where to put my poems. :) But thanks for the mention. I almost missed it. And thanks for the N!
Re: Fwyday

Originally posted by Tathagata

Fait Accompli -tungtied2u

if I didn't know better I'd have sworn I wrote this.
I know the feelings and he expresses them in some stark ways..
This verse:

sums up My insomnia in a way that i've never been able to.
my only bitch....punctuation
if you gave the reader a pause here and would give it a little more drama.
regardless , of course, It's a great poem

On the edge -tungtied2u andpseudo-recall2 - neonurotic

two short-ish poems that are both worth a read for different reasons


Thank you tath for the mention. I appreciate your kind words, and acknowledge a bit of punctuation would have been helpful....ahh well, next time..

Also , thank you to My Erotic Tail for his mention in The Poem Academy thread.
But most of all, thank you to all of you who took the time to read and always I truly appreciate the time you took.
Thank you much on the mention today, Erotic Tail, it is very much appreciated. Cough medicine is making me feel especially gratefull - *hughugsmoochie*
ok, girl, type a colon immediately followed by nana immediately followed by another colon, and you will have your very own personal dancing banana. Remember the Wet Banana? Man, that thing was soooo cool.
ok, girl, type a colon immediately followed by nana immediately followed by another colon, and you will have your very own personal dancing banana. Remember the Wet Banana? Man, that thing was soooo cool.


I'm so excited!!!! I'm a bouncy banana!!! Yeah......woo-fucking-hoo!!

I'll only use it when I'm happy, k?

Christina leaves >>>>>>>>singing :eek:
That guy does look like a singer.
Sunday Reviews 11/21

Dear poets friends,

Please forgive me, but it will probaly be late tomight or tomorrow before I can post today's reviews.

Between work, the gunfight and the thanksgiving challenges, not to mention some much needed recreation, I'm spinning like a top.

If anyone else feels the urge to pick up the mantle, please feel free. Otherwise, I'll be here with them later.

Thanks for your patience...

great selections

Eve.. loved that Muse poem.. wow..great stuff. If you did not notice I have a fascination with muses.. a whole series of wordy poems on them ha! Thank you for sharing these works
Du Lac
Re: great selections

Du Lac said:
Eve.. loved that Muse poem.. wow..great stuff. If you did not notice I have a fascination with muses.. a whole series of wordy poems on them ha! Thank you for sharing these works
Du Lac
I think there a few more that need mentioning but I haven't done it yet. :)
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Re: great selections

Eve.. loved that Muse poem.. wow..great stuff. If you did not notice I have a fascination with muses.. a whole series of wordy poems on them ha! Thank you for sharing these works
Du Lac
Thanks and a :rose: to you as well! Readers of great perspicacity are always welcome and highly valued! ;)
Just wanted to give a shout and sneeze (excuse me) out to all who have left me feedback here of late, and say that while I don't always leave feedback I have been voting, and I have been reading a TON of great stuff, I don't think I've seen a single stinker. I know I should be leaving more feedback, you all do such a wonderful job on my stuff it puts me to shame, I promise I will work on that!

Sanitized hugs to all (don't want you to catch my cold!)
Originally posted by postobitum

Just wanted to give a shout and sneeze (excuse me) out to all who have left me feedback here of late, and say that while I don't always leave feedback I have been voting, and I have been reading a TON of great stuff, I don't think I've seen a single stinker. I know I should be leaving more feedback, you all do such a wonderful job on my stuff it puts me to shame, I promise I will work on that!

Perhaps a spanking is in order ;)
Question to anyone who knows..

Can someone fill me in on the letters by the poems such as N, H, and there is one other I believe? Still quite a newbie and unsure what all this means. One more question: Is there a way I can go back to read my reviews when I had forgotten or how about clicking on someone elses name and reading what they wrote? Appreciate it! Thanks, Chris
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