To keep the review thread clean...

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Re: Saturday's reviews

My Erotic Tail said:

Parting Embrace: by Impressive

parting embrace
one thousand one ...
... one thousand two

more than it appears
one thousand one ...
... one thousand two

very original and deep as well as
simply brilliant~
okay I liked it...for many reasons...
awesome poetry~

Shucks. :eek: Thanks.

Latest PC says it's "Crapola" ... :( Can't please everyone.
New Poem Reviews sunday 11/28

Reviews will be up later this evening...afraid I was called out on some last minute business. Please bear with me...

Thanks and I'll be back later...tt2u

Thanks, My Erotic Tale

For the interesting observations about my poems. Yes, I surprise even myself some days. Now, if I could only get to your level...!

Best, Sack:)
Orginally posted by impressive

Latest PC says it's "Crapola" ... Can't please everyone.
Poo on he or she! I just read that. That's some nice criticism! NOT!

I would make it so people can't anonymously do that to you. <--did I spell that right?! Argh!

*Hugs* Chris
Here are missing posts from the review thread. Earlier, I cleaned it out and somehow moved the posts to the mod queue where you can't move them back once you put them there. :eek:
So the best I could do was to copy and paste the posts here. There aren't that many but if you're missing a post, it's probably here.

Eve (it figures it was me.)

Literotica Guru

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 871
oh Lord, I am sick you guys, nasty little, not little friggin huge assed cold, i didnt forget the poems reviews, i have just felt too awful to battle my computer for online time ( it hates me you know). i will be back later to drool, i mean this literally, over the new ones, i only got to read one yesterday before it froze up and kicked me back to bed. thanks for being patient..

ps, 1201, been trying to answer your PM's, it just wont let me, im sos orry, maybe this is a good sign ( hopeful sigh)

till later


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Registered: Nov 2004
Posts: 21

Originally posted by WickedEve

Like Prayer
by Cerriwiden ©

falling perfect lace,
blending into blankets.
Mounted, pillowed
like the plump of lips
awaiting kiss.

Another just perfect poem by sweet miss cerriwiden.



Thank you Wicked Eve for your recommendation of my poem.

A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.
~ Maya Angelou

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I'm fine until spin cycle

Registered: Oct 2001
Location: va
Posts: 5287
Oh, impressive, thank you so much! I was just too tired to go back and add them in again. It was a big job and the darn links got lost because of some freaky glitch.

straight razor searching
you can't really understand someone unless you get inside their head

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Really Really Experienced

Registered: Oct 2003
Location: NY, NY
Posts: 306
thanks for the kind words, Eve

She came on like a light
And so softly she spoke
You don’t know
You don’t know about
My dark life

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Christina O. Leigh
Really Experienced

Registered: Nov 2004
Location: Philly
Posts: 195
Re: It Feels Fuzzy
Thanks for the mention, Eve. It's under edit right now. Soon after I posted it, I realized it needed some TLC. Hope it's fix soon!

Thanks again, Chris

Call your ass mom
and see if it answers.

Read Me

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Du Lac

Registered: Nov 2004
Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 49
Thank you Eve!!!
Thank you Eve!!! and all who commented on the poems... I am at this moment just working on simplistic poems..... I have some complicated ones.. but raw pure simplistic needs and energies are with me now.. so that is how I am writing..Thank you so much all! for the great welcome and guidance from Chris!
Du Lac

Henry, referring to Anais) "With you one goes so far away from reality that it is almost necessary to buy a return ticket. I am afraid never to come back here." June 30, 1934 from Incest-Anais Nin

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Really Really Experienced

Registered: Oct 2003
Location: Houston Area
Posts: 420
oops sorry
I forgot this thread was for reviews only....

Get well soon, Eve.

jim : )

A touch of satire:
The Global Effects of Sexual Orientation

Yeah, sometimes you gotta look at things just a bit differently: The Logic of Stripes and Plaid and Love on Mars

thanks everyone...

Last edited by jthserra on 11-24-2004 at 03:13 AM

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I put the ape in apericot

Registered: Feb 2004
Location: WaitsVille
Posts: 10639
due to the holiday and family stuff and alcohol I missed fridays reviews
I'll try and do them today

"Almost everyone is born a genius and buried an idiot". - Charles Bukowski


Slán go fóill. Ver G'harget
My Schtufff

Last edited by Tathagata on 11-27-2004 at 03:19 PM

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Christina O. Leigh
Really Experienced

Registered: Nov 2004
Location: Philly
Posts: 195
Oh damn, I didn't get it right
Ha! It even says "Oops"

Go figure!

Call your ass mom
and see if it answers.

Read Me

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Registered: May 2003
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 15
Just wanted to say thanks for including my poem "Burden" in your reviews for Sat 27th...! It did make me smile...

Thanks... LilyMelb

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Seeker n Finder

Registered: Nov 2004
Location: over the rainbow
Posts: 1
Thank You
I just wanted to say thank you to those who left positive reviews on my poem "Lost". It will give me the courage to post others I have written.

Thanks again,

thank you tungtied for doing the reviews, it is not an easy job especially when PCs act up. Thank you for mentionig my poem, and thanks to those who commented and read-- I wrote this on the banks of the Macoby which flooded over the meadow the next morning after a night of storms. Everything moved!!!!

go figure
Thanks for the review tungtied, and to everyone who read and voted and commented. Here's wishing everyone a good Monday tomorrow, I'm off to read and read and read before I pass out. :kiss:
Maria2394 said:

Button-Fly Prison by neonurotic. <snip>

Domo arigato, Maria for the mention in your reviews today. Also, much thanks to all those who took the time to stop by and left feedback as I really do listen to suggestions.

- neo
First of all, I want to thank WickedEve for doing the reviews last Monday. I felt so bad I was nearly disappointed that I didnt wake up dead, if you can relate, I am so sorry. I hope you are also feeling better Eve, youre an angel, a wicked, wicked, dolphin killing angel :D :rose:

model of henry dying by WickedEve. First off, the title is genius, I had no idea what to expect, so I will not give it away, except to say, read it. Here is another example of how a poet is showing us the poem,WickedEve is always showing us something, and I truly love her visions.

and...intoxicating thief] by WickedEve.

and... :)Dead Dead Dolphin Dammit Eve, you are so good, I swear, it makes me wanna curl up into a little ball and ... oh wait, I did that last week, you have a gift, woman, thanks for sharing it!! poets, read this one, read the prequel, read, absorb, learn, write!!!

speed mellow
then tingle tango
toward mangle
soul ripper blues

I mean, where does this come from Eve, how can I get there, draw me a map, please?
Where does this come from, maria? My sex toy broke. Extreme grief is when you need poetry the most. By the way, forgive that intoxicating thief title. That title bites but I was too lazy to come up with something better. I should be bitch slapped for that.
Also, if anyone is reading this, I'll be out until late tomorrow, so reviews will be late unless someone gets a hankering to do them. :)
Thanks to everyone who left me feedback on my two recent ones, Hot Rod and Seething. Yes, Seething is a true story I'm afraid. The couch still trembles when I walk by as does my daughter's high chair, who was the perpetrator in that most heinous pinky toe bashing. (Thank you for the kiss, Chris, my boo-boo felt much better for it!)

Love all you guys!! :kiss: :kiss:
Orginally posted by postobitum
Thank you for the kiss, Chris, my boo-boo felt much better for it!
My pleasure ;)
hey Maria

yeah, that was a haiku. 5,7,5

it wasn't that i was rigidly stuck in that form, that's just how it needs to be written. normally i don't write poetry like that but for whatever reason it just seemed right. it flowed right out and with all the rain i was getting here and then the sun coming out to blind you... wow... i couldn't help but write about it. :)

sun glistens on the

dewdrops as his silhouette

forms in fallen tears

i had been thinking about changing "the" to a more descriptive word like sweet or fresh but i felt that would take away from the more intense image i was wanting to create.

sweet would have made it seem happier than i wanted it to and fresh would have appeared like it was a brand new event. neither of which is true.

overall i'm glad you enjoyed it and am always happy to hear feedback and opinions. please be well :)

princess rayann said:
hey Maria

yeah, that was a haiku. 5,7,5

it wasn't that i was rigidly stuck in that form, that's just how it needs to be written. normally i don't write poetry like that but for whatever reason it just seemed right. it flowed right out and with all the rain i was getting here and then the sun coming out to blind you... wow... i couldn't help but write about it. :)

sun glistens on the

dewdrops as his silhouette

forms in fallen tears

i had been thinking about changing "the" to a more descriptive word like sweet or fresh but i felt that would take away from the more intense image i was wanting to create.

sweet would have made it seem happier than i wanted it to and fresh would have appeared like it was a brand new event. neither of which is true.

overall i'm glad you enjoyed it and am always happy to hear feedback and opinions. please be well :)


hey princess rayann :)

I understand why it was written as it is, "rigidly" was not meant as insult, only that the intrepretation of the form is rigid when translated into the English language.

There is a poet/writer here, jthserra, who has written several how-to's on the Asian form poem and he is very, I mean very intelligent of these things. I thknk his first How-toHaiku even got an E. The Japanese language has a syllabic difference from English which makes it often difficult to translate the desired meaning of a haiku in an appropriate way.

Yes, i did enjoy your poem, and your decision to not include words such as "sweet" was an appropriate one. The one word I w ould have omitted is "the" in the first line, other than that, I felt it couldnt be improved upon, but hey, it's all just my opinion. Keep up the good work :)

ps, I also thought the way you set the poem was great for the title, that is what initially made me want to read it more than once :)
Thanks to reviewers

Thanks to the reviewers, not only for the mention of my poem "Our Storm ," but for all the other insightful reviews and wonderful snippets and quotes, which I otherwise might miss, not really having enough time to browse as much as I'd like.

Now that it's been pointed out, the semicolons in my effort do seem bothersome. I wanted more of a visual break than just extra white space, to establish a rhythm between words and silence, but now I'm not so sure. I'll have to play with it.

Anyway, it's great fun to "pleasure" readers, but it requires that there be readers! Thanks for providing some.
Even though I didn't like the thread title, I agree with every word after that. :D

I appreciate emails and I IM and am friends with a number of people here, but just be prepared. I recently needed to clean my email in-box and replied to messages that had been on hold since January of February. There are still a couple I haven't replied to, and a few Public Comments I would like to thank and discuss further, but they're from July/August, so it's not too bad yet. :eek:

So, as long as everyone understands that I may take a while to get back to them and that my main concern here is with writing, we're good.

;) :rose:
Re: New Poems, Tuesday

Maria2394 said:
Tuesday New Poems, and it's me, standing in for WickedEve. Hope that's okay with you poet-type people :)
Thanks honey bunny. I had to go have a glaucoma check (diabetes is too much fun) and just got back. Yes, I'm falling apart! lol But the old peepers are still healthy.
uh oh!!! where in the world did you hear something like that!!! lol, poor Chris, it happens to all of us I think. I got one just yesterday, I wont tell you what it said, but it was disgusting, and NOT from anyone on this board. I believe you might have attracted some naughty admirers form the general board, though I did once have one that scared me so badly I changed my yahoo name and blcked him every way I could think of.

As for thanking people who leave PC's. I try, I always try, but sometimes I get so busy with home and kids and errands that I put it off and then dont remember until its so late I feel rude and ignorant. I appreciate every PC I ever got, well, almost, but I think the people who leave them consistently would understand ( like you) if you leave a whole lot of them, do you always expect a thank you? I don't and would not want anyone to worry about it, or take time for me they could use for their writing or family.

Basically, its a nice place, this forum, dont let the pervs get to ya, ( unless it is one you particulary like :D) you will be fine :)
If you put yourself in invisible mode when on the boards then you won't be bothered. Right now people might be just randomly picking you out of the online list.

If you don't want to a relationship with people then don't answer them. It's pretty simple.
Re: Re: New Poems, Tuesday

WickedEve said:
Thanks honey bunny. I had to go have a glaucoma check (diabetes is too much fun) and just got back. Yes, I'm falling apart! lol But the old peepers are still healthy.


ohh,. meant to tell you, I think your possum came to my house the other nite, is it medium dog sized and white? aaaggghh. trying to get under my house, and to think, I was gonna put in a kitty door, but not now, no way!!! :D
Maria2394 said:
uh oh!!! where in the world did you hear something like that!!! lol, poor Chris, it happens to all of us I think. I got one just yesterday, I wont tell you what it said, but it was disgusting, and NOT from anyone on this board. I believe you might have attracted some naughty admirers form the general board, though I did once have one that scared me so badly I changed my yahoo name and blcked him every way I could think of.

Basically, its a nice place, this forum, dont let the pervs get to ya, ( unless it is one you particulary like :D) you will be fine :)
You're getting disgusting email? I'm not. :mad: Where are the pervs--besides me?!
Re: Opinions are like assholes

Christina O. Leigh said:
Maybe it's just me. I don't mean to sound ungrateful but I'm having some problems with people wanting to email and cyber with me. I have lost count of the times I had to put the same people on block but they make new names and come back wanting fun. You may say, 'Well, what do you expect, you're on a sex site writing smut'? Wrong! Completely wrong!!
You're getting email to cyber? I never cyber, but I want email offers!
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