To keep the review thread clean...

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Re: Re: Re: New Poems, Tuesday

Maria2394 said:

ohh,. meant to tell you, I think your possum came to my house the other nite, is it medium dog sized and white? aaaggghh. trying to get under my house, and to think, I was gonna put in a kitty door, but not now, no way!!! :D
First: Lauren when you see all this chit chat, just calm down and I'll move it later today. :D
Maria, the South is just lousy with possums. I had one cat who slept with possums. Of course, he looked like one. He was a cat, though. I'm pretty sure about that.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Opinions are like assholes

WickedEve said:
I want quality smut, monkey. Make it 6. :D

6 is all you'd get from me anyway
oh you meant minutes.......
Re: Re: Re: Re: New Poems, Tuesday

WickedEve said:
First: Lauren when you see all this chit chat, just calm down and I'll move it later today. :D
Maria, the South is just lousy with possums. I had one cat who slept with possums. Of course, he looked like one. He was a cat, though. I'm pretty sure about that.

We get them in PA too...ugly looking creatures, but fascinating at the same time. On my covered patio, I leave cat food for a stray cat (who i had spayed and vaccinated, and tried to bring inside, but she just wouldn't adapt, was very unhappy and had hissy fits whenever i got near her...Miss Ruffian) and the possum is always stealing her food. I think we need a possum poem....

Thanks for the mention in the reviews Maria...very much appreciated.
Christina O. Leigh said:
If there was a way that I could stop them from directly emailing me, I'd be happy

i believe there is an option somewhere to make your email private
and on the forums anyway you can chose not to accept email

if you have your options set for accepting anon feedback they can email you that way
you'd have to turn that off.

if you dont reply they will eventually stop
people swarm over anyone new here and especially a woman who is writing " smut" they'll get bored soon enough

you should also be able to block incoming email addresses


i just ignore the fuckers myself

Hello Christina,

If you don’t mind me asking, why not use invisible mode? What difference does it make? I would have thought if the amount and tone of the messages you were receiving were so annoying that you would be happy to do anything to correct the situation.

Your friends will still know you are around because you will answer their messages. The only people who will not know you are around are the people who you don’t want to know. And there is a way to get them to stop directly emailing you. You remove your email address from public display. Also, some people have found that not accepting anonymous feedback cuts down on messages.

When you address this issue on the poetry board you are addressing a group of people who are very careful to respect people’s boundaries. You are preaching to the converted to borrow a cliché. I would highly doubt that the people who are bothering you read the poetry board unless they have a previous relationship with you from other parts of the site and have followed you here.

I have been around Lit for years, have several erotic stories that go way past even the most explicit poem and I have never had a problem with unwanted pms or emails. Any interesting offers or requests are simply answered with no thanks and I have never had anyone persist past that.
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Christina O. Leigh said:
Eve, you've been here a while. Come on now! You aren't getting an pervys? No emails? I can't believe that. Unless people are intimidated by you. It's gotta be the name :D
I don't get much perv email. I think I do intimidate men. It's not like I hurt them that much. Most of them heal.
*Catbabe* said:
I have been around Lit for years, have several erotic stories that go way past even the most explicit poem and I have never had a problem with unwanted pms or emails. Any interesting offers or requests are simply answered with no thanks and I have never had anyone persist past that.

Well Now I have to go read your stories and then harass you
Maybe you're misunderstanding. I really don't think it's fair to me that I would have to go to invisible mode on the forums. Anyway, that's not the problem! I am getting people who read my work and assume that I am the person in the poem, and are emailing me. My email is not open to the public, and I have it set that way. But that doesn't stop them from writing. They just never see me email addy. I don't respond and that's it. But, it's just annoying because you can't stop these emails, and if you keep changing your email addy, it still would be the same! ::sigh:: [/B][/QUOTE]

then you should just add the unwanted email address to your block list
and shut off the anon feedback option
I'm just going to pout because Tath already stepped up to be the token pervert on the thread.....

I'll just have to find another thread to be foolish on.


On a serious note. Just remember that sometimes that "special" person is looking for a response. Any response. Ignoring them is what really pisses them off... Then you can just sit back and giggle at how stupid they are...

Thank you, Maria, for covering Eve's ass. You handled it with great aplomb.

Thanks, also, for citing Lion of Judah. It is about a home-building trip to a ghetto in Kingston. I appreciate the comments left by readers as well.
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Originally posted by Christina O. Leigh ...Maybe you're misunderstanding. I really don't think it's fair to me that I would have to go to invisible mode on the forums. ...[/B]
Just do what I do. Make a new username and pretend you're a guy.

Anyone who knows me knows I am really a girl. A beautiful seventeen-year-old girl with great tits.

Shit, I'm gonna go write myself some nasty email!
flyguy69 said:
Just do what I do. Make a new username and pretend you're a guy.

Anyone who knows me knows I am really a girl. A beautiful seventeen-year-old girl with great tits.

Shit, I'm gonna go write myself some nasty email!

Seventeen? Damn you, Flyguy!! Get off the site until your of age.

And Fool, now I know what you were thinking about me when you didn't answer all those pms I sent you. I'm crushed. I shall never recover. I thought you were just playing hard to get.:p ;)
Seconding flyguy's thanks to Maria for taking Eve's place.

Tristesse offers us a trio of lovely poems. 2 are form, masterfully done, yet the third, Night Beach is my favorite of the three. This poem took me away, to the one place I would rather be in this world, by the sea. Excellent use of tactile sense and visual imagery in all three Tess, just wonderful to read you, anytime.

Copacetic Persuasion,

Sometime Love

Thank you for your comments on my poems, Maria.

[quote from Eves comment] Hey, haven't I read this before? Didn't you submit it when we first did this same title challenge? I demand answers! :) [/quote]

Answer Yes - it was in that challenge - I tightened and tuned it a bit and felt it was ready for exposure once more. :) Night Beach was also previously submitted and went through tbe same treatment.

I often look at my early stuff and shudder, some I chuck out as irredeemable others deserve a second look. So that explains any vaguely or not-so-vaguely familiar poems.

Thanks to all who left comments - I appreciate it and will try to thank you all individually before long.
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Ok, this has absolutely nothing to do with poetry or writing but it is going in because my husband isn't home from work yet and I have got to tell some people, and why not all my favorite poets and porno fanatics?

I am pregnant!!!! Just found out this afternoon, this will be our second kid and I am so excited!!

Whew! Now I feel a little calmer, not really wanting to do any cartwheels anymore. Well, not a whole lot of them anyway.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D YIPEEE!
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