To keep the review thread clean...

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The_Fool said:
I'm just going to pout because Tath already stepped up to be the token pervert on the thread.....

I'll just have to find another thread to be foolish on.


On a serious note. Just remember that sometimes that "special" person is looking for a response. Any response. Ignoring them is what really pisses them off... Then you can just sit back and giggle at how stupid they are...

Shoot. Is that why you won't respond to my "special" requests?

Stop giggling. I thought you might actually like the whole oiled-pasta-trampoline-jello thing...

Back to the drawing board.

Oh, and Christina...

How did you attract the pervs? Maybe my stories just aren't perverted enough? I don't get any feedback. Not even a "thanks." Hmmm... (And yes... I have the feedback option turned on.)

Maybe I should just work on improving my prose. And poetry, for that matter.


Off to write.

Congrats, Postobitum :)

It's been a while since I held a little babe. I really miss those days! Now, I'm being talked back by teenagers. What fun!! *cough*

Yes, no more cartwheels ;)
Take it easy on yourself!
As you already check in often enough that you do not need the email notifications that you have a PM simply set up an email account to direct all Literotica email to. Then, when you have the time and inclination - say after the second martini - drop in on the feedback and see if there's anything sincere. Those you want to stay in touch with you can always PM with your primary email that you check more regularly.

Is this an additional effort? Yes. But the pervs have already demonstrated that they are not going to treat you with respect, so why do you keep asking that you not take steps to actively ignore them?

Now if you'll excuse me, appearently I have some, PM's to send Wicked and Cordilia....

Mostly maybe I'm just sad because I never get any cool perverted email. :(

But in an effort to sort of contribute to the thread topic ...

From the other side of the feedback button:
I'm (reasonably) unperverted, and I used to send a lot of feedback. Since the PC thingy came to be, many turn the email feedback off . For reasons (no doubt too disturbing to be analyzed in public) I'm not comfortable with using the public feedback. Granted my feedback was oft times not profound, but I am frustrated when i want to say "cool poem" and the person has turned off the option.
*Catbabe* said:
Seventeen? Damn you, Flyguy!! Get off the site until your of age.

And Fool, now I know what you were thinking about me when you didn't answer all those pms I sent you. I'm crushed. I shall never recover. I thought you were just playing hard to get.:p ;)

How was I supposed to know who anonymous was????

I am very irritated with you. I would have been more than happy to play "smack-your-ass" like you requested. I am sure you look pretty with a rosy ass...
Cordelia said:
Shoot. Is that why you won't respond to my "special" requests?

Stop giggling. I thought you might actually like the whole oiled-pasta-trampoline-jello thing...

Back to the drawing board.


But you wanted to do it with lemon jello. I hate lemon jello. And you REALLY had me worried with that....nevermind, I'll pm you about that accessory you described later...
WickedEve said:
You're getting disgusting email? I'm not. :mad: Where are the pervs--besides me?!

I thought you were hiding all of them! Why don't I ever get any pervs?

(checking armpits for unseemly odor)

I am with Catbabe. Just ignore.

When I had AIM I would get more random messages just because people saw me on the board. I basically used it as an opportunity to tell peopple that there was poetry at lit. Then bye!

No harm in trying. If someone wont leave you alone, block them. But people are going to try to contact you for whatever reason.

I did not know you were not interested in any social interaction, and I am here all the time. Don't assume people know what you do or dont want, just be straight with them (like you were here, but remember, the people you are talking about probably wont read this)

Christina O. Leigh said:
Hi Maria!

Nice to hear from another mother who understands. (sounds like a mom anyway) Yes, we need time for our family and our children. I edit on (not naming) two other sites and with having three kiddies, I'm beat. Yeah, my fault, I took on a lot. Maybe I should back out somewhere.

I sure agree with you about the forum. It's fabulous! And, I'm sorry to hear about the perv. I wish we could somehow stop the emails- I looked but I don't see we can. I know I can stop the forum replys but not when someone wants to email me.

Hia Catbabe!
I don't want to be invisible here on the forums, and with what I said above, and Maria saying some pervy admirers, it still wouldn't stop. If there was a way that I could stop them from directly emailing me, I'd be happy *smiles* And, no I don't answer these annoying pervys. I just let it go, but I know it's the same people emailing me with the same words, and sometimes leave their name. Maybe they'll hear me here and call me and bitch, and finally stop! :)

Eve, you've been here a while. Come on now! You aren't getting an pervys? No emails? I can't believe that. Unless people are intimidated by you. It's gotta be the name :D

Go get her, Tath!

many email programs have options where you can block addresses. Just identify them as SPAM and voila you gottem blocked
HomerPindar said:
As you already check in often enough that you do not need the email notifications that you have a PM simply set up an email account to direct all Literotica email to. Then, when you have the time and inclination - say after the second martini - drop in on the feedback and see if there's anything sincere. Those you want to stay in touch with you can always PM with your primary email that you check more regularly.

Is this an additional effort? Yes. But the pervs have already demonstrated that they are not going to treat you with respect, so why do you keep asking that you not take steps to actively ignore them?

Now if you'll excuse me, appearently I have some, PM's to send Wicked and Cordilia....


Christina, can you have your perv mail forwarded to me, Eve and Cordelia?
OT said:
Mostly maybe I'm just sad because I never get any cool perverted email. :(

But in an effort to sort of contribute to the thread topic ...

From the other side of the feedback button:
I'm (reasonably) unperverted, and I used to send a lot of feedback. Since the PC thingy came to be, many turn the email feedback off . For reasons (no doubt too disturbing to be analyzed in public) I'm not comfortable with using the public feedback. Granted my feedback was oft times not profound, but I am frustrated when i want to say "cool poem" and the person has turned off the option.

I love your feedback. It is always well appreciated. I often send private feedback, sometimes public feels like a show for some reason. Damn, I hope I have not been pissing anyone off.

Christina O. Leigh said:
Orginally posted by Annaswirls
I did not know you were not interested in any social interaction, and I am here all the time. Don't assume people know what you do or dont want, just be straight with them (like you were here, but remember, the people you are talking about probably wont read this)
Anna, just a misunderstanding. I didn't want to get too close to anyone by private chat elsewhere due to getting hurt before on the net. And, other reasons. Regarding the forums, I think they're great *smiles* Going back and forth here has been wonderful!

And yes, I block people. But you know how easy it is for someone to make a new name and email back a second time. And grr, some of these comments in my box *shivers* Maria got one too, she didn't want to name. I don't know- maybe I should just expect it :sigh:

Hmmm....I should post some goodies for you all ;)

should have read through the thread before asking so many questions

did someone mention jello?
The_Fool said:
But you wanted to do it with lemon jello. I hate lemon jello. And you REALLY had me worried with that....nevermind, I'll pm you about that accessory you described later...

*whine* But hon... you look so good in yellow. How about orange? Cherry jello stains my ummm..... accessories.

annaswirls said:
Christina, can you have your perv mail forwarded to me, Eve and Cordelia?

Yes! Though Homer is doing a good job at keeping this old gal's heart thumpin'

Christina O. Leigh said:
If I give out their names, they could really mess with my poems. That I wouldn't like. I think this is what gets them all wild. But, like I said, it's not REALLY REALLY hot and horny stuffins. I'm more of a jokster in my poetry. *grins*

Anna, you also said that I should make it clear in my profile. At one time I did and I got a real nasty email saying I was a tease and a prude and some other words that weren't necessary. It says in my profile that I'm attached....wanting friends. I can't go out and party, I've got kids. It says that. More or less...HERE, FORUM!

Let me go find some emails....not their names. I am not sure if I trashed them, but I'm going to see. I saved some of my feedback that was real sweet :rose:

its okay Christina, you dont have to do that, I know what naughty emails look like. I write some myself. I will just know not to send them to you :)

oh and no matter what you do people are gonna mess with your poems. it is a given
annaswirls said:
should have read through the thread before asking so many questions

did someone mention jello?


Do you like lemon?
flyguy69 said:
Just do what I do. Make a new username and pretend you're a guy.

Anyone who knows me knows I am really a girl. A beautiful seventeen-year-old girl with great tits.

Shit, I'm gonna go write myself some nasty email!

okay flyguy, now I see that av and thin, he's a girl? OMG, I guess I do have a lesbian side and didnt know it cuz youre totally hot :D
I don't know what all the problem is. Just cyber them. I cyber each and every one who asks, both here and in chat. I never miss one. I do them all- young, old, fat, skinny, smart, dumb, literate and moronic. See- I take PayPal. And I need the cash. And you can tell from my writing I'm sexually supercharged. All that erotic stuff I write- it's all from experiences here. These guys here are GREAT!! I learn so much! I'm so thankful! So grateful! (so pathetic...)

*fallin over laughin

Ask Cordy how I deal w/ unwanted offers- or Angeline if she's still around. If there is one true thing it's that I do love getting the offers- it keeps my tongue sharp!

Just ignore the poor slobs- cuz that's all they are- fat, greasy slobs sitting at their desks with their minimal tool sticking up desperate for a cheap thrill... or at home in their stiff, wrinkled boxers surrounded by junk food wrappers desperately lookin over their shoulders for their wife or kids and pecking away thinking the're the best thing thats happened in YOUR life.

Just delete 'em and move on.

By the way- I NEVER expect anyone to thank me for a comment I leave. I am surprised when I get one, too. It's not necessary at all.

Except for jd4george cuz he says Thank You so nice! lol

Hey, jd... wanna cyber?? :nana:
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