To keep the review thread clean...

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Chris? Don't answer 'em... I'm serious. How can you reason with a moron? You can't. You COULD, however, do this...

Write him and say "Yes! I'd love to cyber with you! But first I have to tell you something...
(insert riot act here, but drop juicy bits in some places.)
When you're done reading the riot act say.. "You jerk- do you really think I would waste my time and energy on you? Thank god for AutoMailers!!"

I mean... you could do this if you had time... or the inclination... you know.

Go away, Boo!

Get over it. Really. You write sexually charged poetry. Even if it is not autibiographical, you write sexually charged poetry. You write poetry about cyberlovers. You are posting it at a site called Literotica. I think that these are all wonderful things, but comes with territory.

And the "perverts" are not any more perverted than the rest of us. People are sexual beasts. We are. They are human beings. Who do what everyone does, tries to make sense of the world around us.

If I read a poem about God and Christ and resurrection, I might ask that person a religios question. I might assume they are a Christian and relate my own experiences. Should they be offended? Maybe they are an athiest writing from a Christian perspective. Who knows. We take information we are given and we try to figure things out the best we can.

I am sorry that you are offended by the sexually charged responses to your sexually charged poems. I think that the people who respond to your poetry in a sexual manner have the same creative freedom that you do. I do not find their comments to be any more graphic than the poems posted here. They do not have the right to harass you after you have told them personally that you are not interested, but leaving comments on your poetry, that you invite by leaving your PC's on, is not a crime.

And seeing people get in a huff is hilarious for some people. You are going to invite more by getting so upset about it.

okay I am leaving now.

I have some porn to write. I am an artist. (said tongue in cheek of course)
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Maria2394 said:
You never know what can come from a long walk... Cages was one of the poems that did. Thank you, Maria for the mention in your review and also much thanks to those that commented in PC.

- neo
BooMerengue said:
Chris? Don't answer 'em... I'm serious. How can you reason with a moron? You can't. You COULD, however, do this...

Write him and say "Yes! I'd love to cyber with you! But first I have to tell you something...
(insert riot act here, but drop juicy bits in some places.)
When you're done reading the riot act say.. "You jerk- do you really think I would waste my time and energy on you? Thank god for AutoMailers!!"

I mean... you could do this if you had time... or the inclination... you know.

Go away, Boo!

the guy just tried to compliment her and asked her age. he might be a genius.

I lied.
I do get mail. PM's and the like. I am sure Eve and Cordelia do too. Point is, it is not a big deal.

Sometimes from men just trying to be friendly. Some tell me things they would like to do to parts of my body. Sometimes from women trying to be friendly. I never hate them for trying. What is the point in that. There are a lot of good people out there. To assume people are morons and perverts is not going to change anything. Most are harmless, good people with alot to learn and a lot to teach, just like me.

The one who sent me the detailed plan on how he planned on killing my husband so he could have me, well that was a big deal. The one who got demanding and angry with me for not meeting him at a rest stop on I95, well that one I took seriously. Most people are just trying to have fun. If you don't want to play hit DELETE and move on with your life.

Prioritize and write.
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Christina O. Leigh said:
Anna, "miss artist".

Go write! Isn't that what you said you were going to do? I'm entitled to my opinion.

The other site is the same. Writing erotica and about anything under the sun. It has forums and it's more of a professional site. The people here need to read profiles. It says that I have children and I'm attached. Who the fuck has time for this nonsense? If you're a parent, have time to cyber, write poetry and stories then more power to ya! I just wonder how thin your kids are!

Am I being sarcastic? Yes fuckin mam'!

Now, off to delete my work and stick to the other site that at least has some class and maturity.

*last post*

Sorry you feel that way. You are right everyone is entitled to their opinion. That was my point.

My "I am an artist" comment was a joke, as was going off to write porn.

I have tried other sites, and still do they all have different flavors for different moods, different priorities. If you really feel like you have to leave, I am sorry, this is a good place, with many talented people, but I guess it can be too much for anyone. Many people leave and come back, if you really leave remember there is always room here for anyone who wants to write, read, or otherwise.

Good luck!

Christina O. Leigh said:

Now, off to delete my work and stick to the other site that at least has some class and maturity.

*last post*

the example you posted to me didn't seem all that offensive
You mentioned you had issues and I think that's become apparent.

if you write " porn" and have " AV's that can be considered at all provocative you are going to get hit on.

maybe you should write something besides what you consider " erotica"
personally I didn't find your stuff all that enticing, i still think you were just the " new face" on the block and all the hard ons wanted to see what you were about.

you have the choice not to read or respond to anyone whose address you don't recognize

but if that's too much of a hassle then yeah..this site may be too much for you.

Good luck in whatever you decide to do

by the that an AV of cats on your breasts??

doesn't exactly scream " back off i'm attached and happy" to me

just saying
Christina O. Leigh said:
Now, off to delete my work and stick to the other site that at least has some class and maturity.

*last post*
If we start getting classy and mature around here, then I'm fucking leaving. :D
Tathagata said:
potty mouth
Sometimes, you just gotta flush those words out. :rolleyes:
By the way, I had two poets answer my plea for perv mail. I got "pantpantpantpant" from one sweet poet. And a new poet mentioned my need for perv email and then he asked me to check out his poetry. Frankly, the pervs around here are lame. You need to teach perv 101, monkey.
WickedEve said:
Sometimes, you just gotta flush those words out. :rolleyes:
By the way, I had two poets answer my plea for perv mail. I got "pantpantpantpant" from one sweet poet. And a new poet mentioned my need for perv email and then he asked me to check out his poetry. Frankly, the pervs around here are lame. You need to teach perv 101, monkey.

and risk being offensive??


i'll just perv on you, and anna, and ange, and catbabe, and tara and........

perhaps you are right
My Katy bear just walked up and saw your av. She wants to know if you're a good monkey or a bad monkey. What do you think I told her? lol
WickedEve said:
My Katy bear just walked up and saw your av. She wants to know if you're a good monkey or a bad monkey. What do you think I told her? lol

I think you told her

" he's not bad enough damnit because I scare primates"

Tathagata said:
I think you told her

" he's not bad enough damnit because I scare primates"

She likes the hat. I told her you are a jolly monkey.
Though, now she thinks I'm online with monkey friends.
WickedEve said:
She likes the hat. I told her you are a jolly monkey.
Though, now she thinks I'm online with monkey friends.

that's really not far from the truth.......

jolly monkey??

that's be a great name for a band...or a drink
Tathagata said:
and risk being offensive??


i'll just perv on you, and anna, and ange, and catbabe, and tara and........

perhaps you are right

*shoulders slumped

*walking away


Mumbling... what am I? Chopped Liver?

BTW... Eve?? When he does you IN the washer, may I lean on it??? Please??
I wasn't going to comment, but realized that's unfair. So, just some simple, random comments...

I've been stalked, hassled and called an asshole in the cyber world. Then again, I've been stalked, hassled and called an asshole in the real world.

In both cases, it's directly proportionate to my own actions, or how widely I've opened my mouth.

A few things I'm pretty sure of: Don't want people gawking, then cover up. Don't want to be hit on, then act accordingly. Don't want undue attention, then don't act out. Don't want harsh criticism or feedback, then don't be critical.

Simply... we reap what we sow.

I'm an old dog, and choose to believe two simple things. When in doubt, kindness works. And, never underestimate the power of the word "No".

Christina... I hope tomorrow seems a little brighter.
BooMerengue said:
*shoulders slumped

*walking away


Mumbling... what am I? Chopped Liver?

BTW... Eve?? When he does you IN the washer, may I lean on it??? Please??

well i cant PERV on you without you email address.....

if you're chopped liver I get to spread you on a ritz and eat you right?
; )
Tathagata said:
that's really not far from the truth.......

jolly monkey??

that's be a great name for a band...or a drink
I went to see jolly monkey in concert. It was like totally sold out. But let me tell you, it wasn't worth a bunch of bananas. The drummer spent all his time picking at the bass player's hair, and the guy that was suppose to be singing kept flinging something into the audience and screaming like a... well, like a monkey. Take my advice. Just buy the album.
BooMerengue said:
By the way- I NEVER expect anyone to thank me for a comment I leave. I am surprised when I get one, too. It's not necessary at all.

Except for jd4george cuz he says Thank You so nice! lol

Hey, jd... wanna cyber?? :nana:

Ummm... well... ummm... ahhh... let me check my payPal balance first, okay?
BooMerengue said:
*shoulders slumped

*walking away


Mumbling... what am I? Chopped Liver?

BTW... Eve?? When he does you IN the washer, may I lean on it??? Please??
That's right, go for the cheap thrill, chopped liver. ;)
jd4george said:
Ummm... well... ummm... ahhh... let me check my payPal balance first, okay?
Ohhh, I take paypal! First, do you have health insurance, and do you have someone who can stay with you and care for you afterwards?
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