To keep the review thread clean...

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WickedEve said:
Ohhh, I take paypal! First, do you have health insurance, and do you have someone who can stay with you and care for you afterwards?

Gotta warn you, Eve...

Though I have great insurance, I haven't used it in years. For an older dude, I'm in great shape with an enviously strong heart.

As for aftercare, I don't think it'll be needed... I'm wise enough to pace myself!

Should I tire, I am willing to put my mouth where my...

Finally, the details... I'm sure whatever is offered is "satisfaction guaranteed"! (If it is, I'll be a great customer!) I also prefer to look at this as an "all you can eat buffet"!

If I understand the terms correctly, kindly let me know where to forward my PayPal payment! (I just checked my balance, and I'm fat!). :devil:
postobitum said:
...I am pregnant!!!! Just found out this afternoon, this will be our second kid and I am so excited!!...
Now that is gonna be a great story to tell this child; "when Mommy found she was pregnant, guess who she told first?"

I'm going shopping for a shower gift!

BTW Neo: your buns are shaking like a bowl full of jelly.
jd4george said:
Gotta warn you, Eve...

Though I have great insurance, I haven't used it in years. For an older dude, I'm in great shape with an enviously strong heart.

As for aftercare, I don't think it'll be needed... I'm wise enough to pace myself!

Should I tire, I am willing to put my mouth where my...

Finally, the details... I'm sure whatever is offered is "satisfaction guaranteed"! (If it is, I'll be a great customer!) I also prefer to look at this as an "all you can eat buffet"!

If I understand the terms correctly, kindly let me know where to forward my PayPal payment! (I just checked my balance, and I'm fat!). :devil:
It doesn't matter how old or young you are, you'll at least need an IV or... a glass of juice and a cookie.
By the way, I adore older men. My main man is 20 years older than I am, and he's such a hunky stud. Yes, I said hunky stud. lol
Congrats Postobitum!:rose: What exciting news.

Neo's shaking Santa buns could inspire Mommys across the land to do more tha kiss Santa under the mistletoe...that is if the ogling Flyguy doesn't get him first.;)
Tathagata said:
the example you posted to me didn't seem all that offensive
You mentioned you had issues and I think that's become apparent.

if you write " porn" and have " AV's that can be considered at all provocative you are going to get hit on.

maybe you should write something besides what you consider " erotica"
personally I didn't find your stuff all that enticing, i still think you were just the " new face" on the block and all the hard ons wanted to see what you were about.

you have the choice not to read or respond to anyone whose address you don't recognize

but if that's too much of a hassle then yeah..this site may be too much for you.

Good luck in whatever you decide to do

by the that an AV of cats on your breasts??

doesn't exactly scream " back off i'm attached and happy" to me

just saying

OMG!!! that is a cat, looks JUST like MY cat when he was little, now he is like, huge...

and the LACK of maturity is what keeps me coming back to this place, I love anything that can make me laugh so hard it hurts

oh, and I used to get strange email all the time, then I deleted all my stories and most of my smut poems, I left one because I made a promise, and I guess it is that one that still entices the occasional perv note.

Anna, I had no idea you had a bad stalker, I had one too, then I gave him all my pert info and dared him and never heard from the chicken shit again :D
Thanks guys, I just can't wait. I'm probably crazy for wanting another kid but they're so much fun. When they get to be teenagers I'll just send them over to Chris', she has experience! lol

(And as for your little comment Fly, you're awful! Obviously I appreciate everyone I've met on this site or else I wouldn't have said a word to any of yous.) :D
WickedEve said:
She likes the hat. I told her you are a jolly monkey.
Though, now she thinks I'm online with monkey friends.

Well she's right, isn't she?

And I've never thought of Tath as jolly--of all the adjectives that come to mind, that was never one.

Tath, could you send me that smiling pic again? I need to consider it for jolliness.

(ooop, I forgot. I don't exist.)
Angeline said:
Well she's right, isn't she?

And I've never thought of Tath as jolly--of all the adjectives that come to mind, that was never one.

Tath, could you send me that smiling pic again? I need to consider it for jolliness.

(ooop, I forgot. I don't exist.)

I'll send you a pic of something jolly..............

you don't exsist
WickedEve said:
Sometimes, you just gotta flush those words out. :rolleyes:
By the way, I had two poets answer my plea for perv mail. I got "pantpantpantpant" from one sweet poet. And a new poet mentioned my need for perv email and then he asked me to check out his poetry. Frankly, the pervs around here are lame. You need to teach perv 101, monkey.


It is not fair fair fair

pout pout pout

annaswirls said:

It is not fair fair fair

pout pout pout


Ask Lauren if she still has the poem from the guy who said he'd make her levitate around the room. Heeheehee.
Maria2394 said:
OMG!!! that is a cat, looks JUST like MY cat when he was little, now he is like, huge...

and the LACK of maturity is what keeps me coming back to this place, I love anything that can make me laugh so hard it hurts

oh, and I used to get strange email all the time, then I deleted all my stories and most of my smut poems, I left one because I made a promise, and I guess it is that one that still entices the occasional perv note.

Anna, I had no idea you had a bad stalker, I had one too, then I gave him all my pert info and dared him and never heard from the chicken shit again :D

I dont like to talk about it really, last winter, came through here and trashed all my stuff, the poor thing...

a bad and sad stalker, really a nice person- except all the killing and stuff

the last picture I have of me naked with a cat I was 5 it was after a bath. I dont think that kind of av is allowed


I think I must just have a high standard for perv. I don't even know what qualifies one as a perv. They say it takes one to know one, but maybe this is an exception.

well it is time to go cyber (what the fuck is that anyway?) and neglect my skinny children
Angeline said:
Ask Lauren if she still has the poem from the guy who said he'd make her levitate around the room. Heeheehee.


I thought I was the only one with such powers. Please, get me the email, we would make quite a team!
ohh, maybe I misunderstood the meaning of pev as used in t his thread.

the last "perv" letter I got said...

I want to F*** your face
and your A*ss
I know you want it
luv you
luv you
luv you

now that is a perv, a sick person..that is only the second one like that i have gotten in the 2+ years I have been on here, even with my stories posted..

i dont worry about it much, I think it is probably someone that just wanted to scare me---didint work ;)
Angeline said:
Ask Lauren if she still has the poem from the guy who said he'd make her levitate around the room. Heeheehee.
She was offered levitation!!!??? Godddd, I want to levitate.
annaswirls said:
well it is time to go cyber (what the fuck is that anyway?) and neglect my skinny children
Spare me from having to read the entire thread. What's this about skinny kids?
Maria2394 said:
ohh, maybe I misunderstood the meaning of pev as used in t his thread.

the last "perv" letter I got said...

I want to F*** your face
and your A*ss
I know you want it
luv you
luv you
luv you

now that is a perv, a sick person..that is only the second one like that i have gotten in the 2+ years I have been on here, even with my stories posted..

i dont worry about it much, I think it is probably someone that just wanted to scare me---didint work ;)
I may have sent you that email by mistake. So, that means the guy I was stalking only got a compliment on his poetry from me. :eek:
Maria2394 said:
ohh, maybe I misunderstood the meaning of pev as used in t his thread.

the last "perv" letter I got said...

I want to F*** your face
and your A*ss
I know you want it
luv you
luv you
luv you

now that is a perv, a sick person..that is only the second one like that i have gotten in the 2+ years I have been on here, even with my stories posted..

i dont worry about it much, I think it is probably someone that just wanted to scare me---didint work ;)

well at least it was nice of him to use the cute little astericks instead of the whole nasty potty mouth word and the cute way of spelling luv

kidding of course, Maria. ick ick delete


your stories are pretty damn hot, I think I might have sent you a drooling fan letter once or twice
Maria2394 said:

I want to F*** your face
and your A*ss

You know you are dealing with a brilliant person when they can't spell ass properly.:D

Errr, I mean a**.:p
Cerriwiden said:
I'm still wondering what F*** is supposed to be.

I would love to help you but since my mind only dwells in the most elevated places...I have no idea.;) :devil:
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