To keep the review thread clean...

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*Catbabe* said:
Well, now we all see where your mind is dwelling, dont we?:D

What? The sky's not elevated? Anyway, I never claimed my mind dwells in high places. Not unless I smoke uhm. Oh forget it.

Cerriwiden said:
What? The sky's not elevated? Anyway, I never claimed my mind dwells in high places. Not unless I smoke uhm. Oh forget it.


I don't think your mind was in the sky...more like a restroom in the sky.:p :D
*Catbabe* said:
I don't think your mind was in the sky...more like a restroom in the sky.:p :D

Only in my imagination. The reality is I'd either get nauseus or be afraid I'd get stuck. On something. Somehow.
Damn!! I made a post almost 2 pages ago w/ my email addy about 2 inches high in red! I was sure I'd have a mailbox full! Then the phone rang, knocked me off- I thought it took. It didn't. I guess if I did it now it'd be anticlimactic. hmmm...

besides- how'd the conv go from Eve's washing machine to fucking Maria's A*ss?? (wtf izzat anyway? Arss? Asss? Better run, Maria!)
Cerriwiden said:
Only in my imagination. The reality is I'd either get nauseus or be afraid I'd get stuck. On something. Somehow.

I am so not even gonna touch the "getting stuck" part of that sentence.:D
*Catbabe* said:
*resists the urge to tell the monkey to kiss my a*ss since I dont know exactly what that is*

resists the urge to say " what...again??"
Cerriwiden said:
There are many ways to interpret it. That's all I'm sayin bout that.

I always knew you were a wise woman. ;)

Tathagata said:
resists the urge to say " what...again??"

Yes! I know monkey, I never know what any of these words mean, happens all the time.:p
*Catbabe* said:
I always knew you were a wise woman. ;)

Yes! I know monkey, I never know what any of these words mean, happens all the time.:p

I meant you want me to Kiss it again........
postobitum said:
Thanks guys, I just can't wait. I'm probably crazy for wanting another kid but they're so much fun. When they get to be teenagers I'll just send them over to Chris', she has experience! lol

(And as for your little comment Fly, you're awful! Obviously I appreciate everyone I've met on this site or else I wouldn't have said a word to any of yous.) :D
I just want an invitation to the shower. :D
annaswirls said:
well at least it was nice of him to use the cute little astericks instead of the whole nasty potty mouth word and the cute way of spelling luv

kidding of course, Maria. ick ick delete


your stories are pretty damn hot, I think I might have sent you a drooling fan letter once or twice

oh no no, I put the assterisks in, I was trying to be mature and classy :D but they really did spell luv that way....

yeah, you did send me a couple of drooling fan letters, you might have just inspired me to edit and repost a couple of those stories, just to see what kind of emails I have been missing lately:eek:
Maria2394 said:
oh no no, I put the assterisks in, I was trying to be mature and classy :D but they really did spell luv that way....

yeah, you did send me a couple of drooling fan letters, you might have just inspired me to edit and repost a couple of those stories, just to see what kind of emails I have been missing lately:eek:

I luv you. But I don't want to F*** you. Whatever that is.
Now, I'm getting perv mail, but it's secondhand perv mail. Yes, a sweet lady poet is sharing her perv email with me since I can't get any of my own. :D
Special delivery

So I hear you have one in the mail...congrats postie....wonderful news.....I wish you and all yours much joy and health...

WickedEve said:
Now, I'm getting perv mail, but it's secondhand perv mail. Yes, a sweet lady poet is sharing her perv email with me since I can't get any of my own. :D

oh rats, I just deleted a nice one sent from the hershey highway, I didnt know we were sharing :)

come on boys, don't you get any slut-perv-whore mail?

it is only fair afterall
equal rights
lol, tung - I wish the mail weren't so slow!

Chris! I wanted to vote on your Facts poem, I loved it! Dammit, I really had a good comment on that one too. Now you aren't gonna get it. So there. :p
annaswirls said:
oh rats, I just deleted a nice one sent from the hershey highway, I didnt know we were sharing :)

come on boys, don't you get any slut-perv-whore mail?

it is only fair afterall
equal rights
We need to have a perv email swap meet. Of course, I have nothing to swap!
Hey, if the guys don't have any obscene email, then I'm willing to help. Yes, I'm that sweet. :catgrin:
WickedEve said:
We need to have a perv email swap meet. Of course, I have nothing to swap!
Hey, if the guys don't have any obscene email, then I'm willing to help. Yes, I'm that sweet. :catgrin:

Don't people usually do cookie swaps this time of year? I guess your suggestion is the Lit version of that. :)
Cerriwiden said:
Don't people usually do cookie swaps this time of year? I guess your suggestion is the Lit version of that. :)
mmm, porn with raisins.
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