To keep the review thread clean...

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Tathagata said:

It 's that kind of behavior that keeps me from send you pervy emails
You simply don't send pervy emails because you're a kitten of a monkey--fluffy orb of fur, who innocently thinks all his danglies are balls of yarn to play with. Now, go chase a dust doberman. :catroar:
WickedEve said:
You simply don't send pervy emails because you're a kitten of a monkey--fluffy orb of fur, who innocently thinks all his danglies are balls of yarn to play with. Now, go chase a dust doberman. :catroar:

lemme guess...........your other toy broke too??
Tathagata said:
about 2 1/2 pages

eve's being mean

I almost never get perverted email. Of course, it has to be pretty wierd for me to consider it perverted.....:D
The_Fool said:
I almost never get perverted email. Of course, it has to be pretty wierd for me to consider it perverted.....:D
Well, I'm just going to have to try harder the next time I send you a PM. ;)
WickedEve said:
Well, I'm just going to have to try harder the next time I send you a PM. ;)

Yeah, but then I will reply in kind and you will share and then the whole world will know what a pervert I am....Wait.....they already know that.....Okay, never mind....
The_Fool said:
Yeah, but then I will reply in kind and you will share and then the whole world will know what a pervert I am....Wait.....they already know that.....Okay, never mind....
I don't think either of us are hiding that fact about ourselves. lol

Write that perv-mail as a poem. Hey, this is Literotica, so lets push that envelope (yeah baby, push it hard!) <- yes, that is the idea here.

THEN, for real shits and giggles (and with The Poets permission) we'll set up a ghost account to submit them that's created by The Poets of course (come up with a good name there ladies!) and they can post to us all the really over the top perv mail (names withheld if you must)for the rest of us to laugh at.

Of course, if it's done right only the thickest of morons will miss the joke in seeing all the cliche perv crap in one load (hey, not a bad pun there if I do say so myself! :D)

What'cha say folks, wanna fire back at the pervs with some over the top perv poems (or responses to such if you'd rather) of our own?

Oh, and of course, this shall ensure that everyone gets their fair share of perversion - be that good or bad.

Me either, Tris... do you think it's cuz we're maybe so perverted we don't realize we're not supposed to like it?

Did you know Homer is skinny?

HomerPindar said:

Write that perv-mail as a poem. Hey, this is Literotica, so lets push that envelope (yeah baby, push it hard!) <- yes, that is the idea here.

THEN, for real shits and giggles (and with The Poets permission) we'll set up a ghost account to submit them that's created by The Poets of course (come up with a good name there ladies!) and they can post to us all the really over the top perv mail (names withheld if you must)for the rest of us to laugh at.

Of course, if it's done right only the thickest of morons will miss the joke in seeing all the cliche perv crap in one load (hey, not a bad pun there if I do say so myself! :D)

What'cha say folks, wanna fire back at the pervs with some over the top perv poems (or responses to such if you'd rather) of our own?

Oh, and of course, this shall ensure that everyone gets their fair share of perversion - be that good or bad.


oh Homer Baby, thats such a wundy idea, makes me all wet in my panties.....opps, I dont wear panties, boy am I screwed..but I will hop right in bed with that challenge idea :D lemme know when and where :rose:
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