To keep the review thread clean...

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Tess, as best I could ascertain, she got upset cause this place isnt all mature and classy, and she dint want any friends and some people were being nice to her and thanking her for posts and pC's. I hated to see her go, she was opening up, I thought, and writing better, without so much rhyme, she said she was deleting her poems too, but I havent checked yet...

yes, I read the whole darned thread before stuff was deleted, I know, I need a life :D
oh yeah, and there was something about pervy email that upset her.... go figure
Maria2394 said:
Tess, as best I could ascertain, she got upset cause this place isnt all mature and classy, and she dint want any friends and some people were being nice to her and thanking her for posts and pC's. I hated to see her go, she was opening up, I thought, and writing better, without so much rhyme, she said she was deleting her poems too, but I havent checked yet...

yes, I read the whole darned thread before stuff was deleted, I know, I need a life :D

Wasn't she the one married to a preacher? Feeling all stifled 'n stuff? Where'd she go that'll be more mature and classy than the PDF???


Oh well ~ good luck to you Christina ~ where ever you are.

Lauren Hynde said:
Can't we just let this thread die, then. I think it doesn't belong in the forum's first page... :(

Just erase it Lauren. Nobody will care. :rose:
Hey Sweet Tara!! I miss you, sending you hugs..

Okay Lauren, I will just wish Christina well also, good luck Chris, we will be here if you ever need us, bye 4 now :)


tarablackwood22 said:
As the world turns.

This place is a riot. :D


I knew if we ever had a pervy email thread.......
Tara would show up
:heart: :p :kiss:

I miss you
glad to see ...........
if i refer to your AV and say the top of your head...that might be taken the wrong way
so I'll say....glad to see all of you here
Well, I didn't have my glasses on when I first read this and I thought the name of the thread was "Onions Are Like Assholes"!

Could we change it to that?

They are, you know.
Still life with MOPE

WOW, an know, WOW spelled upsidedown is MOM, and mom has 2 M's in it...and everybody loves mom so thank you very much, Liar, as well as for your time and for "still life" I suppose it was an attempt to pay tribute to Tom Robbins. Besides the play on the title of one of his books, in another book, near the beginning of Skinny Legs and All, he zeroes in on the mockingbird's particular artistry...and I was tryyyyying to use that as a metaphor for his own masterful prose. Thanks again for the M!
BooMerengue said:
Well, I didn't have my glasses on when I first read this and I thought the name of the thread was "Onions Are Like Assholes"!

Could we change it to that?

They are, you know.

now THAT is a same title challenge if I ever heard one

Re: New poems Dec 02

Liar said:
Holy ravioli. This Thursday was an overload of good poetry. A lot of my favourite poets posted quality pieces, and a few less regular or new names, at least new to me, proved to be pleasant surprises.

Forgive me for being brief, there are quite a few of them.


The first picks of the day are from poets that I already knew could deliver the funk. Those four gets my hereby official Mark Of Poet's Envy (the [color=BB0000]M[/color]OPE) for being just that fricking good.

Amante XI by Eleanora Day (yep, another [color=BB0000]M[/color])
The eleventh poem in the Amante series of classical and/or classic-esque poetry is just as fucking good as the other ten. Go read it.


Now, be good poets and go write sum. Either cool and insifghtful feedback, or poetry of your own.


An M from you is better than an E. Muchas gracias, mi Liar.

Thank you Liar, for the mention and the M!!! you are very generous and very kind :rose:

also, thanks to all who sent FB, left Pc's and voted, or just read and wondered... :heart:
Tathagata said:
such a cruel Mistress........

ah so you want the wanting more than the having

poets are so damn fun


you want the banana back?
haven't you learned this about me, I like to be asked.
or ordered. either way.

A heart felt thank you to those who have taken note of my poem, Stall.

Homer"a whore for praise"Pindar
Tathagata said:

body double - Seattlerain

as with all of Seattle's work..there is an underlying tension that. to me, is almost always sexual.
thus this line:
~bring on the body double
things are about to get dangerous. ~
Isn't so much a a dare.
give it a look


ooh Big T, I love how you read me, always right on target. And with comments doubled in meaning and subliminal like

"Underlying tension"

how is a girl not supposed to have some sort of sexual undertones?

:kiss: :kiss:
one from me, one from the body double

lying under sexual tension
review of disturbed by ME :)

Thanks honey,
You understood me perfectly. Oddly enough, when this poem was jotted down, i figured it sucked. I even questioned myself in submiting it. Then again, if I conveyed enough to let you understand what was inside me at that moment, then maybe I did something right after all. I just figured if it touched someone out there , and made them feel that another soul understands, it would have been worth something. I appreciate your sensitivity also, it takes a person to read between the random words, in order for a poem to be appreciated.
Hugs to all
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