To keep the review thread clean...

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Re: New Poems, 12/06

Maria2394 said:
To be Eleanora, oh, to be Eleanora, that I would graze the hearts of men, and worth myself of their gaze. This is fabulous, though it might make me kinda jealous of Eleanora, what makes her so great, huh? I wanna know!!! ( just kidding, I know what makes her great, read this and see how Tath, zen poetry master sees her, or should that be seize? Read and weep your own tears of why doesnt anyone love me like this?
It is a lovely poem. I just read it. One thing, you forgot the link. ;)
Wicked Eve dispenses with the tact on how to write, and she just shows us with Bone Poetry. This poem cuts away all the fat and shows us the pain of what we, as poets, actually do when we share a part of ourselves. Excellent :)
I will steal a comment left on Eve's next poem."poems don't come any better than this." ( thank you sack, for your words of wisdom) Mature Love Excellent, just excellent. better than 5.
Thanks Maria. :)
Re: Re: New Poems, 12/06

WickedEve said:
It is a lovely poem. I just read it. One thing, you forgot the link. ;)

Eve, thanks for posting the link, sorry Tath, I dont know where my head was...when hubby sleeps I will fix the post :rose;
Thanks TT2U for the mention of my poem. and to all who commented, I appreciate it.
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Re: Sunday Reviews 12/5 (delayed)

tungtied2u said:


I hate it, boy howdy, does he....and twelveoone lets us know in no uncertain terms...a fun, fast read.

So says some Dylan boy in Dante’s Bar&Grill
The smell of spirits, stupor, dried souls and wurst
With the scent of his swill

and a touching tribute, too, lets not forget that TTU2 - thanks, bro
I am

Overwhelmed by the comments on "beyond naked" I never can tell if people will like a poem especially one I am too close to to judge objectively at all.

Thank you for letting my risk it and being so nice when I am all naked and all.

Eve, you are too kind, and too good to us all for doing such an incredible job reviewing. Do you do this by second nature by now? It would take me all day to pull together the reviews you do.

Thank you, and thank you for mentioning my two anna poems today :)

Thanks, I think...

I think you mentioned Mall Land in your review, Eve. If you did, thanks. I tried to read them, but I could... not... tear... my.... eyes... away from that bewitching avatar!
Thanks Eve for the mention, and yeah I know, that stinking haiku does need some work. My daughter's birthday is the 29 also, only she's turning two.... happy birthday! :D :rose:
Thanks to Eve for the review and thanks for the comments on Frost and Poseur. Looking back, I may have been better off using some punctuation, but then again, maybe not. I just have to rant foolishly on occasion...
Re: Wednesday, 12/8 New Poems

neonurotic said:
Hello Poets

The first to grab by my attention is wildsweetone's and I have to say there is nothing like A Kiss that is delivered with a bit a steam to get another's attention in a hurry...

it's called foreplay for a reason. :devil:

~ ~ ~

Thank you for the mention neo :)
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Neonurotic, thanks for the mention of seeded vs.unseeded, and also thanks to those who commented and sent FB :rose:
Neo, thanks for the nod on Box of Love. And thank you to those who read and commented. It's greatly appreciated.

WickedEve said:
What a coincidence. Me too. Plus a few extra years. ;)

You know it took me forEVER to see what was in your avatar? Pretty wicked, heheheh! :p
lost and found dept.

, by Daisy May,

Hey Neo, thanks for the mention... but was something left out? Like, the title and link to Daisy May's poem?

It's been great hearing from a lot of you.

On another note, I must be a little bit dyslexic... I keep seeing the ad for "Fight World Poverty" and I keep mis-reading it as "Fight World Poetry".... it only takes a millisecond to screw up a wet dream. It's been really great finding writers and readers and writing here. New Yorker be damned, Literotica is where it's at.
On her writing spree in The Passion's thread, WickedEve has penned many beauties such as these: Unburden, Lover and of parades paroxysm and pensiveness - I especially liked the backbeat in the latter of her two poems posted today.

Thanks neo. :)
WickedEve said:
On her writing spree in The Passion's thread, WickedEve has penned many beauties such as these: Unburden, Lover and of parades paroxysm and pensiveness - I especially liked the backbeat in the latter of her two poems posted today.

Thanks neo. :)

Nice Christmas decorations in the av. Will they be on the tree?

Cerriwiden said:
Nice Christmas decorations in the av. Will they be on the tree?

I'm such an unobservant goof ball! I just realized that I'm in red and green. And I'm unwrapped! lol
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