To keep the review thread clean...

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This is getting really annoying. My poem, Talk to the Heat, had sat at 9 votes with a score of 5.00 for weeks. I wanted another vote so I could get the red H so I put a link in my signature line. Sure enough I got another 5. 10 votes, a score of 5.00. The next day somebody gave me a 2. The powers that be must have decided I had been slimed and removed that vote. I get back to 5. A few hours later, 11 votes again and I'm at 4.73. I try not to let this shit get to me, but I'm getting steamed. Is someone out to get me? Are they going to the vote list and knocking off the top vote getters?
Yeah, I know I should be above this nonsense, but damn. I'd hate to think that I have to avoid saying controvertial things on the political threads to avoid having my work attacked.

Aw, crap. I guess I just want somebody to pat my hand and tell me it's ok.

The Mutt said:
This is getting really annoying. My poem, Talk to the Heat, had sat at 9 votes with a score of 5.00 for weeks. I wanted another vote so I could get the red H so I put a link in my signature line. Sure enough I got another 5. 10 votes, a score of 5.00. The next day somebody gave me a 2. The powers that be must have decided I had been slimed and removed that vote. I get back to 5. A few hours later, 11 votes again and I'm at 4.73. I try not to let this shit get to me, but I'm getting steamed. Is someone out to get me? Are they going to the vote list and knocking off the top vote getters?
Yeah, I know I should be above this nonsense, but damn. I'd hate to think that I have to avoid saying controvertial things on the political threads to avoid having my work attacked.

Aw, crap. I guess I just want somebody to pat my hand and tell me it's ok.

I don't have a single poem with 10 votes, so don't feel bad! :)
I had two with 9 votes, both solid 5s, but now it is down to one and the rating has changed to 3.78 . :(
Go figure. :confused:

But to the onester: He/they attack every high rated poem with 10 votes, so you ain't special! ;)
The Mutt said:

Aw, crap. I guess I just want somebody to pat my hand and tell me it's ok.


pat pat pat
it happens to everyone, really
if it didnt there would be 50 poems with 5's all the time


not a nice feeling I know it ....

pat pat pat its okay....

annaswirls said:
pat pat pat
it happens to everyone, really
if it didnt there would be 50 poems with 5's all the time


not a nice feeling I know it ....

pat pat pat its okay....

Thanks, sweety. I feel better now.
The Mutt said:
Thanks, sweety. I feel better now.

gosh you do?
it usually take more than patting to make me feel better!!
you are eeeasy
and what is the word I am looking for
ummm bounce backable
I usually whimper in the corner licking my wounds for about a week until a squirell runs by and I forget about it again
annaswirls said:
gosh you do?
it usually take more than patting to make me feel better!!
you are eeeasy
and what is the word I am looking for
ummm bounce backable
I usually whimper in the corner licking my wounds for about a week until a squirell runs by and I forget about it again
You give great pat.
Playing catch up...

I'm sorry that I didn't do this sooner!

Thanks, Neo, for mentioning my Thanksgiving challenge poems. I believe it was the first nod that I have ever gotten from "the big boys" and I was beside myself!

Thanks, Tath, for mentioning the collaboration with Remec on "After Dinner". I had no idea what "A slice of cherry pie and some coffee" would take us. I'm not an erotic poet, so after stepping away and letting Remec post it I had forgotten it. When I saw it again after being posted, I said to myself, "Wow! That poem is really good!" Thanks to Remec, who brought those words out of me with ease. Thanks Remec! You're steamy, darlin'!

Thanks, Tath, for mentioning the collaboration with BooMerengue on "Heating Up". Boo had an idea where she wanted to go. I just got in the back seat and held on! Thanks, Boo, for giving me more confidence with my writing by inviting me to collaborate with you.

Thanks, tungtied2u, for mentioning the collaboration with The Mutt on "Let me...". That one started funny. He was the first one to collaborate with him. I just didn't feel that I would be able to write with someone, so I didn't ask anyone. He sent me a pm with an invitation to a dance and I said okay. I wanted him to start to the poem and sent him a pm with the title, "Let me follow you..." and "Teacher" was the first one. I asked if he wanted to do another one, thinking that 'Let me follow you' was a good line and he thought that 'Let me follow you' was a good title to the 'Teacher' poem. We ended up with "Let me...". Thanks, Mutt, for asking me on the floor. I ended up sweating from this dance with the mental stretching you took me through. Thanks and I hope we can do it again.

Thanks. Thanks. Thanks!
Since there is a partial review for Sunday and no review for Monday, I'll try to mention a few poems from those two days, along with today's poems.

It may be a little awhile, but but the reviews will be posted. :)
WickedEve said:
Since there is a partial review for Sunday and no review for Monday, I'll try to mention a few poems from those two days, along with today's poems.

It may be a little awhile, but but the reviews will be posted. :)

you are SO special
I'll see if i can help once I get home
Thanks Eve for mentioning my poem things. I saw one this morning and wished I had let it set, thank you for your kindness.

I have not been commenting lately at all and I feel badly, I am taking a break from posting, it is not fair.


Hey, I am scheduled to do Neo's review tomorrow-- I thought it would be great as I am off Wed, but I have to work as my kid was sick on Monday.... Bottom line, it will be late until I get to the reviews. If you can be patient with me I promise I will focus and do it right, okay?

If someone cant wait and wants to do them earlier, I will not be offendedI promise. But I also promise I will get to them when the maniacs go to sleep tomorrow night.
Eve thanks for spending all that time doing almost 3 days of reviews! You're a poetry readin' tornado!

I'm very happy that both of my poems this week have been mentioned. It's a red letter moment. Now, if only I'd get enough votes to have a red letter (H) poem. ;)
champagne1982 said:
Eve thanks for spending all that time doing almost 3 days of reviews! You're a poetry readin' tornado!

I'm very happy that both of my poems this week have been mentioned. It's a red letter moment. Now, if only I'd get enough votes to have a red letter (H) poem. ;)
I'll go and vote as soon as I stop staring at your AV.
Hands down, the sexiest AV I've seen.
champagne1982 said:
Eve thanks for spending all that time doing almost 3 days of reviews! You're a poetry readin' tornado!

I'm very happy that both of my poems this week have been mentioned. It's a red letter moment. Now, if only I'd get enough votes to have a red letter (H) poem. ;)
I'm afraid that reading and trying to mention so many poems, left my reviews a bit rushed and of few words. But there was a lot of good poetry out there and I hated to have anything overlooked.
submission extreme - Wicked Eve

I have been informed, of course, that I missed the point of this...however, I think Eve is being modest.
I LOVE this poem for several reasons...but the line " The flight lies in the silk pet"
is profound ( in the context, of course, of the pet being allowed to be a butterfly)
this poem says a lot more than it seems to
and i think she knows that
; )
read it and ponder...
Yes, monkey, you missed the point. lol But here's the problem. How can a reader take this as light, ridiculous humor when I use lines like "the flight is in the silk, pet"? I made my nonsense too pretty. :rolleyes:
WickedEve said:
Yes, monkey, you missed the point. lol But here's the problem. How can a reader take this as light, ridiculous humor when I use lines like "the flight is in the silk, pet"? I made my nonsense too pretty. :rolleyes:

you transcened your style and made it readable on multi levels

take some credit you clumsy, panty tripping bitch

:D :kiss:
Tathagata said:

i guess getting you to chase me would be my best defense huh butterfly??
; )
Yeah, my tripping may allow you to get away. :D Run, monkey, run!
Re: wed 12/15

Tathagata said:
I can help you out a bit Anna by mentioning a few as I have time..

My Favorite of the day
Morning Walk - Willow rain
Some of the images and writing here blew me away..and the last verse is magic
. . .
I must add my acclaim for this poem. Except for possibly one line it is a finished work, and it is of very publishable quality and far beyond Lit's usual quality. It is a solid "5", and a "MUST READ" for any serious poetry reader. :kiss:
Re: Re: wed 12/15

Reltne said:
I must add my acclaim for this poem. Except for possibly one line it is a finished work, and it is of very publishable quality and far beyond Lit's usual quality. It is a solid "5", and a "MUST READ" for any serious poetry reader. :kiss:

ditto. :rose:
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