To keep the review thread clean...

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Thanx Eve!

Release Let Go
by Du Lac ©

Release, Let go!
Clinging with fear,
Forever to hold us here.
I say, release, let go!

I am the summer,
Green and lush,
Rich with life,
No need to rush!

I like the repetition of Release Let Go, and the rhyme works well

Thank you Eve.. I so appreciate you first reading the work secondly your kind comments!

Du Lac
Reltne said:
So modest, retiring, and too bashful to mention her own writings, Wicked Eve gifts us with two offerings today.

transcendental lay - A rare "5"; an erotica poem on which all wanna'be writers of the genre should go to school.

And Yellow Pining a tribute to the cause of a recent power-loss I believe.

Both are very readable Evie, but my favorite is the erotic since quality and freshness is rare in that forum.

(Did I say it right, WE?) :p :rose: :p
"So modest, retiring, and too bashful." Me? lol
Thanks, Reltne.
Just a little note of mention Eve... Aife is a woman. :)

I'm glad you mentioned it on your review. She's a close friend, I'll be sure to let her know.
Thank you

Thank You Maria
and Wicked Eve~

for the wonderful comments on my poems~
I even feel like they're getting better...grin~
now if I could write a clever simple poem
like neon I'd be more content with my work...
working on it~

Thank you ladies~
Thank you Maria

for the recommendation on Paris Blues, and thank you those who commented on the poem. :)

It is about the movie (circa 1960s) Paris Blues. Not a great film, but oh the music...

One Moment by hotti is the first I will mention. I commented: "An interesting poem; placing thoughts of an entire life within a glance between strangers, or it could be real and the entirety of life is but a moment's glance. This poem has a nice double layer possibility of meaning.

Thank you! I will take your advice :). I wasn't entirely happy with it, but I will work on it.
to mention...

for personal reasons, I will not be able to do reviews for a while. It's been fun :rose:
Re: to mention...

Maria2394 said:
for personal reasons, I will not be able to do reviews for a while. It's been fun :rose:
You will be spanked for this. ;)
Any volunteers for Monday?
Re: Re: to mention...

WickedEve said:
You will be spanked for this. ;)
Any volunteers for Monday?

I won't be here monday
I will truely miss that spanking
you can spank me now?

thank you for the kind words
on the poem jagged rock winter
and the email
tis an honor
Re: Re: to mention...

WickedEve said:
You will be spanked for this. ;)
Any volunteers for Monday?

Dear Eve,

while the spanking truly sounds like fun, ( if I had known that was the reward for stopping reviewing,) I wouldda done it a long time ago!!)

but...its me, its inside me, I feel like a washboard and the little ridges are my soul and they catch all of everyones pain and heartache and I get that from poems and some I dont enjoy anymore, and I should. I dont wanna inflict myself on anyone else right now if that make sense.

sorry i wont post on this thread for my silliness again, Lauren :kiss:
Thank you , Maria...

For the reviews you have done. They were so sane, reasonable, and polished... a model for us all!

The moderators here a little heavy handed with deleting aren't they?

I see that my post pointing out that Aife is a woman got deleted. I don't know if Eve read it or not, but I see she didn't edit his and replace it with hers.

Not trying to cause problems or anything, but I'd think you'd want to call an author by her correct gender. I know Aife appreciates her poem being mentioned in the new poem review, but I bet she'd prefer not to be a called a man. While I know it's difficult to tell gender around here, I'd think once a mistake was pointed out (and it wasn't done rudely or anything), that it would be fixed.

If you want to delete this post to, go ahead, but please see that the reference to Aife and "his" life is fixed. It's only common decency after all. :)
CrimsonMaiden said:
The moderators here a little heavy handed with deleting aren't they?

I see that my post pointing out that Aife is a woman got deleted. I don't know if Eve read it or not, but I see she didn't edit his and replace it with hers.

Not trying to cause problems or anything, but I'd think you'd want to call an author by her correct gender. I know Aife appreciates her poem being mentioned in the new poem review, but I bet she'd prefer not to be a called a man. While I know it's difficult to tell gender around here, I'd think once a mistake was pointed out (and it wasn't done rudely or anything), that it would be fixed.

If you want to delete this post to, go ahead, but please see that the reference to Aife and "his" life is fixed. It's only common decency after all. :)
CM, I doubt that your post was deleted. It was probably moved to another thread (as your last post and this one will be). This thread is for poem reviews only, and every so often a moderator takes some time and comes through and moves non-review post to another thread like the "To keep the review thread clean... " thread. :)

Have a Happy New Year!
Ah well, that may be true... (and thanks for bringing up that possibility)

still... think Aife would like to be known as a she, LOL.
CrimsonMaiden said:
The moderators here a little heavy handed with deleting aren't they?

I see that my post pointing out that Aife is a woman got deleted. I don't know if Eve read it or not, but I see she didn't edit his and replace it with hers.

Not trying to cause problems or anything, but I'd think you'd want to call an author by her correct gender. I know Aife appreciates her poem being mentioned in the new poem review, but I bet she'd prefer not to be a called a man. While I know it's difficult to tell gender around here, I'd think once a mistake was pointed out (and it wasn't done rudely or anything), that it would be fixed.

If you want to delete this post to, go ahead, but please see that the reference to Aife and "his" life is fixed. It's only common decency after all. :)
I think Lauren did the last clean up and you'll find the post in the "keep the review thread clean" thread--where my post and some others will go shortly when I have time or Lauren has time.
And pointing out a "mistake" once doesn't fix it. No one reads everything here. Besides, I'm sure if Aife is upset, she'll correct us all with a thread on her gender. The PMs I've gotten from her, she seems really cool, so I doubt she's bothered greatly by it. Once everyone gets to know her then it will all be hunky dory. ;)
Well, Aife is my best friend, and I do know she thanked me for pointing out that she was a woman...

I'm not trying to make a big stink... I just don't think it's that difficult to hit the edit button and change out a his for a hers.

(and yes, she's very cool)

Anyway, I'll drop it now. Just a friend being a friend...
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CrimsonMaiden said:
Well, Aife is my best friend, and I do know she thanked me for pointing out that she was a woman...

I'm not trying to make a big stink... I just don't think it's that difficult to hit the edit button and change out a his for a hers.

(and yes, she's very cool)

Anyway, I'll drop it now. Just a friend being a friend...
editing away all my bitching... sweeping it away... la la la. This edit feature would be nice in "real" life. :)

And editing again to say that I fixed the gender mistake on the post. It took a verbal brick to the head for me to finally realize what the problem was. lol
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I never said I was pissed (mainly, I felt what I was saying was being ignored). And I wasn't trying to be vague. I guess it's easy to get things mixed up on what's being talked about when posts get moved from one place to another.

And if I pissed you off (and it does seem that way a little through the middle of your reply), I'm sorry. That was not my intention.
Thanks Reltne, Tath and Maria for recent mentions. And thanks for taking the time to comment on other poets' work.
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Thanks Art for the mention of my two newest poems and thanks very much for covering reviews on Saturday. :)
My Erotic Tale said:
Thanks for the mention, Art. I much appreciate your time as well as those who took the time to comment.

This poem was inspired from my holiday along the NW Pacific coast and in the Great West rain forrests via a bunch of crows sitting on the obnoxiously, out of place power lines.

Happy New Year!

- neo
Thank you Art

erotic supreme
Unconditional by: Du Lac Du Lac is a zen master of erotic. A poetress that uses some very witty lines and lures to grip a reader and sail the oceans of orgasmic erotic reads. One of my favorite poets and yet another poem to add to the string of pearl poems by Du.

also by Du Lac ...Siren Song ...Not from Sin
two more excellent poems.

Art thank you for the mention of my poems on the feature thread. You always are an inspiration to me. Your backing and support is an example for all to follow. Thank you...and Happy New year..
Du Lac:heart:
Re: 2 4 01 01 05

Reltne said:
Here are a couple from two Literotica veterans that I would bring to your attention today.

The first is complex but fun word-play poem by RisiaSkye entitled trance substantiation .
This poem can be just a fun read looking for all the word play, or it may be a poetic Rubic Cube that needs to be twisted until the meaning suddenly pops out at you. - However, I think that there is more than one solution to this work. (It is certainly not a poem that is easier to read than a story. :) )

Set some time aside to go read it and have fun!

The second poem is for y. by twelveoone.
I find the metre a little rough and I know the subject would comment on that since the writer uses rhyme, but at least I find no spelling nor syntactical errors, and that would have made her happy. :)
This work is good, but not great as a poem, but it is a tribute and it is heartfelt.

Thank you for sharing it. :rose:
In the greater context, your review is perhaps the better tribute than mine.
I thank you
It is a pity - I have seen some nice work fall through the cracks due to wrong timing. Why don't people want to make the effort to give feedback on the works they have read? It would really help us new to the game.
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