To keep the review thread clean...

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Maria2394 said:
Eve, thanks for the mentions yesterday of, Dark Shine, and separation of church and hate. I was worried I might get tons of haye mail for that one and didnt even see your reviews till just today. Thanks again :rose:

oh, p, eve and flyguy, thanks for the suggestions/advice on dark shine, I submitted that version as an edit but it seems to take forever for those to be applied

This is not hate mail. I just wanted to say love you sis.


Angeline said:
This is not hate mail. I just wanted to say love you sis.



I love you too sis :heart:

I guess I misspelled "hate", see it just aint in me, lol...funny thing how typos are, one might think I was expecting to open an email and a bale o'hay would spring forth that would be nice, if I had a horse, so since I dont,m its just plain silly :D
Thanks a bunch for the comments and to Reltne for mentioning my 9:30 club revisiting the 80's poem.

And Art-- thanks for putting some of my stuff on your thread too! Very cool! I appreciate your time and efforts you put into supporting poets around here.

Re: Re: 3 4 1 5 5

neonurotic said:
Thanks, Reltne. I live in PST and work wee AM hours, which allows me not to do reviews until later... such as now. You recommended what I would've highlighted myself.

- neo
No insult or implication meant neon. You need not justify yourself to me because you are behind the time :)D - Joke)

I just picked the most obvious three. There are a lot of other poems out there for you! :kiss:

Reltne, not to be a byatch or anything...but your words..

I just picked the most obvious three. There are a lot of other poems out there for you

I find that comment disturbing, yes, thats my opinion...and yours is yours, but you make it sound as if none of the rest pf the poems are worth taking the time to read. When I did reviews, I didnt just read MY favorites, it sounds like thats all you do...and with you making your "faves"always so "obvious", I feel like I should step up and review again, even though I am emotionally drained, and read the new people and their stuff too...maybe they have some work that would be an obvious pick to someone else

( now is when someone pops in to tell me to stay on subject) forgive me moderators, some thing sjust bug the crud outta me, in a bad way
Re: hmmm

Maria2394 said:
Reltne, not to be a byatch or anything...but your words..

I find that comment disturbing, yes, thats my opinion...and yours is yours, but you make it sound as if none of the rest pf the poems are worth taking the time to read. When I did reviews, I didnt just read MY favorites, it sounds like thats all you do...and with you making your "faves"always so "obvious", I feel like I should step up and review again, even though I am emotionally drained, and read the new people and their stuff too...maybe they have some work that would be an obvious pick to someone else

( now is when someone pops in to tell me to stay on subject) forgive me moderators, some thing sjust bug the crud outta me, in a bad way
Either before I leave this morning or after I get back, I'll mention some more poems from yesterday--if neo doesn't get a chance. I haven't even read them all yet.
And maria, you will be moved to the "other" thread, later. I will have to waste 60 seconds of my life doing it. You will receive a bill for 67 cents, which is tax deductible.
Re: Re: hmmm

WickedEve said:
Either before I leave this morning or after I get back, I'll mention some more poems from yesterday--if neo doesn't get a chance. I haven't even read them all yet.
And maria, you will be moved to the "other" thread, later. I will have to waste 60 seconds of my life doing it. You will receive a bill for 67 cents, which is tax deductible.

oops!! I guess I shoudl go spank myself or somethig...oh no, theres another 20 seconds, I, Im so s orry, not thinking, I need sleep, caffeine, a life something !!! :D :rose:

thank you for quoting me, wicked eve.

I also loved 'first base' from tungtied2u.

I am far from a poet, I don't even understand all the technical rules of poems, but a heavy heart needing relief can create poetry.

thank you, Eve

regarding normal jean's poem, Aisle 86 Armageddon----

A nightmare of interesting images.

That poem was inspired by a dream, it was also supposed to be darkly humorous, I guess I missed that part :D Thanks to everyone who commented, read and sent email.
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[superfluous post -- edited to blank]
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Thanks MET for doing the reviews-- it is a difficult task, I used to spend a good part of my Sunday doing them. Let me know if you ever need a break, okay?


And thanks for your kind words on my Chiromancer poem. I have to confess, I did not come up with the title!

And thanks for the public comments! :D

I guess this means I need to edit all my stuff now?

Sorry Erotic Tale,

Sorry about this Erotic Tale, grin. As usual I seem to have given an impression, but again, (as usual sigh,) it seems to have been the "Wrong" one! "Educated Fools" wasn't being aimed at all "Academians," but at the few "Tenured" ones who think only of themselves, and let the "World's" problems pass right by them. Again, sorry it stroked you the wrong way Friend! I'll try harder, grin. Uncle P, (the DOME!)
Because I had to...and besides, this thread deserves a bump.

"An icon of the entertainment industry passed on last week: The Pillsbury Doughboy died of a yeast infection and complications from repeated pokes to the belly. He was 71. Doughboy was buried in a lightly greased coffin. The graveside was piled high with flours. The eulogy was delivered by Aunt Jemima who lovingly described Doughboy as a man who never knew how much he was kneaded. Doughboy rose quickly in show business, but his later life was filled with turnovers. Considered not the smartest cookie, he wasted much of his dough on half-baked schemes. Despite being flaky, he was a crusty old man, and a roll model for millions. Doughboy is survived by his wife, Play Dough, two children, John Dough and Jane Dough, plus another one in the oven. He is also survived by his elderly father, Pop Tart. The funeral was held at 3:50 for 20 minutes. "

You may begin your celebrations, Ang. :D
HomerPindar said:
Because I had to...and besides, this thread deserves a bump.

"An icon of the entertainment industry passed on last week: The Pillsbury Doughboy died of a yeast infection and complications from repeated pokes to the belly. He was 71. Doughboy was buried in a lightly greased coffin. The graveside was piled high with flours. The eulogy was delivered by Aunt Jemima who lovingly described Doughboy as a man who never knew how much he was kneaded. Doughboy rose quickly in show business, but his later life was filled with turnovers. Considered not the smartest cookie, he wasted much of his dough on half-baked schemes. Despite being flaky, he was a crusty old man, and a roll model for millions. Doughboy is survived by his wife, Play Dough, two children, John Dough and Jane Dough, plus another one in the oven. He is also survived by his elderly father, Pop Tart. The funeral was held at 3:50 for 20 minutes. "

You may begin your celebrations, Ang. :D


You do know how to make me smile buddy.

I haven't finished mentioning all the poems, yet. I tripped over a squirrel and hit my head on the monitor. I've been unconscious and draped over my keyboard for the past hour. So if anyone wants to review a poem, please do. If not, I'll be back once the ringing in my ears stops--and after the men come to remove the squirrel.
I had some extra time to read today, so I started on the New Poems... ended up sending this little note to a few.


I've read some of your work, but not all. A word of advice. When you post a poem, just post one. Two at most. More than that and sometimes your work will be skipped over. The reviewers are volunteering their time, many scrambling to do them in between jobs and home and their own writing. Your work deserves to be studied the same as anyone elses.


Hope it helps.

PS... Thanks for the mention Evie! :rose:
(laughing at Boovanelle)
Originally posted by WickedEve
Sex Poem
by flyguy69 ©

until the entire alphabet drawer, with its neat
rows of little shaker jars, gets sprinkled
into the bubbling pot of a poem.

On plain sheets there is only
the ardent accommodation of sore
backs and alarm clocks, whispers
of how nice it feels to touch. The poet

It was difficult to choose an excerpt, because I wanted to share it all with you. (Hey, Fly. I know I've read this. Did you resubmit it?) Anyway, great, great poem. Please read the entire piece and comment.
Thank you, Eve, for your kind comments on this and on Provoked. Yes, Sex Poem was previously submitted and ecstatically received, but I took it off by accident and was simply resubmitting it. I indicated that in the author notes, but apparently it still goes through the seven day "New Poems" cycle. Bless your heart for noticing. :)
flyguy69 said:
Thank you, Eve, for your kind comments on this and on Provoked. Yes, Sex Poem was previously submitted and ecstatically received, but I took it off by accident and was simply resubmitting it. I indicated that in the author notes, but apparently it still goes through the seven day "New Poems" cycle. Bless your heart for noticing. :)
Oh, I see your "oops" comment now. lol
I knew I had commented on it before and mentioned the apple/eve/adam part. It's a great poem and it was nice to read it again. I hope you get a whole batch of new comments. :)
WickedEve said:
Oh, I see your "oops" comment now. lol
I knew I had commented on it before and mentioned the apple/eve/adam part. It's a great poem and it was nice to read it again. I hope you get a whole batch of new comments. :)
I have a comment from WickedEve; can a man reasonably ask for more? God, take me now, while my heart is stilled by bliss!
flyguy69 said:
I have a comment from WickedEve; can a man reasonably ask for more? God, take me now, while my heart is stilled by bliss!
Dear god, it's me again. Would you please take fly now. Take him gently, though. Try not to bump his head or let your angels trip him on his way through the gates. And try to put him in the nicer section of Heaven. Yes, I know it's all good, but fly wrote a sex poem, and I'm afraid you may put him in that part of heaven that's less glorious.
Anyway, amen.
Thanx Eve..

Thank you Eve for the mention of my poem The Snake Charmer. It is one of my first poems and the second in the Priestess Series... A learning poem for me in so many ways... so thank you for the kind mention!

Du Lac
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