To keep the review thread clean...

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Re: Poems Review

My Erotic Tale said:
New Poem Review
Saturday Jan 15, 2005

hello poets, today's list of new poems
offered some very good reading...

Liquid Love Masochist Toy

i crave the liquid
That He provides
It is a desire
i cannot control.

erotic poem, a slaves love?
an expression in words

Hello! It was brought to my attention that my poem was a topic of discussion here, so I came by to take a peek! :eek:

Thank you for taking the time to mention me, My Erotic Tale! :eek: Not quite a slave here, but it's close enough. ;)

~Toy :kiss:
MET, thanks for the mention of Normal Jean's poem, Transcriptus Absurdus, and thanks to all who read and left FB. It really means a lot :heart:

ps, Normal is still in bed, shes hibernating i think :D she sends her bestest
My Erotic Tale, thank you for mentioning my poem The Last Diary Entry the other day. It's the first poem I have written in months, so it's kind of scary to put it out for view. You eased my worries. :)
Lovin' the hate...

Thanks Eve and DuckieSmut for your reviews of the Monday and Tuesday new poems.

I loved the Hate Poems. Maybe we'll all hurl some contents up at the hateful sky in due time. Just because a posting date comes and goes, doesn't mean the poetry has to stop!

Keep writing.
Re: Lovin' the hate...

champagne1982 said:
Thanks Eve and DuckieSmut for your reviews of the Monday and Tuesday new poems.

I loved the Hate Poems. Maybe we'll all hurl some contents up at the hateful sky in due time. Just because a posting date comes and goes, doesn't mean the poetry has to stop!

Keep writing.
No. Not more hurling contents. lol Hey, my kid threw up all weekend and that's why I was squemish about that line. :D
Eve- Thanks for the mentions of my Hate poems. I know you had a boatload to do today so I appreciate it even more.
duckiesmut said:
Monday's reviews...Just my thoughts, so please have mercy. :)


Surrender, Seratonin!
By Angeline

“Who wants to go ballroom dancing
with those besotted neurons misfiring,
pissing anxiety down my spine?”

I think I’m in love with your ability to use mix-matched words that produce such perfect mental pictures. :) The breakneck speed of the poem slips into a lulling, reflective end.


Thank you duckiesmut for doing reviews and for recommending my poem, and thank you to those who commented.

The part about lake water lapping in low sounds by the shore is from William Butler Yeats' Lake Isle of Innisfree. It's the first poem I ever loved so much that I memorized; it's about peace. :)


so sorry!! i meant to post a question on this thread about my new poem but it ended up somewhere else and i'm not sure how. grrr. anyways, i'll just retype it here if that's ok??

hey everyone :)

my most recent poem is a bit different i think, but it just came pouring out after having a wonderfully delicious evening with a great friend of mine and "little jade dolls". hehe. well anyway, that's what it looked like to me during that particular evening... the yummy smells and fun green bodies dancing in the bowl. hrm. what am i talking about? and does it make sense if you know what i AM talking about when you read this poem? i tried to incorporate as much GREEN into it as possible so people would catch my drift but i'm not so sure it worked :/ could you all lemme know what you think? thank youuuuuu!! :)

Re: ooopsie!!

princess rayann said:
so sorry!! i meant to post a question on this thread about my new poem but it ended up somewhere else and i'm not sure how. grrr. anyways, i'll just retype it here if that's ok??
It's ok. :) Actually, a question like that is better in a tread of it's own. We try to have this thread for recommending new Literotica poems that we've read and liked.

I'm late for work now, but I'll check yours out and leave a reply in the other thread about it later today.

Thanks Eve

by Tathagata ©

Hidden from blinding sunrise
Concealed from incalculable night
I'll sprinkle you with dreams

This is wonderfully lovely.

Thanks was a " found poem" as Ange says, I wrote it down and didn't screw with it.
I'm glad you and a few others liked it.

:rose: :)
Thanks Liar~


Blue Heron by My Erotic Tale

Here is a stunning serene and majestic piece of nature poetry. It deserved to be read carefully.

Permanent perch on a lone stump mid river
black and still as a statue
wisdom waiting with it's beak to the east


Thanks to all of you, for encouraging me to
be better ... it's paying off <grinin'>
Thanks, Liar, for mentioning Ghost of a Chance. It's about the guy in the photo, playing sax next to Billie Holiday. :)

Much thanks to Liar for mentioning my poem, Snow At Moon and thanks to those that took time to leave feedback in PC—I will be dropping the "Norman" and leaving just the Rockwell ref.

- neo
about "Little Girl".....

Thanks, Jim for your nice comments on Little Girl. I had experimented with different lengths, and really liked the final result. Ending it with "Weren't you little girl?" is too vague, and doesn't tell the full story. Just saying "to Hally" would not reveal her age, as well as the fact that she recently passed away. (she was one of my piano students that suddenly succumbed to pneumonia) I think the only thing I would change is putting the dedication in parenthesis, which is somewhat distracting. I'm glad this poem made you think a's my personal favorite!

Best, Sack:)
Thank you du lac for the mention of "I Hate Waiting", and thank you Eve and MET for your comments.

Re: There was a new poem on Saturday

okay tath... I don't dispute jim's review of
boosting a buddy, but he implies I'm incorrect and
that the poem is not vague but 'subtle' just a nice
word saying the same thing~

quote jim=
That I thought was worth a second look. I think often times subtlety is mistaken for being vague, but in this case the subtle presentation is anything but vague.


"impressions in sand
a shiny ring
petals of a dandelion

you were there...

is that vague?????????
I meant 'subtle?"


about "Little Girl".....
Thanks, Jim for your nice comments on Little Girl. I had experimented with different lengths, and really liked the final result. Ending it with "Weren't you little girl?" is too vague, and doesn't tell the full story. Just saying "to Hally" would not reveal her age, as well as the fact that she recently passed away. (she was one of my piano students that suddenly succumbed to pneumonia) I think the only thing I would change is putting the dedication in parenthesis, which is somewhat distracting. I'm glad this poem made you think a's my personal favorite!

Best, Sack

and the poet himself stateing an attempt to keep
it from being... too vague, I didn't hear subtle?

when you say lets take a second look your saying
lets reevaluate this, jim should have just posted
a review of the poem not use my review words at all
or at least expect a reviewer to explain why it seemed
vague, while his review trumps with a 'subtle'

The thread of vague discussed that a poem that points
in no direct direction is called vague, I learned the
appropriate word from the poet of this poem, so
some how I find it funny that the poet calls the poem
vague, so the defense rest, ....I demand a miss trial!

hehehe <grinin'>
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Anybody can recommend any poem any time they want.
That was always my understanding.
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