To keep the review thread clean...

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thanks to anonymous for letting me know I was mentioned here.

and thanks M E T for the kind words.:heart:
Re: hey Eve..

Du Lac said:
RE: Sunday reviews.. foehn said he rather not do them.. hence I will be doing them from now on if that is all good with everyone else... I did them last sunday and planned on it tomorrow..
Let me know doll...
That's good for me. :) Are you posting them in this thread or MET's thread? If you do Art's thread, can you copy and paste the review here, too?
Re: Re: hey Eve..

WickedEve said:
That's good for me. :) Are you posting them in this thread or MET's thread? If you do Art's thread, can you copy and paste the review here, too?

Going to post them here... I have been sick as hell and sleeping to gain my strength. Art love.. forgiveness on the editing... but will post reviews later today... feel much better and have so much swimming in my head.. lol.. need clearing and how better than to read others work and finish my obligation to the Tail... lol..
Re: Re: Re: hey Eve..

Du Lac said:
Going to post them here... I have been sick as hell and sleeping to gain my strength. Art love.. forgiveness on the editing... but will post reviews later today... feel much better and have so much swimming in my head.. lol.. need clearing and how better than to read others work and finish my obligation to the Tail... lol..
Let me know if you need help with them. I was dying from a virus last week, but as you can see, I survived. :D
Art, thank you for mentioning my poem and using your time doing the reviews.

Thanks to all who vote and/or comment on this poem too.

I actually started writing this verse in a playful frame of mind, meaning to entice and tease a response from my reader -- to play them like the putty boys get played. Hence, the taunt of merely three remaining. As I wrote on, I remembered that choked up, wistful feeling that some songs and rituals rouse in me, bringing in "Auld Lang Syne" to my New Year's Eve poem.

The new year's tradition of sweeping out the old before the end of the first night of the New Year is fairly cross-cultural and I thought an appropriate way to end a poem about the old, fading out to make way for the new.

This poem captured that feeling of regret and resolve that flows over quite a few people as January sets the stage of the following seasons, at least it did in my heart. I hope it did for many of you.

As an aside, I have never feared cliches, in fact, I embrace them. If someone else has gone through all that work to make these phrases unmistakeably clear, who am I to argue about using them? To some, well read and perhaps, well cultured, individuals out there, cliches are signs of the hack, the lazy and the theif... I use them because, believe it or not, to some readers, those ideas are fresh and new. To me, many cliches comfortably express what I'm trying to say and open doorways to other ideas that aren't as hackneyed, perhaps.

To all those pooh-poohers out there, I just want to say that I try not to worry about the impressions of the few. I want my poetry to be read and understood by everyone, for the most part, thus I try to say what I mean and think about how others will understand my meaning, only later do I worry about how I said it.

But to those that had to slog on through the unappealing appetizer of the cliche to get to the meal of my images, thanks for reading on.
Thank you for the nice words on my poem, du lac, and for doing the review. :)
all deserved..

WickedEve said:
Thank you for the nice words on my poem, du lac, and for doing the review. :)

No worries there Eve.. well deserved.. I a sub to the master of erotic good work girl..

PS.. love doing the reviews.. learn so much.. feel my mind working all good stuff
Thanks Du Lac~

for the wonderful review
and comments on my poem
and your an inspiration and
wonderful poet now get back
to bed and get well soon!
champagne1982 said:
Art, thank you for mentioning my poem and using your time doing the reviews.

Thanks to all who vote and/or comment on this poem too.

I actually started writing this verse in a playful frame of mind, meaning to entice and tease a response from my reader -- to play them like the putty boys get played. Hence, the taunt of merely three remaining. As I wrote on, I remembered that choked up, wistful feeling that some songs and rituals rouse in me, bringing in "Auld Lang Syne" to my New Year's Eve poem.

The new year's tradition of sweeping out the old before the end of the first night of the New Year is fairly cross-cultural and I thought an appropriate way to end a poem about the old, fading out to make way for the new.

This poem captured that feeling of regret and resolve that flows over quite a few people as January sets the stage of the following seasons, at least it did in my heart. I hope it did for many of you.

As an aside, I have never feared cliches, in fact, I embrace them. If someone else has gone through all that work to make these phrases unmistakeably clear, who am I to argue about using them? To some, well read and perhaps, well cultured, individuals out there, cliches are signs of the hack, the lazy and the theif... I use them because, believe it or not, to some readers, those ideas are fresh and new. To me, many cliches comfortably express what I'm trying to say and open doorways to other ideas that aren't as hackneyed, perhaps.

To all those pooh-poohers out there, I just want to say that I try not to worry about the impressions of the few. I want my poetry to be read and understood by everyone, for the most part, thus I try to say what I mean and think about how others will understand my meaning, only later do I worry about how I said it.

But to those that had to slog on through the unappealing appetizer of the cliche to get to the meal of my images, thanks for reading on.

Hear! Hear!
thank you duckie

for your mention and kind words on my poem.

If I could share my goo with you I would.....errrrr
you know what I mean

my next poem will be a sonnet on flies fucking
( which is the new sport des rois in quebec since hockey bit the big one apparently)
Re: thank you duckie

Tathagata said:
for your mention and kind words on my poem.

If I could share my goo with you I would.....errrrr
you know what I mean

my next poem will be a sonnet on flies fucking
( which is the new sport des rois in quebec since hockey bit the big one apparently)

laughss...In regard to the goo, people might talk. :D

I am very much anticipating the fly-fucking sonnet. Who knew it was such a trendy concept. :)
thank you :)

Thank you Duckiesmut, for mentioning my two babies today. The bowl poem is what it is, WE, I totally agree with you, the first stanza ia awkward, I fiddled with it and fied it a tad, but it could use your touch, if you have any suggestions, i welcome them:)

and for the experiment, Only a Test?

I probably am not spelling this right, onomotopaeia? the way a poet ( or wannabe) makes a sound with words, Thats what I was trying to do. When I checked the logged in, and saw I had only one vote and it was a 1, i thought, well, crud, it didnt work, but now I see, that it DID work for some of you. I am glad that some of you have an open mind and at least tried to see what I wanted to do with this one. and for the 1 vote, how bout a lil email, you can be anon, I am not upset, maybe you could just tell me how to improve this one, I would appreciate it very much.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to read, comment and send FB, it is very much appreciated:rose:

and to the new reviewers, all of you are doing a wonderful job and I am glad to see "new blood" picking up the challenge and pleasures of reading the new works, you guys and gals are great! :heart:


To tell the truth (and shame, at least, this devil) I find myself somewhat unprepared for the amount of kind words layed on my head for "A Long, Empty Space." Several people have said a lot of kind things about the poem, and I appreciate every word of it.

Now, who hated it? Someone? Please? I can't take all this nice.


Trent, thanks for the mentions on the bug poem and the power poem. You're doing a great job reviewing.
Re: Feedback

DeepAsleep said:
Now, who hated it? Someone? Please? I can't take all this nice.


I'm sorry. But I like the damn thing. Still haven't gotten around to commenting, though. I'll read it again and see if anything sucks--maybe one word. Would that help? Did you use "the" in the poem? I hate that!
Thanks Trent

Thanks for taking the time to read and review the new poems each Tuesday.

I appreciate the mention in your review, especially being in the company of such worthy poetry as was posted today.

Eve's power poem, definitely powerful.
DA's empty space, not so, not so.
Jim, what can I say about jthserra's poem? It moved me.

Thanks for today, ALL my fellow poets, you keep soul in the world.
Re: thank you :)

and to the new reviewers, all of you are doing a wonderful job and I am glad to see "new blood" picking up the challenge and pleasures of reading the new works, you guys and gals are great! :heart:

maria [/B][/QUOTE]

Thank you Maria!!!! I am only human lol.. and it is good to hear that you think we are doing a good job... a slight stroke of the ego is needed at times until we rise above the human need for approval lol...
hehehe deep deep du lac~
Syndra, thanks so much for doing the reviews and for mentioning my poetry.
so glad

You liked September Winds..It was a difficult write and I still don't know if I want to add or take away...thanks Syn..ur the best!!!!
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