To keep the review thread clean...

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Thank you so much for mentioning my newest poem. It is I think my best.. I love this baby... and your review made my heart sing! Thank you so much..
Du Lac
PS great job on reviewing and working two jobs
appaulse appaulse!!!
Liar said:
. . .
Kin by Reltne ©
There is not very much to say about Reltne's latest poem. And when you read it, you'll see why. Short, profound and Really Fucking Clever. :D
. . .
Thank you Liar. You said more than I did. ;)
Liar said:

Aero by Lauren Hynde ©
Eloquent, intelligent and alive prose poetry that takes you on a journey. A play with tempo and form and the effect it has on the reader. A first class writing craft, and an emotional ride to boot.
Thanks for the mention, Liar. :) :rose:
Re: Here be the Thursday recommendations

Liar said:
Many good poems (according to me ho-hum) today. So brace thyself...

Particle Accelerator by Fflow ©
I don't know much about this poet, but I will definitely keep my eye out for more. Fflow had a whole bunch of poems up today, displaying borth variation and quality. This one was the best of the bunch, a rolling, rocking lament with a simple and yet simply smashing opening stanza. Go read, pronto.

Wow, Liar! Thanks so much for your kind words! I'm a bit overwhelmed by your praise, but thanks. There are so many wonderful writers here. I feel honored to be able to post my work amongst theirs. If there's anything you want to know about me, feel free to ask!



Frosted Pain by Miss Oatlash ©
Miss O's contribution to the winter competition speaks of an inner chill, and speaks well.

Thank you, dear Liar. And thanks to everyone else for the nice comments. I loved the contest and look forward to more!
Re: Feb. contest organizers

The Poetry Contest said:
Good Morning all you poets!

Please pm your contributions to this account we created.

Eve has volunteered to provide the gift for this month! A lovely, sexy book of some sort. Thanks Eve!

Best of luck,

It's interesting reading. :)
Are we allowed only one entry?
Tathagata said:

Gaia - Boomerengue

After looking up Gaia this poem manages to put the philosophy of a basic truth into a few simple words.
Alan Watts once said " What does the earth do?..The earth ' peoples' "
It does what it needs to do to survive
self cleaning, self regulating
and when it all gets to be too'll reboot

it is at once both a powerful and hopeful poem expressed in very simple direct words.

Thanks, Tath, This is one of those "I dare you!" poems that I enjoy doing, and I guess it came out pretty good!

Thanks also to you who dared me!! :rose:
Re: One entry per person

The Poetry Contest said:
Good question.

Write as many poems as you would like, but please decide by the 20th which one you would like to submit to the competition.

If Eve receives the most votes in the final competition, I will provide a prize for her.
I don't see that happening. lol But if it does happen, I'll send the book to the runner up. And I don't need a prize--just praise. :D
Re: Re: One entry per person

Sorry Anna...

That IS exactly why the Padded Room was created.
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Re: Re: Re: One entry per person

BooMerengue said:
Eve ate all her prizes yesterday...

I thought the meds cupboard in the rubber room was a bit empty, that also explains her aggresive behaviour in here too.

*makes note to restrain Eve.*

Mmmmm!! Restraints and Eve - nice combo.

I'm wondering if this thread shouldn't be converted into a sticky, if that be possible. It's a good introduction to a lot of the currently active members of the community here.
Thanks Liar for including my never land lunch hour.

Generous :)

sometimes it is fun to just fuck around
Re: sticky?

foehn said:
I'm wondering if this thread shouldn't be converted into a sticky, if that be possible. It's a good introduction to a lot of the currently active members of the community here.
Yes, seconded, and cleaned up. This is another of anna's great ideas.
I even thought about putting mine in, if only to point people away from some of my more popular trash, to some of my less popular trash (which may be better written)
Please remove this, when sticky is made, and cleaned up.
And thank you Lauren, for the Ahem!
Thanks to My Erotic Tale for the kind words on The Color of Absence, and to all who have left comments (including those coments which seem to have vanished):confused:

Sunday reviews....

Okay all the poems are not up yet.. and now that I am feeling better my family demands that I come out of hiding lol... so off I go for a while and will have to tackle them tonight hopefully they will be waiting for me when I come back lol... so no worries all can't wait to read..
Thanks, duckiesmut

duckiesmut said:
Monday's reviews...
In reverse order up the page, just for kicks...
Some sugar, please
by neonurotic

Such a smart girl,
never giving it all.
Hold back
stand back
until I ask

commiting more and more.

I loved the image of that girl, holding back what he needs until he asks. Something about this just works, and so well.
Thank you kindly for the mention in your review today and much gratitude to those who stopped by to leave comments even though they couldn't seem afterwards... they're there. I saw them ;)
Monday Feb 6th Reviews

Originally posted by duckiesmut
With The Devil
by champagne1982

Strong, heart-breaking words. The line breaks and placement, to me, fit perfectly. Rereading this several times, I get stuck at the last stanza. I don't know if it would be better tightened up, or if it is best as it is. No matter, this is excellent poetry.</snip>
Thank you for the review. I'm glad this piece touched you. As I wrote in the 'in Progress' thread --
I was very fresh from watching the CBC documentary "Shake Hands With The Devil" The Journey Of General Romeo Dallaire, when I wrote this. I've ordered the book of the same title. M. Dallaire published this autobiographical journal as a step toward healing his life-threatening depression.

Watching the video made me realize exactly how many damaged heroes Canada's peacekeeping missions have produced.

I can only pray that a time will come when heroes will only be needed to teach their children how to ride bicycles.
Perhaps this explains the last strophe? The General attempted suicide both passively and aggressively over the last decade, thus the words:
Do what is right.
Reject escape
with every strong fibre
of morality bred into you.​

I couldn't drop the last and keep my plea intact.

I've submitted an edit of this poem to correct the typo of 'dispair' which should read 'despair' and to sort out the slight format flub of one of the lines.

Thanks, everyone, for your pc's and views on this poem. I hope it is an adequate tribute to an excellent Canadian role model and true hero... At least he is in my view.
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Thank you duckie for you very kind words on my latest poem.
I appreciate your time and effort
: )
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