To keep the review thread clean...

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Practically all of Saturday's posts were lost. Manu is still trying to recover them, but there are no guarantees.
ref: monday, feb 14 review

I'm glad you enjoyed my poem, all. Thanks for the mention duckysmut. I am toying with writing more wind poems in the future.

Cat's Paw just seemed to strike a chord within...

A cat's paw is a tool to be used in accomplishing something devious, painful or distasteful.

There is the Cat's Paw nebula in the constellation Scorpius, which is my birth sign.

And this sweet name for a breeze that is so descriptive of it's appearance. A cat's paw breeze touches the water fleetingly in a downburst and dances skittishly away, much as a kitten shakes its paws as it encounters water.

I hope I managed to capture the imagery.

Thank you for your kind words about my Fathers past poem. It was not about the men in my family, they seem to keep ticking and ticking :)

Except my one Grandfather, who was hit by a car crossing the street from the mailbox.

My mother did not really cry until she got the letter he had sent days later...

that is the stuff of poetry.....


champagne1982 said:
I'm glad you enjoyed my poem, all. Thanks for the mention duckysmut. I am toying with writing more wind poems in the future.

Cat's Paw just seemed to strike a chord within...

A cat's paw is a tool to be used in accomplishing something devious, painful or distasteful.

There is the Cat's Paw nebula in the constellation Scorpius, which is my birth sign.

And this sweet name for a breeze that is so descriptive of it's appearance. A cat's paw breeze touches the water fleetingly in a downburst and dances skittishly away, much as a kitten shakes its paws as it encounters water.

I hope I managed to capture the imagery.

wow learn something new every day

here I thought you had a cat <grin>
Is this thread no longer a sticky? And who is reviewing what days, these days?
foehn said:
Is this thread no longer a sticky? And who is reviewing what days, these days?

Unstuck because of too many stickies. The review thread survived for a couple of years without being stuck, but if it gets to be too much of a pain for posters to find, then it'll be restuck.

Sunday: Du Lac
Monday: duckiesmut
Tuesday: Trent_Dutch
Wednesday: Syndra Lynn
Thursday: Liar (liar is leaving and I have someone who may take thurs.)
Friday: Tathagata (I forgot who's taking over friday)
Saturday: My Erotic Tale
Apologies for not being able to do Tuesdays reviews....

My apologies to one and all for my failure to get the reviews done yesterday. My internet access went down in the afternoon and I wasn't able to get it back until I called a guy out to sort my phonelines this morning (damn institutionalised Homophobia and apparent official secrets I blame - without them Turing would have had the UK using fibre optics by the early-mid 50's... We would have led the world in digital communication... instead of being stuck with the equivalent of Tins on the end of strings).

I will try to have a look through them later today and attempt to get a little something in the way of reveiws done.... and I promise I'll make it up to everyone by making next Tuesdays reviews extra specially good...
Thanks Syn

for the mention of my poem.
Oh and no one " did" anything to me
I just figured it was time to give the comments and votes a rest.
People have emailed or PM'ed me with comments and suggestions and I kinda like that better.
Tathagata said:
Oh and no one " did" anything to me

Oh. I thought maybe they tied you up and spanked you till you promised to turn off the vote, or something sordid like that. ;)

I should be writing, shouldn't I?

But no. i just sit here reading poetry and smut all day. :nana:

Syn :kiss:
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Syndra Lynn said:
Oh. I thought maybe they tied you up and spanked you till you promised to turn off the vote, or something sordid like that. ;)

I should be writing, shouldn't I.

But no. i just sit here reading poetry and smut all day. :nana:

Syn :kiss:

I wish

and that's not a bad way to spend a day
: )
Syndra Lynn said:

I should be writing,
shouldn't I?

But no. i just sit here reading
poetry and smut
all day.

Syn :kiss:
I think you just did!

BTW; thanks, Boo, for mentioning "Intuition", and to all that commented!
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WickedEve said:
Unstuck because of too many stickies. The review thread survived for a couple of years without being stuck, but if it gets to be too much of a pain for posters to find, then it'll be restuck.

Sunday: Du Lac
Monday: duckiesmut
Tuesday: Trent_Dutch
Wednesday: Syndra Lynn
Thursday: Liar (liar is leaving and I have someone who may take thurs.)
Friday: Tathagata (I forgot who's taking over friday)
Saturday: My Erotic Tale
what da fduck, stick it, stick it, stick it; back at the top
Respectively Requested of course
Rybka said:
Liar is one of my favorite Literotica poets. I am always amazed at his command of the English language considering that it is not his first. His poem today, Waking Up In A Bruised Room, ably demonstrate this fluency with its fullness of imagery and alliteration. Liar uses the concept of a destroyed room the morning after a fire as a metaphor for the 'morning after' in a relationship.
Fish person in da house! :cool:

Thanks for the nod. It's greatly appriciated. I was a bit worried noone would understand it, but it seems I worry too much.

Liar said:
Fish person in da house! :cool:

Thanks for the nod. It's greatly appriciated. I was a bit worried noone would understand it, but it seems I worry too much.



i absolutely loved the poem. :)
Rybka said:

neonurotic presents Other Side of Adam. I am not sure how the title relates to the body, but the author provides some smooth reading phrases with an imagery twist here and there. Of the three stanzas in this short piece, my favorite is the last:

I had a feeling that you were the 'mystery reviewer' today, Rybka. ;)

The title is in reference to part of my given name. The other side of Adam is Jamison.

Thanks kindly, for the mention and thanks for the PC's thus far.
Jer and Max are Fine

Thanks for the mention, I just want to let you know Jer is fine, and we are fine, he is getting ready to go off to Sicily for 10 days for a shoot, and I'm feeling really fragile with having to move from my lovely home, vunerable and alone without my rock, dealing with 5 broken ribs after being hit by a car, broken foot, and broken wrist.
There are other poems under my name fabmax, and some do not concern with Jer or myself, and yes most of my stuff does, but it comes from the heart, it may not be perfect, nor the grammar always right.
I suppose I might try posting some fetish related poetry, plenty of fun and creative scenes ;)

Enjoy this day, for you may have the good karma and enjoy many more to come


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Rybka said:
~ Since the new upgrade seems to have eliminated at least some of my reasons for refusing to post anymore on Literotica, I have returned today to see if it indeed is true. So let us start. ~


Today Angeline in Maneuvers writes words that might require several readings. The sound of the words stream nicely upon initial scan, but you may miss some of the expressive connections as the flow sweeps you along. My pick of lines for this piece are all but the opening line of the first stanza. "Maybe" is an example for me of having to read past the initial word flow to garner the meaning. I especially like the enjambment.

This is perhaps not Angeline's 'best ever' work, but it certainly is worth the time you may spend with it. (I do question the numerical presentation of "1,000" in the last strophe.)


So that's the wrap for this Thursday's fish review. Fold the newspaper and throw me away, but as always, please go and read the rest of today's new postings on the New Poems page. I hope I have separated most of the cod from the bycatch, But if you find a fluke or two, please pick them up and bring them to our attention! ;) Remember to vote, comment, and send feedback.
Our poets need your support.

Regards, Rybka

(What do you know, it accepted everything!)

Thank you Rybka. It's nice to see Rybka reviews. I always feel like you understand my writing. I originally did this as an illustrated piece, in which case the first line makes more sense. In fact, I was going to submit it illustrated, but my Photoshop crashed last night about 3/4's into it. I was too disheartened then to retry. :)

I'm gonna redo it though. I liked the way it was coming out.

Oh and the 1,000 was mainly for economy. Also most style guides say numbers in prose (well sentences) should not be written as words over nineteen. That's not really poetry I know, but I always figure if it was good enough for Strunk and White...

And thank you voters and commenters. Anna, you're welcome--sometimes I just feel more abstract. :D


DeepAsleep said:
New Poetry Reviews 2/18/05....
Flyguy69 breaks out onto the day with Wonder Y and with an easy style asks a few questions about the way that we look at one another. I recommend that you read this, comrades, for the good of the party.
Thanks, Deeply Disturbed One, for the review and for keeping your lips away from my starfish. :D

As usual, a frank assessment of poetry-- I appreciate your candor. Or maybe I am just afraid to contradict you!

Thanks, also, to those that commented. No one has said a word about the title....
flyguy69 said:
Thanks, Deeply Disturbed One, for the review and for keeping your lips away from my starfish. :D

As usual, a frank assessment of poetry-- I appreciate your candor. Or maybe I am just afraid to contradict you!

Thanks, also, to those that commented. No one has said a word about the title....

t'was on the tip of my tongue to ask you questions about chromosomes, but I do believe I became distracted.

I cry your pardon.

Re-re bug

DeepAsleep said:
New Poetry Reviews 2/18/05
Neo brings us a slick little piece called re-conjunction and while I don’t like the title so much, I do thoroughly enjoy the poem. The last stanza’s bitchin’, if I may be so bold as to say so, and the overall intent of the poem is nailed neatly into place. I just wonder at ‘re-‘conjunction, given the use of the prefix ‘re’ throughout the end of the poem. … It bugs me, is what I’m sayéng. Thank god you’re not me and can go read it yourself. Which you should do. Right now. Or I’ll…We|l. I may just have to hornswaggle you.

Thanks for the mention in your reviews today, D.A.—your suggestion is noted and I agree so I'll drop the title 'Re"

Also much thanks for the PC's too!
Dearest Du,

Thank you for mentioning my bad attempt at a limerick. Much appreciated, and I am glad at least I touched your funny bone.


DeepAsleep said:
Thank you, Du Lac, for smiling on a rat spitter.



YW DA.. I liked that you made me go to the dictionary to look up the word limned! not only made me feel in that poem but expanded my mind.. lol.. what the hell a good combo
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