To keep the review thread clean...

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BooMerengue said:
Du does give good review, doesn't she?

thank you both of you!!! I just be little old me.. du does du best a wee bit of craziness in between the lines for a laugh of interest..

ty both so much
Du~ :catroar:
My Erotic Tale said:
New Poems Reviews for Saturday 19,2005

Just a Fantasy by Savage Kitten

I am very honoured and quite flattered by your statements. I went back and checked out my poem and saw that I had a few comments there as well. They are much appreciated. The validation that those comments give can not be described with mere words. I really feel like I have accomplished something knowing that my readers felt the same emotions as they read the poem as I did while writing it.

That is the greatest compliment a writer could ever get!

Sincerely {{{hugz}}}

Of contributors unknown to me, Bill Dada, has submitted his first three erotic poems to Literotica. His first one, Aromatherapy, shows a potential promise of things to come. It starts:

the aroma of sex
hangs around
the sound of your voice
. . .

His other offerings are You Greet Me at the Door Naked and Your Touch. I look forward to watching this poet grow, and I hope he will spread his thoughts to non-erotic topics as well.

Rybka thank you for the very kind words and since you wrote this I have contributed a handfull of non-erotic poems. Love to read what you think of them.

Angel w/one Wing Bill Dada

I love the power of the running together of the words creates. A fast current that in the end falls off a water fall of realities voice!
Hot damn~ good write!

other writes by this poet are:

Thought Target

If you have ever seen Dada artwork this poet paints the same with his mind boggling writes.. go read them and ponder!!

Du Lac, thank you so much for the kind words as well.

I have never done this thing before and so far have posted this message unsuccessfully 4 times. I hope this time I finally get lucky. We'll see.

Bill Dada ;)
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Du Lac Thanks

Dear Du Lac,

Thank you sincerely for your kind words about Elephant Leg. Thanks, too, to everyone that voted, and an extra-special thanks for those who posted comments.


Dearest Duckie,

Thank you very much for your wondeful praise and constructive criticism. I will incorporate my new poetry wrench, (AS SEEN ON TV), in the future to tighten up all necessary loose words. ;)
Thank you all...

Thank you everyone for the comments on my recent poetic adventures..... encouragement and editting wise. Frosted Carnival I wrote fast and just posted it on... so yes I now see the problems with the work.. .thank you Eve and Reltne. Although... skittering comforters do happen... lol... when I am hibernating under one.. and then lust starts.... my comforter skitters to the floor with every rollercoaster ride I let loose in... screaming skittering and finally sighing lol...
so that was the inspiration for me...on that vision ... oh course not always so wholesome as the poems seem to be ha!

Thank you all for your help as I learn how to write!
Du Lac~ :catroar:
Anna's av

Anna, you have a lovely, very large brain. Please don't make me look at it over my coffee cup in the morning. I'm gonna spew!

Wow, glad to get that off my chest.

One more thing, I am writing again. :nana:

This is a good thing! But it means the 3 hours I spend on Wednesday morning doing reviews will now be spent deep in depraved, creative writing. I WILL finish my novel by the end of the year. Promise.

So, Wednesday is up for grabs.

Peace Out, Poet People

Syndra :kiss:
Thank you Syndra, for recommending I Am the Poem. I did that about a year ago and thought I'd lost it, so I was happy to find it and submit it here. :D

Thanks to those who commented, too.

Thank you Syndra Lynn for your kind words about my poem. I appreciate you just mentioning it amongst the other great works of the day.
waves :)

hey everyone!! it's been a while since i posted here in this thread. i just submitted a poem called "vanilla dreams" on the 22 and was wondering if i could get some feedback about it? MET already left a comment under the poem which i love and appreciate (sm000ches MET). i remember with one of my more recent poems someone had said to try to tone down some of the uhm... erm... i forget now lol. but anyways, i wrote this for a new guy i like.. hehe. and it just flowed out in a matter of minutes and i think it is a bit more relaxed than some of my other ones. so what does everyone else think? :)

thank youuuuuuuuu!!!

Hi, Rybka.
Thanks for mentioning me today. I think of myself as being primarily an author because I have almost 100 stories posted, including one siz-part novella, but I also have 26 poems. They are mostly jokes and other comments told in rhyming couplets or other forms because I concentrate on rhyme and meter.
Rybka said:
I was criticized last week for only mentioning some of the poems posted, even though I stressed that I was pointing out my personal choices. - So O.K., for you my PMer, since there are only 14 new poems today, I have made comments on all of them in this review. Let us start!

Of the 14 poems of the day, eight are by authors unknown to me. I cannot wax enthusiastic about any of them, but I believe that all new poets should be strongly urged to keep writing and, even more importantly, to keep reading! - So go read their poems and offer some words of encouragement.


This poem by a familiar Poetry Forum contributor, flyguy69, has Grit. It is an erotic poem that demonstrates how one can write a good poem that is also erotic. The structure is first-rate and the enjambment heightens the effect. This one is a solid "5" and a model for others who want to write erotic verse. It is my pick of the day. :rose: :nana: :rose:
This is a must read.


Finally, I come to the first poem in today's list, anti-gaki by twelveoone This is the third " E " awarded this Literotica poet. I am usually put off by works that refer me to another site before it even starts, but all the people who have commented so far think the poem very good. So, being an outsider in this area, I will bow to the PC people and just recommend that you go find out what all the hoopla is about. :)

Remember to vote, comment, and send feedback.
Our poets need your support.

Regards, Rybka
a comment on the comments, instead of a thanks.

I like your "Blast from the Past"

I respect your honesty, I think that you have offered some gentle suggestions in a lot of them. I like what you did with flyguy's review; you state this was your favourite and give reasons for it.

On to mine, I agree with you, I too, "am usually put off by works that refer me to another site before it even starts,". In this case, I made an exception. Utagaki is both an unfamiliar word, and it refers to a specific thread here. This was not, rather the inverse of it.

Now, on to the part that puts me off. I take exception to mentions of the past; the fact that I received two previous "E"'s should have less of a bearing than the quick reference that I left at the top of this offering.

To thank you for the mention, when you state earlier that you will mention all of them, and then basically say well other people liked this one, rather droll, don't you think?

There is alot I like about your handling of the comments, and I thank you for the time you put in, but to thank you for mine, well that would be fishing now, wouldn't it?

Regards also,
Thanks for the mention, Rybka, even though you "cannot wax enthusiastic" about my effort. Fair enough, I don't consider myself a poet. I'd rather be judged on my prose.

Thanks for the mention in yesterday's reviews. The two poems reviewed are actually my least favorite of the ones I have posted at lit- something for readers to keep in mind if they only read those two. (hint, read the others too please). :)
Thank you

Deep Asleep for the mention of my HST poem.
( nice that you picked up on the checking out reference also)
Glad you and most of the folk here enjoyed it
Thanks again
Deep Asleep?

Dear Deep Asleep,

I must ask... Truly, I must:

What poetical styles do you advocate, and which don't you advocate?

I eagerly await your reply!

Rybka said:
Colleen Thomas is a member of three years and she has Lots of stories, but only five poems. Her submission for today is When she says loverly. It is listed as an erotic poem, but probably more appropriately should be considered a love tribute. (IMO) there is nothing new or captivating in this poem. Considering the ability of this writer I can only rank it as average. - Go read it and see if you agree or not. :rose:



Thanks for the mention :)

While I was researching for a story I came across a selection of Waka poetry by Various members of the Japanese Combined fleet. Some of it was, I guess haunting is the best word, so I went to look up more about the form. The form of the poem is supposed to be Tanka and I tend to agree, it's not very good. The rigid syllable structure is a challenge that is probably best left to those with alot more experince than I have, as it drove me batty. thanks again for the mention here, I didn't really expect it to draw any attention. :)


Thanks, Rybka, for your citation of "Grit"-- you are most kind. Behind this soil my cheeks are blushed! Thanks, also, to those that commented. Your observations mean more than votes. But votes count, too, baby!
Fflow said:
Dear Deep Asleep,

I must ask... Truly, I must:

What poetical styles do you advocate, and which don't you advocate?

I eagerly await your reply!


I'll have to take my tongue out of my cheek to reply, so bear with me.

I said that a poem was not done in a style that I advocate because I didn't want to state, yet again, that I tend not to like rhyming poetry when it's posted here on Literotica. I dislike rhyming poetry and I don't like rhyme schemes. I particularly don't like these things when there is no definite rhythm to the words. When poems rhyme just so that it sounds the same at the end, it feels sloppy and it feels like there's something missing. *I* think that takes away from the poem. If the words don't flow, fflow, it doesn't make me smile.

But that's just my opinion.

No rhyme, no reason

Hmm... Well, I guess that eliminates just about every so-called great poet in my English Lit textbook... I can understand your preference, but it is purely an esthetic one, not one that reflects the quality of work, or of the writer.

I still believe that the discipline of writing a good sonnet has merit, not mearly as an intellectual exercise, but as a tool for channelling one's ideas into a powerful and proven structure.

That's just my opinion.

For your consideration:

When in the chronicle of wasted time
I see descriptions of the fairest wights,
And beauty making beautiful old rhyme,
In praise of ladies dead and lovely knights,
Then, in the blazon of sweet beauty's best,
Of hand, of foot, of lip, of eye, of brow,
I see their antique pen would have express'd
Even such a beauty as you master now.
So all their praises are but prophecies
Of this our time, all you prefiguring;
And for they looked but with divining eyes,
They had not skill enough your worth to sing:
For we, which now behold these present days,
Have eyes to wonder, but lack tongues to praise.

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Ok, so that last sonnet was written by some dead guy called Willie. This one is something I just knocked off in the last half hour or so. I can't say that it is perfect, but it is kinda interesting. At the very least it illustrates, I hope, that old-school structures can still have some merit even now:


Theology becomes an addled blur
Of cabbages and kings all turned to dust,
But undeniable the pull of her
That walks beyond demise, decay, and rust.

She moves with ease beyond her dearth of days
And laughs without embarrassment or shame
In knowing truth: that visions pierce the haze,
The veil across the river’s flowing flame.

No, Death will not hold sway upon her breast,
Nor penetrate the certainty of faith
She holds within her heart, each beat caressed
With deep abiding love, released her wraith.

Embodied for a moment, then released,
Her spirit lives though body is deceased.
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