To keep the review thread clean...

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Originally Posted by WickedEve
Rybka, you handled the review perfectly. You were honest about your reaction to today's poems, but you also encouraged readers to comment and vote. You can't recommend poetry you don't like. And there will be poetry days when mediocrity rules.

My Erotic Tale


wow how did I miss the fun?

I say it is perspective~

It is hard to see the light when swimming in the waters of the mind.
When looking for a pebble and only finding sand why mention
the sand. While throwing rocks. I think it best if you see the
Poetry list as mediocor, then why not say here is a giggle that is a tad
bit in the medocrity section, not mention old poems on a new poems
thread, then not comment on any poems,
I found several poems to be cute humorous and even clever today
my two cents any body got change for a dime?

First, I want to make it clear that I was not saying that particular day was mediocre. Some days simply are and some days my poems are less than mediocre. It happens. When I do reviews, I do try to mention even the average poems. Some mediocre poems show potential. I like to encourage readers to comment on those poems and offer suggestions to the poets.
And we used to have a thread (maybe the same thread it's on now) where we did a spin for an older poem, which we mentioned along with the new poems. There are lot of good oldies that no one knows about. :)
Lauren Hynde said:
Art, I was trying not to say anything, but what the fuck are you doing? Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?

You didn't quote the source of the quotes in your poem, nor did you even indicate they were quotes. You want to claim ignorance, fine. Say you didn't know what you were doing and shut the fuck up! It's painful to see this sort of behaviour, you know? Grow up!

what's wrong with me? what ever do you mean?
Okay lauren geez, shut up <grin>
chill is it that time of the month?
I made a note in the comment section till I can make a better one,(edit)
so jims hemroid will clear up soon. I really feel bad, I have the PM where I sent a note. I saved the poem for tuesday night,
I knew jim would disect it, certain type poems he likes
to play Mr. Superior. I had no idea he would yell plagerize,
but it don't suprise me,

Thanks Grasshopper, I read alot here and see a lot of quotes with no
direct cite (whatever) I never do, don't think I ever quote any one, normally and probably won't again. I felt the comment at the end of the poem was a whole lot more than most put to point the references this one was to the movie and the man. I only hoped to share his wit and wisdom with honor, but the norm for lit is to write submit and wait for the grammer police or the ill critics views. I try to be the balance and project the good and slap on the backs that are not gotten, both are needed I agree. You 3 are the core to this forum and poetry world at lit, what you do and how you view these peolpes poems are essential to poets growing, not over fertilized or not watered and die <grin> I am not the norm, I don't follow others comments and opinions, I know when a poem of mine is good and when it's not. This TRIBUTE was actually I had hoped to instill more zen into the lit world, but some people are not very zen with inner spirit, sour grapes from something I could never control so it will never bother me. <grin>

and Wicked I don't believe you would ever state that there was no poems worthy a mention, that's not a normal post. it stirred a few I see. But adapt and over come, semper fi

I truely believe my signature line of a hammer for a tool in life, fits jim. I can only hope from now on to put nail poems in front of his eyes when he reviews. Now I'm not upset, you guys got your opinions and I believe in different views, I see it all the time, no two think alike,

even peas in a pod are unique and different and each able to grow a new vine! It's those that intertwine that watch out comfort and help each other as you 3 do. the core to this forum and the balance of tranquility lies in well, actually the three woman rule, jim whimpers. You goddess's of poetry have my attention. (*_*)as well as so very many, so lets try a little kindness, and I'll SHUT THE FUCK UP now.<chuckleboned> kicks lauren in the ass. <grin>
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Art, I haven't read all the posts on this yet, but I did read your poem again, and I see that you did mention that it was a tribute to Blind Fury and you even gave more information at the bottom. I think it's a simple mistake of not making it clear enough to the reader exactly which lines are from the movie. I believe that's what Jim was trying to point out, but like I said, I haven't read it all yet. He is a good and fair reviewer. I have learned something here myself. I can see how poets may insert a famous quote assuming that everyone will know the origin. But we should all make sure to give credit where credit is due. And Art, you did choose some obscure quotes, at least, for me. I don't watch many movies like Blind Fury. :)
I was inspired by a jthserra poem to read more about Duchamp, where I learned about his "The King and Queen Surrounded by Swift Nudes." I loved swift nudes, and in my poem Society Streak, I begin with "a swift nude." The poem has nothing to do with Duchamp. It was simply inspired by those two words. Should I have given Duchamp credit for "swift nude?" Probably. I never thought about it until now. I'm not sure if that's something to give credit to or not. How about if I use "Gone with the Wind" in a line of my poem?
My Erotic Tale said:

Now I'm insulted that you didn't delete an answer to me. :rose:


That's my insulted face. ;)
Angeline said:
Now I'm insulted that you didn't delete an answer to me. :rose:


That's my insulted face. ;)

I think that looks like you just ate something. Are you sure you aren't a praying mantis in disguise? :p Where is ee? Anyone seen him? ;)

And don't those antanae drive your eyes batty errr I mean buggy?
*Catbabe* said:
I think that looks like you just ate something. Are you sure you aren't a praying mantis in disguise? :p Where is ee? Anyone seen him? ;)

And don't those antanae drive your eyes batty errr I mean buggy?

I think it looks like I need major dental work. lol.

ee is just fine.


(woops. i meant chirp. Yeah that's it. Chirp. Chirp.)
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*Catbabe* said:

Is it that an example of poetic justice?

Oh alright. He's watching Gladiator. He said "Hey look! Gladiator's on tonight!"

I made it to the first death by flaming arrow and came back online. :D
Angeline said:
Oh alright. He's watching Gladiator. He said "Hey look! Gladiator's on tonight!"

I made it to the first death by flaming arrow and came back online. :D
Gladiator is too upsetting. And I refuse to watch Brave Heart. You should eat him for watching that movie! Eat him! (I want details later.)
Angeline said:
Oh alright. He's watching Gladiator. He said "Hey look! Gladiator's on tonight!"

I made it to the first death by flaming arrow and came back online. :D

That was very brave and tough of you Ange. :rolleyes:

Check your back. EE may have slapped a "girls are wusses" sign on you as you scurried from the room. ;)
*Catbabe* said:
That was very brave and tough of you Ange. :rolleyes:

Check your back. EE may have slapped a "girls are wusses" sign on you as you scurried from the room. ;)

LOL. He knows I'm a wuss. In some ways. In others he thinks I'm a "bawl buster."

On the other hand, I though Night of the Living Dead was one of the funniest movies I ever saw.

Go figure.
My Erotic Tale said:
thanks Grasshopper
<smiling really big----grinin' too>


I always tell my students not act on your first verbal response when angry...thank god the post has a delete, lauren will sleep better, thanks grasshopper.

I hope your grin looks better than mine in that photo sweety.


WickedEve said:
I was inspired by a jthserra poem to read more about Duchamp, where I learned about his "The King and Queen Surrounded by Swift Nudes." I loved swift nudes, and in my poem Society Streak, I begin with "a swift nude." The poem has nothing to do with Duchamp. It was simply inspired by those two words. Should I have given Duchamp credit for "swift nude?" Probably. I never thought about it until now. I'm not sure if that's something to give credit to or not. How about if I use "Gone with the Wind" in a line of my poem?

Titles are not copywritable, so your use of "swift nudes" or "Gone with the Wind" would be okay. Poems inspired by art (lowercase a there) would not need any documentation, but I think it adds interest to the poem. The use of Rhett Butler's line "Frankly my dear..." may not need to be cited, but certainly if you use several lines of dialogue from the movie, you would need to cite the source.

In writing reviews, writers are free to fairly liberally use quotes from works provided they don't use too much. How much is too much?? Ah, there is a question. There isn't really an answer. In my postings of reviews to lit, I had one review, of Malcolm McLaren's CD "Paris" where it was rejected for having too many lines quoted, even though they were well cited. I had to cut some of McLaren's lyrics out of my review to get it accepted.

jim : )
jthserra said:
Titles are not copywritable, so your use of "swift nudes" or "Gone with the Wind" would be okay. Poems inspired by art (lowercase a there) would not need any documentation, but I think it adds interest to the poem. The use of Rhett Butler's line "Frankly my dear..." may not need to be cited, but certainly if you use several lines of dialogue from the movie, you would need to cite the source.

In writing reviews, writers are free to fairly liberally use quotes from works provided they don't use too much. How much is too much?? Ah, there is a question. There isn't really an answer. In my postings of reviews to lit, I had one review, of Malcolm McLaren's CD "Paris" where it was rejected for having too many lines quoted, even though they were well cited. I had to cut some of McLaren's lyrics out of my review to get it accepted.

jim : )
I looked that review up. I suppose I can understand it being rejected at first. It probably makes an editor nervous that too much of another person's work is being used. Though, you'd think with a review... hmmm.
Tosses jim a bone
really there was a poem in todays new poem list called
CSI limerick series
A good tribute to the show and I thought
with no cite it may have been done in such a way it
doesn't need one? take a look this is
a topic worth investigating for sure.

I would hate to step on Zatoichis' toe
or bruce lee for that matter <grin>

bruce lee had some poems but they said they weren't that good
so here they would be mediocore or pitted as ignorant
for not knowing poetry, even with his best qualities not revealed

hummmmm very interesting (I'm sure that's quoting somebody)
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My Erotic Tale said:
really there was a poem in todays new poem list called
CSI limerick series
A good tribute to the show and I thought
with no cite it may have been done in such a way it
doesn't need one?
That CSI poem doesn't seem to be taking lines from the show. And it is does have CSI in the title so the reader will know what it's about. So, there really is no need for this poem to give credit to anyone else.
My Erotic Tale said:
what's wrong with me? what ever do you mean?
Okay lauren geez, shut up <grin>
chill is it that time of the month?

What are you? 12? No matter what the rest of this post said, even if it was the most brilliantly worded argument presenting your point and proving you right, this infantile gesture completely nullified it. Perhaps you concluded with, "Nanny, nanny boo-boo."

Syndra Lynn
Syndra Lynn said:
What are you? 12? No matter what the rest of this post said, even if it was the most brilliantly worded argument presenting your point and proving you right, this infantile gesture completely nullified it. Perhaps you concluded with, "Nanny, nanny boo-boo."

Syndra Lynn

wow syn
you defending the she devil
or just joining the slander wagon?
My Erotic Tale said:
wow syn
you defending the she devil
or just joining the slander wagon?
We all know she devil doesn't need defending. :D

And Art, I left a post directed at you about one page back that is supportive, which you ignored, along with my other posts. You're only focusing on what you see as being negative comments. Though, I guess I can understand that too.
Angeline said:

I just read Art's poem. Ok, it has quotes in it, but it also has this at the end of the poem:

(The infamous blind Samurai wandered the countryside of Japan in the early 1800s. The immortal 'Star' died in 1992. Zatoichis' natural charm, wit and quick sword won the hearts of many in a series of 26 Japanese movies, in the 1960s)

That is, admittedly, not a direct reference to each quote (and having done the edit thing, I know what those are supposed to look like), but neither is the poem plagiarizing, imho.

Anyway, I slip quotes or references to them into my poems all the time. One of the poems I posted today has a quote from Macbeth "knit up the raveled sleeve of care," and a direct reference to John Donne's poem "Death Be Not Proud." I knew what they were when I put them in the poem and I didn't note either of them. Should I have? Maybe not because I suppose one could argue they're pretty famous and both too old to have copyright issues. But it's a gray area. And these *are* poems, not research papers. I'm not sure there's an absolutely correct way to go at it. If there is, I'll be pleased to be enlightened, but I doubt it's precise.

Personally, I would have handled it in a pm, but that's me.

Here's my take (not that anyone asked, but you know me). Art thought Jim was being pedantic. It pissed him off. We all get pissed off sometimes. It's called being human. I myself am very pissed at the coming foot of snow, but when it fights back, it will win. :)

I like Jim, I like Art, and I love my Lauren--even when she's hotheaded (it's the av--it makes her feisty). Mostly I love poetry and learning how to be better at writing it. We all do. That's why we're here. Right? (Of course, right.)


Hmmm, well there goes my poem about slingblade, I reckin
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