To keep the review thread clean...

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Thanks Du
for the wonderful review and mention of my poem

"PC bustle"

I can only imagine where I got the idea for that one <grinin'>

I heard a fish make a comment today
I could only smile~
My Erotic Tale said: ying yang works <bigrin>


a never ending......ying yang <grin>

I believe the word you wanted was:

yin The passive, female cosmic principle in Chinese dualistic philosophy, as opposed to ying, for which I could find no definition.

A humble observation. <smirk>

Syndra Lynn said:
I believe the word you wanted was:

yin The passive, female cosmic principle in Chinese dualistic philosophy, as opposed to ying, for which I could find no definition.

A humble observation. <smirk>


Yes, you would be correct,
the actual symbol is the ynig yang
and did refer to the concept of
the yin and the yang
yin being the darker, underlieing, unseen
the yang being bright, obvious, energetic

the total philosophy is amzing think of anything
anything, and there is an opposite, when dealing
with problems it is said to look for the opposite of the
problem and you may find your solution. <smirk grin>
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Thank You

duckie for your very kind review of my poem.
( I'm glad you enjoyed " profundity" as much as I did)

duckiesmut said:
Suddenly, craving
by neonurotic

I love the rhythm of this, the way the words flow down the poem in tune with the tone and feel. How sad, that I didn't know what a casaba was before this. :)
Thank you, duckie for the mention of my poem today... yes casabas are good check out those crenshaws too ;)
Apologies again.......

My apologies once again for my failure to get any reviews done. I had a job interview very early this morning and had to spend last night preparing and researching the organisation. It payed off and they've offered me the job.... I just don't know if I should take it. If I do, I'll be another faceless suit-wearing clockpunching corporate monkey... but with lots of money in the bank. If I don't take it, I still have plenty of other things in the pipeline, but I don't know when they'll pay off.

Anyway, I diverge.... My apologies for the lack of reviews... I have most of this afternoon off so I might find some time to get something done and put up.... I've also got a piece thats been given a preliminary acceptance from Thieves Jargon, so I'm gonna have to spend some time editing that.... and I think the pub might be calling my name.....
Take It!

So you work as a corporate monkey for a year, sock away big wads of cash, then live in Cambodia or Thailand like a king for 5 or 6 years. You can always go back to the rat race, right?

Just a thought....
Im going back to University in September to continue moving towards my dreams... so this job is only a stopgap measure. Doesn't make it any easier. I'm going to have to try my hardest all day to be nice to people, no matter how justified my anger is. Im going to lose all my free time, my creative energies, my patience and most probably my will to live. Im going to have no time to read books (unless their company best practice manuals or proposals), no time to ride my bike, no time to surf, no time to cook and eat well. I guess I'm just against giving close to half my waking hours in a week to a job that I don't enjoy, its a kind of slavery, but one society seems to accept. Darkhus Howe (or Marcus... the old black social commentator, speaks with the last scraps of a carribean accent) put it rather well in a book and Television series he did a handful of years ago... can't remember what it was called ('Slave Britain' or something similar)

I would accept a bad job or shitty pay or long hours, if the job was rewarding... but this position isn't....Its the sort of friendly (read 'patronising') organisation, where employees aren't people, but assets, where individuality is crushed and stifled, where they force/coerce employees to quite smoking through Mengelian techniques (smokers are a bad image for a company.... 'Smokers, a dying breed'), where they bandy around words like stress and performance and transition accomodation. Even the companies role is one that was probably invented by some suits in a room with flip charts and marker pens (its an international business process outsourcer (lowercase intentional).... basically it does things for other businesses).

I should have just taken that builders labourers job... at least then I'd be out in the sun. A different job (ideally a position as Devils advocate, though I've never seen it advertised) or September better come around soon or my writings gonna turn into something like......

'I am the Face of Vertex,
I am the Heart of Vertex....
I am.... wait.... who am I?'

Either that or I'll just assume the whole 'water off a ducks back' attitude (I had a gobby cockney girlfriend once.... time with her allowed me to develop the nodding blank stare... while I dreamt of the gorgeousness and gorgeosity of Ludwig Van... which brings me to another point... I can't even have a stereo in my office cos its all open plan and 'cosy').... Fucking jobs.
You are faced with a terrible decision... one I myself was faced with... big buck, enormous power job... one of many, loss of self, feeling, life...

I quit~~~~ and all my education lies dormant... well.. only expressed in my writing... as I am once again a bartender... money is not bad... but now huge... but the rewards are this...

I have some peace again in my soul.. spring is coming and once again maybe I can take the time to find my path... (for me it is always changing...) a non thinking job, were I am immersed in so many lessons of living.. talking to customers watching social interactions ..... and cash every night... sometimes honey it is not about all the power, money and suits... it is about what lives within that makes us weathly...
good luck
Du Lac~ :catroar:

Trent_Dutch said:
Im going back to University in September to continue moving towards my dreams... so this job is only a stopgap measure. Doesn't make it any easier. I'm going to have to try my hardest all day to be nice to people, no matter how justified my anger is. Im going to lose all my free time, my creative energies, my patience and most probably my will to live. Im going to have no time to read books (unless their company best practice manuals or proposals), no time to ride my bike, no time to surf, no time to cook and eat well. I guess I'm just against giving close to half my waking hours in a week to a job that I don't enjoy, its a kind of slavery, but one society seems to accept. Darkhus Howe (or Marcus... the old black social commentator, speaks with the last scraps of a carribean accent) put it rather well in a book and Television series he did a handful of years ago... can't remember what it was called ('Slave Britain' or something similar)

I would accept a bad job or shitty pay or long hours, if the job was rewarding... but this position isn't....Its the sort of friendly (read 'patronising') organisation, where employees aren't people, but assets, where individuality is crushed and stifled, where they force/coerce employees to quite smoking through Mengelian techniques (smokers are a bad image for a company.... 'Smokers, a dying breed'), where they bandy around words like stress and performance and transition accomodation. Even the companies role is one that was probably invented by some suits in a room with flip charts and marker pens (its an international business process outsourcer (lowercase intentional).... basically it does things for other businesses).

I should have just taken that builders labourers job... at least then I'd be out in the sun. A different job (ideally a position as Devils advocate, though I've never seen it advertised) or September better come around soon or my writings gonna turn into something like......

'I am the Face of Vertex,
I am the Heart of Vertex....
I am.... wait.... who am I?'

Either that or I'll just assume the whole 'water off a ducks back' attitude (I had a gobby cockney girlfriend once.... time with her allowed me to develop the nodding blank stare... while I dreamt of the gorgeousness and gorgeosity of Ludwig Van... which brings me to another point... I can't even have a stereo in my office cos its all open plan and 'cosy').... Fucking jobs.
WickedEve said:
and the timber of my yes.

That was a brilliant line

The rest was naughty so I didn't read it...
or as you say down south

"Ah Averted Mah Ahs"
You start squeezing sparks out of the timber of your yes and Smokey the Bear is gonna be all over you!
WickedEve said:
we prefer autumn backdrop,
leaves like woodland frolic.
oh, how i carried them over brook,
through underbrush. we collapsed
as though from treetops.

pose us spread on boards.
we'll gather and smile upon the floor.
we understand hard. we collapsed
on forest ground.

bare me before the flash,
though we prefer natural light--
dappled splendor beneath arborous tatting,
no fabric in sight,
only tremulous leaves when we fell,

and the timber of my yes.

my spark, my squeeze,
closer now.

immortalize us,
then show me your silver frames.
jthserra said:
Well bless me I truly walked to this place. Everyone go read this poem, it is wonderful. Psst, Eve, now that no-one's watching, what is a "shuffalong?" I looked and looked, even checking back into my wife's Alabama country folk vocabulary and couldn't find it.

Well, I guess it's time to just shuffalong now. Take a peek at today's new poems and find a favorite of your own. Have a nice evening... and hey hey, let's be poetic out there.

jim : )
A double shot of good reviews - Kudos. I know this was not Eve's intention, but someone has complied a database of racial slurs (?) if you wish you can go find how others see you and since it is St. Paddy's Day
Shuffalong Blacks Supposed to mean "shuffle along." Refering to lazy slaves.
Jim (and Eve) could not have possibly known this since they do not have sheets on their heads.
I have been running all my writing now through PC Correcter; here is my latest:

527 words taken out.
twelveoone said:
A double shot of good reviews - Kudos. I know this was not Eve's intention, but someone has complied a database of racial slurs (?) if you wish you can go find how others see you and since it is St. Paddy's Day
Shuffalong Blacks Supposed to mean "shuffle along." Refering to lazy slaves.
Jim (and Eve) could not have possibly known this since they do not have sheets on their heads.
I have been running all my writing now through PC Correcter; here is my latest:

527 words taken out.

I'm very against racial or other slurs--especially when they're directed at me, something I experienced plenty of in my youth since mine was the only Jewish family in my neighborhood. I wouldn't change a word of Eve's poem though, first because I think that poetically it's a great line and second because many words taken out of context can be misinterpreted. For me it's all about the context. Just my opinion.

Angeline said:
I'm very against racial or other slurs--especially when they're directed at me, something I experienced plenty of in my youth since mine was the only Jewish family in my neighborhood. I wouldn't change a word of Eve's poem though, first because I think that poetically it's a great line and second because many words taken out of context can be misinterpreted. For me it's all about the context. Just my opinion.

It absolutely belongs there because racism is a theme in the poem. Without it Gunter is lessened.
twelveoone said:

Breathtaking minimalist poetry, twelver!

Yes, i know this shouldn't be on this thread, but that's what we pay our moderators for! :D
flyguy69 said:
Breathtaking minimalist poetry, twelver!

Yes, i know this shouldn't be on this thread, but that's what we pay our moderators for! :D

we pay them??

Then what's with Eve bitching about batteries??
Tathagata said:
we pay them??

Then what's with Eve bitching about batteries??
I get a bill every month. Are they taking advantage of me? I wondered when the last one said I had to pay it in tongue baths.

Is anybody else having trouble with the "last poem viewed" highlighting on the New Poems board? It used to be that when I clicked on poem, read it, and then clicked back to the list of new poems the one I had just read was highlighted. Today there was no indication of which poem I had just viewed. Is it me (I am breaking in a new computer), or is this happening to other readers? :confused: :( :confused:
Rybka said:
Is anybody else having trouble with the "last poem viewed" highlighting on the New Poems board? It used to be that when I clicked on poem, read it, and then clicked back to the list of new poems the one I had just read was highlighted. Today there was no indication of which poem I had just viewed. Is it me (I am breaking in a new computer), or is this happening to other readers? :confused: :( :confused:
I'm having the same trouble, but I'm breaking in a new browser...

EDIT: Yep, it works as usual if I switch back to IE.
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Thanks, Jim, for mentioning Skyward Eyes in the Review thread. And thanks, also, to those that commented. I appreciate any and all comments, especially those that cite strengths or weaknesses of the piece. Poems are like fingernails; in constant need of biting.
Lauren Hynde said:
I'm having the same trouble, but I'm breaking in a new browser...

EDIT: Yep, it works as usual if I switch back to IE.
Hmmm. . . I'm using the the same browser (IE 6.0.29) but I upgraded from Win 98SE to Win XP pro. The tech told me this afternoon that it was probably the site and gave me some fancy fursnoogling explanation along the lines of "This OS is so much better that it can/does make finer distinctions in imaging code. . . yada, yada, yada. . . !!! :confused: :( :confused:

Has anyone mentioned this problem to Manu? Being able to see what you last read is very useful and I miss it.
Rybka said:

Of today's 20 poems 15 of them are listed as erotic, which is unusual. If you are feeling horny you may want to go read some of them. A couple are "cute", some are poor, most are standard Literotica fare. I personally did not find any of them to be exceptional. Here are two of the non-erotic poems I found most interesting today. (Note the emphasis on "I".)

Regards, Rybka
(Note the emphasis on "I".)
emphasis on I, duly noted, cuteness too.
"I" mentioned three times vs two new poems, hmmm
Regards, 1201(whoops)twelveoone
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Angeline said:
I'm very against racial or other slurs--especially when they're directed at me, something I experienced plenty of in my youth since mine was the only Jewish family in my neighborhood. I wouldn't change a word of Eve's poem though, first because I think that poetically it's a great line and second because many words taken out of context can be misinterpreted. For me it's all about the context. Just my opinion.

Sorry, Angeline, both for experiencing racial slurs as a child (I've been called a few, BTW), and if you think I was implying Eve should change a line. I have so very little time, recently. All I had time for was reading the reviews (I like Jim's reviews), noting his comment and googling "Shuffalong". Imagine my surprise. Imagine my surprise when I found some moron had referenced and added about 100 others in some inane anti-black rant.
Truth is I did not get a chance to read Eve's poem, Eve, you know I didn't as it doesn't have the customary 100 next to it from me, and wonderful rave. Maybe this weekend. Sorry.
fawnie said:
trickles down from my umbrella
puddles slosh below
hiding dead of winter
where flowers bloomed
and petals dried in olive jar
spring fragrance and vinegar
pickled memories
transparent longings
kept safe within the glass
a closer look
a sniff of yesterday
nostils turn away
for aroma reveals no thoughts
of gardens nourished by the rains
of seasons past
love fades atlast.

hi fawnie..
You've been writing!!
this is very the petals in the olive jar
good to see you
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