To keep the review thread clean...

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annaswirls said:
what I did instead of writing poetry this morning


this summer I let a geranium die
from dehydration, never made it out of its market pack

it sat on the grill well into the winter months
brown sticks
when three deformed red blossoms appeared I knew it had proven
right to life

I moved it into a bigger pot.


today I made four air dry models
of our family

stuck to popcicle sticks


I have yet to shower
Which means the Eminem look a like
from two doors down will most likely knock
to use my phone


cleaned the floor.
found magnetic poetry


bribed the young one to help
or at least remain occupied by putting all of daddys change
into his own yellow pig


read all the zoo stories in the house
even Barney


I saw the sun
Paid bills

hold on a second, I want to go get some more


I remembered someone
I forgot something else


matched two baskets of unmatched socks

I lied
I did not match any socks
I hate matching socks


did I mention I re-potted the geranium that rose from the dead?


That's more than I do in a week
Thank you

M.E.T for the mention of my poem.

1201: you're right, it wasn't one of my best.
I had lost the feel/ inspiration I had when I began this poem but I needed to complete it and get it out of the way so i could move on.
I'll go back to it some day, In the meantime remember...They can't all be gems

My Erotic Tale said:
Café au lait Casanova 2
by neonurotic

After all, a man's wedding ring
is instant girl-kryptonite
and a coffee cup can stay full all night
even though now, it's 'just flirting'.
Thank you for the mention in your reviews yesterday, I appreciate it since I received a lot of reads and comments because of your mention.
neonurotic said:
Thank you for the mention in your reviews yesterday, I appreciate it since I received a lot of reads and comments because of your mention.

Are they shutting down all the coffee shops in you know where?

Angeline said:
Ate they shutting down all the coffee shops in you know where?

No ;) I'll just keep my left hand in my pocket... er wait that will give them impression I'm doing something else and get the rep of the creepy coffee shop perv.
Thank you genderless fish person~

Rybka said:
The second poem that caught my eye today was Facing Water by Syndra Lynn. This work captures seaside encounters vividly in very short lines.- No problem understanding this one! :) I can see the sea and smell the cocoa-butter. It reminded me strongly of tourist vacations on Caribbean islands and made me long for winters in Antigua again :rose:

Regards, Rybka

Thanks for this mention!

And thanks to all the poets who take time to vote and comment each day. You keep this place rolling.

Happy Spring!

Syn :kiss:
neonurotic said:
No ;) I'll just keep my left hand in my pocket... er wait that will give them impression I'm doing something else and get the rep of the creepy coffee shop perv.

laughing my ass off
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annaswirls said:
He exaggerates

the door repoened after have been closed
five minutes

double stepping the stairs

damn it!

newborn finally fell asleep
on my breast
brother still asleep in crib


damn it!

what does he want?



switches on channel six
it is a movie

turns out most people would say this

it was like a movie

Mars Attacks or
Independence day maybe
the destruction of Manhattan is alawys a catch

mother:called:worried:son outside pittsburg

California was just waking.
next target

brother:called:breakfast:turn on the tv


in my bed: everyone
newborn: suckling
toddler: jumping
husband: pacing
brother: waiting

until the first tower

and he had to leave:explain to his 2 year old
yes baby, there are people in there

he does not say
I have friends who work in there
how could a thing be spoken

I did not lose a sister or friend
or father but understand

I am not ready
for your predictions
however well intended

not wanting your position of leverage
balanced on my insecurity

not interested in your
artistic representations

I am still there on my bed
not enough room for those
with whom I want to share my death

not ready to accept
we cannot plan these things

Sometimes I would come home from a hard day's work and EVERYONE would want somethng from me. Kids want snacks, hub has questions, phone ringing, dog following me, even the goldfish making feed me faces at me. Made me want to scream. I think you've expressed it well. :D

champagne1982 said:
Why Not ...

Where is my tantric sexuality?
Has my energy slipped through
Your fingers, just as you thought you had a grip?

Now, I wait to see if you'll be all
Over me as I whisper
Take me, I wanna fuck you.

Feel my fingers pull you towards my
Undulating hips as they eagerly raise up.
Chase my impatience away and give me what I want
Knowing all the while that you want it too.

:) champ!!
wonderful acrostic!!!

BooMerengue said:
Thank you, Rod.


if you don't know robbie robertson's original version of "broken arrow", you should try it.

to me, it's far superior. i have no need to listen to rod stewart's cover any more.

PatCarrington said:

if you don't know robbie robertson's original version of "broken arrow", you should try it.

to me, it's far superior. i have no need to listen to rod stewart's cover any more.


I have heard it and you're right. I just wasn't sure if others had. And even though I don't really care for videos the one Rod did with this song just knocked me out.

still waiting for the 25 words...
mojo_cat said:
[b[*What you hope to get out of your time at lit (please include level of critique you are looking for)

I started here three years ago just wanting a place to store my stuff online so i could grab it whenever I needed it. Now i tend to hope for criticism, both scholarly and personal, and as an inveterate correctrix I tend to offer grammatical and mechanics-based crit as well.

I was hoping to get some feedback on my work because of course, objective views of one's own creative output are close to impossible.

*What do you hope to contribute to the poetry community at literotica? What role do you see yourself playing here?

I had hoped to be a very contributing member here. Unfortunately I tend to find my inability to be here as frequently as some other posters prevents that to a degree. I would like to be able to be a bit more forthright about my opinions, but I find that I can be a little too cutting at times. So I rein that in. :)

*How would you describe your writing?

I can't. I'm working on dveleoping my own style. I do most of my stuff in blank verse, but i try actively not to parrot other writers I enjoy. This seems to be working all right for my poetry, but my prose still sounds exactly like Stephen King's leftover idea napkins.

*URL to your work at lit, personal website etc.
Just here. i also have

*List of some of your favorite poems/stories you have at Lit, in case anyone wants to get a taste of your work

I'm still most proud of inchoate Inchoate's the only thing I ever wrote that didn't make me cringe.

hey guiez im still here :D

Inchoate is brilliant. A brilliant poem. Nice to see you. Wanna write?

mojo_cat said:
*What you hope to get out of your time at lit (please include level of critique you are looking for)

I started here three years ago just wanting a place to store my stuff online so i could grab it whenever I needed it. Now i tend to hope for criticism, both scholarly and personal, and as an inveterate correctrix I tend to offer grammatical and mechanics-based crit as well.

I was hoping to get some feedback on my work because of course, objective views of one's own creative output are close to impossible.

*What do you hope to contribute to the poetry community at literotica? What role do you see yourself playing here?

I had hoped to be a very contributing member here. Unfortunately I tend to find my inability to be here as frequently as some other posters prevents that to a degree. I would like to be able to be a bit more forthright about my opinions, but I find that I can be a little too cutting at times. So I rein that in. :)

*How would you describe your writing?

I can't. I'm working on dveleoping my own style. I do most of my stuff in blank verse, but i try actively not to parrot other writers I enjoy. This seems to be working all right for my poetry, but my prose still sounds exactly like Stephen King's leftover idea napkins.

*URL to your work at lit, personal website etc.
Just here. i also have

*List of some of your favorite poems/stories you have at Lit, in case anyone wants to get a taste of your work

I'm still most proud of inchoate Inchoate's the only thing I ever wrote that didn't make me cringe.

hey guiez im still here :D

I fixed your brackets; I don't know why- I'm just anal about some :cool:
there you go, Boo :p

And Ange, I would very much like to write. I have a little something pending right now that I am hoping will be approved tomorrow. You got something in mind? :p
mojo_cat said:
there you go, Boo :p

And Ange, I would very much like to write. I have a little something pending right now that I am hoping will be approved tomorrow. You got something in mind? :p

Anything from you would be a pleasure to read. People who haven't read you here should start with Inchoate, but you could always submit an entry for the March contest or wildsweetone's new same title challenge or yknow whatever strikes your fancy. :D

I look forward to seeing the new submission.

Trent_Dutch said:
There are 32 new poems in total today, with an almost 50/50 split of erotic and non-erotic. . .

1.) I’m gonna steal a few things from Rybka here, though. First off I would like to make a statement to the effect that these are the poems I found interesting/engaging/absorbing. . .

The second aspect I wish to steal from Rybka, is the non-erotic spinner from the past. Believe it or not, but it was my first spin that brought 'walking pretty in ankle weeds' , by smithpeter, to my attention.

1.) Feel free to borrow or use anything I say (just don’t steal ;) ).
Re that the poems reviewed are YOUR choices. . . What else can be expected? It is not just MY approach to reviewing, it is/should/must be the approach of ALL of the Lit. commentators.

On your second point: Welcome to the SP fan club! :rose:
. . .
Bringing a poem from Literotica’s past to the attention of today’s readers was not an original concept of mine. Older and wiser minds began the tradition. I just picked it up and continue it. Please carry it on and remind the newer readers of what they may have missed of the “good stuff” from before they arrived. (I am sure there are some good works from the past in the “Erotic” category as well. . . I just don’t have the time/interest/strength to search for them.) – All reviewers (You have a week to find one) are invited to bring a poem from the past that they like to today’s readers. – (Particularly on slow/”bad” days.) :kiss:
Angeline said:
but you could always submit an entry for the March contest or wildsweetone's new same title challenge

I look forward to seeing the new submission.

I took you up on it. Quoted here so everyone knows they have you to blame when they see why I don't enter challenges; my fast poetry is akin to bus stop handjobs.

ozymandiask said:
Thought you might like a view from the underside on a few of the offerings.

The Bird in my hand Shat on me Trent Dutch. This is rough as guts but still the best of the day. It is saved from being a rant by a couple of wry lines at the end. :D

Memory like Mud Angeline This poet is so cool and when she writes it's as though she is pouring warm chocalate over herself --- smooooth ! This is good but it doesn't need the last line. It is also effective without the first stanza though not recommended.

Ashes, Ashes. Wicked Eve has done some terrific stuff lately (especially Bullwhip Rose).This falls a bit short of her best .I think it's about a drunken old woman who is teased by the kids and gets burned to death, but I'm not certain, The obscurity detracted from what is otherwise beautiful expression.

Dangerous Attraction and Daisy's Critique of Sexist Language in Shakespeare are two poems by Ishtat. I admit I reviewed them because I wanted to see an Australian contribution. One is good , the other isn't.
Odd that they are so different though. :)

There were a few others which are promising but which I found hard to assess, plus about 50% best not talked about.

Thank you and Trent both for your recommendations. I wouldn't mind pouring warm chocolate all over myself. Definitely my kind of kink. :D
Angeline said:
Thank you and Trent both for your recommendations. I wouldn't mind pouring warm chocolate all over myself. Definitely my kind of kink. :D

it's the vicodin talking
Xectxny19X said:

You try your hardest I must admit
The littlest comments just make me smile
"Sleep well, at least, what little you do sleep"
I think I remember you saying

Rummaging through your other posts
You seem unaware
How much I am
Delighted by your subtle sweet ways

Thank you. Would love to move this discussion elsewhere, so we don't upset the Mods. Your " Love too hyped?" thread, perhaps?
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