To keep the review thread clean...

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Tathagata said:
This is your brain on drugs...


Did you ever see the Talking Heads film True Stories? The video for the song Love for Sale has a part where each band member gets dipped in chocolate and wrapped in foil, too. There's a precedent. And what's their excuse? They ain't postoperative.
Did I ever see the Talking Heads movie?
I liked the papa legba scene better....

Their precedent?
they were ....Talking Heads!

Angeline said:
Did you ever see the Talking Heads film True Stories? The video for the song Love for Sale has a part where each band member gets dipped in chocolate and wrapped in foil, too. There's a precedent. And what's their excuse? They ain't postoperative.
minsue said:
there is freedom
in weakness

the weak link
in the chain
is secure
in the knowledge
that all who
will pull together

to keep it
from falling

you're really good.
Tathagata said:
Did I ever see the Talking Heads movie?
I liked the papa legba scene better....

Their precedent?
they were ....Talking Heads!

The Papa Legba scene um rawks. And you know why, too. It's old Pops Staples. He's wonderful. I also loved Puzzling Evidence--great song and scene. ;)
Rybka thank you

thank you for the mention of my spring time haiku... appreciate the time it took to read and critique them.
Du Lac~ :cathappy:
Many thanks

Rybka! Thanks for the mention darling, I appreciate you noticing my two new poems.

And thanks to all who took the time to read and comment. It is folks like you that keep me coming back.

Bright Blessings

Syn :kiss:
Just wanted to thank Ozymandiask and My Erotic Tale for mentioning my latest poem on the New Reviews thread. I still think its pretty shit though.... Self deprecating comment is the least offensive in my opinion.

Angeline said:
I like these, too.

Red by Neonurotic. A little lesson in rouge hues. :D
;) Thanks for the mention, Ange... and remember the lesson in red is from a guy who is blind to that color.
There are others out there, including ***, and Uncle Pervey. Go find the ones you like (New Poems)and come back and tell us about them!

I smell something fishy? (*_*)
I appreciate the inspiration and the candor but I am no where near as prolific
as the 'greater' poets like uncle but I am glad you think so! <grinin'>

Angeline said:
I like these, too.

My Erotic Tale's to kill a poem is very good, though I agree with the comment that the last two verses are not up to the rest of the poem. It's a real keeper though Art, and it expresses something every poet experiences. Well done.


Thank you Ang~

I have to agree with you and eve, I really didn't see it
till it was mentioned but It does have a mixed feel, maybe
even veared off course. The poem is worthy a re-write,
"I" think so. <smile>

thanks grasshopper (~_~)

okay rockin' on ready for the NEW poems!
then going fishin~ or vise versa <grin>
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Thank you ,neo...

for the mention of my poem "Denial" on the New poem Review thread. And thanks to all those who read and commented on it...your time and feedback are greatly appreciated.
Yes, I agree there are a few lines which may seem cliche'd or not up to snuff. I am a bit rusty, and for the moment am happy just to be able to get something out.

I've missed you my friends, and hope to be seeing more of you in the days and months to come, and reading and commenting on your offerings.

and a bit of plagiarizer too

Rybka said:
angel on 109

i hate to say this, but this poem has been around since 1998, and circulating as an anti-drunk driving email forward since 2000. If SugarBaby4u is in fact the authour, she should get in touch with and let them know she wrote it, as it's generally attritubuted to Ruth Gillis, at Ruth's House of Poetry

I don't want to be a jerk, but I thought the rules on submitting other people's work as your own were pretty strict around here...
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mojo_cat said:
i hate to say this, but this poem has been around since 1998, and circulating as an anti-drunk driving email forward since 2000. If SugarBaby4u is in fact the authour, she should get in touch with and let them know she wrote it, as it's generally attritubuted to Ruth Gillis, at Ruth's House of Poetry

I don't want to be a jerk, but I thought the rules on submitting other people's work as your own were pretty strict around here...
If you are right, and it appears you are, then I hope you have reported this to Laurel and Manu. - They are very strict about plagiarism as they should be!

At least I can tell the stolen wheat from the chaff. . . or the hot bread from the frequent half-baked offerings! ;) :kiss: ;)
Rybka said:
If you are right, and it appears you are, then I hope you have reported this to Laurel and Manu. - They are very strict about plagiarism as they should be!

At least I can tell the stolen wheat from the chaff. . . or the hot bread from the frequent half-baked offerings! ;) :kiss: ;)

Do I just drop an email to them? I've never had need to contact the Great Literotica Gods before.

edit: done. I also sent Miss Gillis an email as she has a request on the page of her site to be notified when this poem is submitted without her copyright.

Am I overreacting? Hell, no. if someone did this to me, I'd be steamed as hell.

And Rybka: you're right, it's pretty decent. Her site has some interesting info...I invited her to come post here in the email, so who knows, maybe we will get some more "wheat" from this experience!
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Theres an option to report a problem with a submission underneath the body of the submission, which includes an option for violation of submission guidelines (i.e. Plagiarism).

I don't think you are overeacting, but I feel it would perhaps be prudent to establish whether or not Sugarbaby4u and Ruth Gillis are infact the same person, as this could be a possibility.

If this is not the case, I think Sugarbaby4u has made a real schoolboy error, with 'The wreck on 109' being quite a well known poem, and having even received the First Place Award in the April 1999 issue of Poet's Review.
Trent_Dutch said:
Theres an option to report a problem with a submission underneath the body of the submission, which includes an option for violation of submission guidelines (i.e. Plagiarism).

I don't think you are overeacting, but I feel it would perhaps be prudent to establish whether or not Sugarbaby4u and Ruth Gillis are infact the same person, as this could be a possibility.

If this is not the case, I think Sugarbaby4u has made a real schoolboy error, with 'The wreck on 109' being quite a well known poem, and having even received the First Place Award in the April 1999 issue of Poet's Review.

Yes, as pointed out on Ruth Gillis's page where she feautures the poem.

I dunno. SugarBaby's bio gives her at 31-40 and living in Canada.(Well, I see Great White North, i assume one of my countrymen.) Ruth Gillis is a retired woman in Alabama. None of the other poetry on her site is even remotely erotic in nature. I had thought of this though, which is why i emailed Miss Gillis about it and asked her to come visit us here for clarification.

And if they are the same person, why would she change the name of the poem, make several weird changes -"elegies" to 'eulogies" springs to mind; then submit it here?

We'll see how it pans out. I just didn't want someone getting credit for someone else's hard work. Poetry is bitchly difficult and we're all tempted to take shortcuts...but...I did what i felt was the right thing to do. We'll see.
mojo_cat said:
Yes, as pointed out on Ruth Gillis's page where she feautures the poem.

I dunno. SugarBaby's bio gives her at 31-40 and living in Canada.(Well, I see Great White North, i assume one of my countrymen.) Ruth Gillis is a retired woman in Alabama. None of the other poetry on her site is even remotely erotic in nature. I had thought of this though, which is why i emailed Miss Gillis about it and asked her to come visit us here for clarification.

And if they are the same person, why would she change the name of the poem, make several weird changes -"elegies" to 'eulogies" springs to mind; then submit it here?

We'll see how it pans out. I just didn't want someone getting credit for someone else's hard work. Poetry is bitchly difficult and we're all tempted to take shortcuts...but...I did what i felt was the right thing to do. We'll see.

She also ommited the fifth line... 'When broken bodies lay about'.

I'm not criticising your actions Mojo far from it, I commend them whole heartedly. It was well spotted and you have done the right thing by bringing it to the attention of others.
Trent_Dutch said:
She also ommited the fifth line... 'When broken bodies lay about'.

I'm not criticising your actions Mojo far from it, I commend them whole heartedly. It was well spotted and you have done the right thing by bringing it to the attention of others.
I second the commendation! - Just be aware that if this author has a loyal coterie you may get troll-bombed for awhile. - I was when I once reported a plagiarism. A word to the prudent would be not to talk about it in the comments or in open forum, but just to report it to the web-mistress along with the documentation. :rose:

(As an aside, since I post a lot of jokes, I want to declare that I did not create them nor do I claim them as mine. I just repost them here, sometimes with a little editing. If I ever know who actually wrote/told them first I do give credit. But I do not consider retelling a joke to be the same as claiming a poem as one's own and I hope no one else does either.)
mojo_cat said:
Yes, as pointed out on Ruth Gillis's page where she feautures the poem.

I dunno. SugarBaby's bio gives her at 31-40 and living in Canada.(Well, I see Great White North, i assume one of my countrymen.) Ruth Gillis is a retired woman in Alabama. None of the other poetry on her site is even remotely erotic in nature. I had thought of this though, which is why i emailed Miss Gillis about it and asked her to come visit us here for clarification.

And if they are the same person, why would she change the name of the poem, make several weird changes -"elegies" to 'eulogies" springs to mind; then submit it here?

We'll see how it pans out. I just didn't want someone getting credit for someone else's hard work. Poetry is bitchly difficult and we're all tempted to take shortcuts...but...I did what i felt was the right thing to do. We'll see.
Have you already reported it to literotica?
I have found another disturbing thing. One of Sugarbaby4u's other submissions... 'The Lorelei' ... can be googled to find it in many different places. Google Lorelei

I can't find a solid Author for the poem, but it seems to be about 10 years old, and in alot of usenet forums and archives.

Also, the version submitted here to Lit is missing the final stanza....

'Poor Lorelei had been deprived
of what she'd hoped would be her prize,
it had not been her lucky day
she'd picked a merman who was gay!'
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Thank you Art for recommending my poem Blink and It's Gone, and thanks to those who commented. I haven't written poems that rhyme for a while; it turned out to be fun. I may have to write more. :)


(And I just found the disc with the 300+ poems that I thought was forever lost. Woohoo! I'm deleriously happy).

Angeline said:
Thank you Art for recommending my poem Blink and It's Gone, and thanks to those who commented. I haven't written poems that rhyme for a while; it turned out to be fun. I may have to write more. :)


(And I just found the disc with the 300+ poems that I thought was forever lost. Woohoo! I'm deleriously happy).


my pleasure~

and congrads <grin>
I poeticly recall the many I have lost over the years (~_~)

wonder woman where have you been <grin>
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Angeline said:
(And I just found the disc with the 300+ poems that I thought was forever lost. Woohoo! I'm deleriously happy).

Finally found it! lol
I save all my stuff on CD but it's disorganized. I'm searching now for my saved favorites. I'm looking for an article someone sent about portentous hush. Hey, Mr. Someone, if you still have the link, send it, please.
WickedEve said:
Finally found it! lol
I save all my stuff on CD but it's disorganized. I'm searching now for my saved favorites. I'm looking for an article someone sent about portentous hush. Hey, Mr. Someone, if you still have the link, send it, please.

Potentous Hush? Sounds like a same title challenge to me, :D

I'm laboriously copying them all onto my hard drive. I'm so happy I feel like dancing--except the music is some godawful rap ee's kids are playing, lol.
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