"To keep the review thread clean..."

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If you don't know by now

Don't mess with it!

Hostage by UBU is beyond my ability to understand. i need to do some research and will come back to this after work.

edited to add I have looked up the references to the House of Atreus that UBU mentions and am little the wiser. i think i need the poet himself to help me out here.[/QUOTE]

Yr Pal,
UBU said:
Don't mess with it!

WSO on the review thread said:
Hostage by UBU is beyond my ability to understand. i need to do some research and will come back to this after work.

edited to add I have looked up the references to the House of Atreus that UBU mentions and am little the wiser. i think i need the poet himself to help me out here.

Yr Pal,
Thanks for the enlightenment. Enjoy the small audience your poetry will generate.

Why post inaccessible poetry on a free site with thousands of readers if you don't want their feedback and critique?
I'll give you two choices:
1) You write for yourself and wanted to see your art "published", or
2) You like to feel superior by posting opague references and non-sensical connections that only you, by your infinitely higher IQ, can understand.​

(You in this comment is the collective you and not to be taken personally, unless your savant powers can't see beyond your ego)
UBU said:
Don't mess with it!

Yr Pal,

Hostage by UBU is beyond my ability to understand. i need to do some research and will come back to this after work.

edited to add I have looked up the references to the House of Atreus that UBU mentions and am little the wiser. i think i need the poet himself to help me out here.

so far as i recall, i didn't mess with anything. every poem is submitted by a poet who has THE LAST SAY in whatever they write. i was merely trying to understand your writing. no offence meant at all. oh, and none taken.


a reviewer and poet
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ps UBU

you forgot to post this part of what i said in my review:

edited to add I have looked up the references to the House of Atreus that UBU mentions and am little the wiser. i think i need the poet himself to help me out here.

like i said, i'm interested in your poem, but need your help to understand it.
annaswirls said:
it is a great idea... might as well take advantage of the storage :)

Why not more people? Ideas: a few people have had threads like this in the past, Liar, Maria and Champ..

I know the idea of "blogging" poetry is nothing new, but I use wordpress.com as my digital storage of choice :) Vinegar and Brown Paper because I just dislike the word "blog" too much to use blogger :) and I am afraid I feel too old for myspace.

hey :)

yeah, anna, I "store" mine on my bug-day after noon thread. I have had 2 computers die on me already and this seems like a safe enough place to store my lil poems. BUT, mine are open to suggestions and FB, I always welcome that, but dont want anyone to post my poetry on another thread without asking me first because I have some poems out as submissions and would like the freedom to remove my own work from this site without having to ask anyone else to do it for me, regardless of their good intentions...and regardless of the honor it might be considered to have a poem chosen and put in another thread...

anna, you might feel llike youre too old for myspace, but you arent!! Youre still a young'un Jenn, me too. and I am older than you!! but hell, I dont feel old, hence Im not old. I would not have a Myspace if my daughter had not make it for me and it was only so we could stay in touch now that she is away at college. I thought it was a sweet thing for her to do, ya know? she's a sweet girl...and she posts so many silly photos!! I love seeing her grow into an independent young lady, albeit a silly young lady, lol

oh yeah, that episode of AMW was on Saturday night and I didnt know till basically the last minute. I looked awful, so my vanity a small thing to sacrifice if it helps them catch that creep, ya know? but yuck, I wasnt made for TV, thats for sure. I just hope they never rerun it with my clip on there, lol. they say the camera adds 10 lbs? it aded 50 pounds and a ton of ugly, hehe

y'all have a good day


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Like any good modernist I love a good controversy!

First of all may I say my previous comment that got champagne 1982 all bubbly was a quote from Louis Armstrong who when asked “What is jazz?” reportedly replied “If you don’t know by now, don’t mess with it.”

I actually have gotten a couple of “5" votes on “Hostage,” so apparently not everyone sees it as inaccessible.

Another quote I like is something my father used to tell me about jokes: “Tell ‘em, don’t explain ‘em.”

I, of course, have said nothing about not wanting “feedback or critique” of my poems, I wouldn’t post and allow voting and comments if I didn’t. I just don’t think that I can explain them. If I could I guess I would have written an essay instead. It seems to me that there should be something about poetry that’s inexplicable, between the lines.

It’s cool with me if you (the collective you, of course) don’t “get” my poems – not everyone laughs at my jokes either – as long as somebody does.

And every time I start to take the whole thing too seriously I use my “savant powers” to realize WAIT A MINUTE, WE’RE ALL ON A PORN SITE!

Thanks for reading my stuff,

Yr Pal,
UBU said:
. . . Another quote I like is something my father used to tell me about jokes: “Tell ‘em, don’t explain ‘em.”

. . . it sure helps if they're funny, though.
UBU said:
Like any good modernist I love a good controversy!<snip>
I don't see a controversy. Responding controversially would mean that there's substantial opposition to my view and implies that someone besides me gives a rat's ass about what I think. My opinion has always been personal.

UBU said:
I actually have gotten a couple of “5" votes on “Hostage,” so apparently not everyone sees it as inaccessible.
A couple of votes out of the thousands possible isn't a quorum. It doesn't even mean your poem was understood by those who rated it perfect, it means that someone liked it.
UBU said:
Another quote I like is something my father used to tell me about jokes: “Tell ‘em, don’t explain ‘em.”

I, of course, have said nothing about not wanting “feedback or critique” of my poems, I wouldn’t post and allow voting and comments if I didn’t. I just don’t think that I can explain them. If I could I guess I would have written an essay instead. It seems to me that there should be something about poetry that’s inexplicable, between the lines.
If you want feedback and critique that matters, don't you want it from individuals who understand enough of what you're saying to actually respond with intelligence? Why would you need to write an essay to explain your poem? You could provide a frame of reference, at least, so that your audience can find their own understanding.

UBU said:
It’s cool with me if you (the collective you, of course) don’t “get” my poems – not everyone laughs at my jokes either – as long as somebody does.

And every time I start to take the whole thing too seriously I use my “savant powers” to realize WAIT A MINUTE, WE’RE ALL ON A PORN SITE!</snip>
So this poem is about fucking? Or maybe, your poem commits a pornographic blowjob and really sucks? (I'm teasing here!) Being posted on a porn site doesn't change what your poem is about nor does it change its value.

I don't care if I "get" your poem or not. My problem was the rude way you chose to respond to WSO's review and questions. That, in my opinion, changes the value I choose to place on your words. Upon consideration I figure this shouldn't matter to you, you'll always entertain someone, since there are people who'll laugh at anything, even if they don't understand the joke.
vampiredust said:
[...]next we have The Self-Destruction of Ezekiel[...]

I have seen the Luxor spotlight, shining into space,
A million illuminated insectoid bodies
Spiraling within, as if trapped and forced to dance
Within the confines of the beam.
A towering pillar composed of fireflies

I'm going to be honest and say that I found this difficult to read.

There is some good imagery here, with lines like:
A towering pillar composed of fireflies and A million illuminated insectoid bodies/Spiraling within

The last stanza lost me. I'm assuming that the earlier stanzas of the poem refer to Ezekiel and his prophecies (stanzas one, three and four ; with the second stanza referencing Egypt)

Had to google for the last stanza and am confused how the classical references fit in with the rest of the poem and the stanza in itself: Nyx is mother night, we have Thanatos (who is the personification of death) and the butterfly (the ancient Greek symbol for the soul)

An intriguing write

Alright alright, I know a poem that requires explanation isn't a well-crafted poem, but I figured I'd respond and help clear the fog for ya VD. It probably would have helped if I stuck with the Zeke-title-theme from my other Ezekiel poem. As much as I think this poem would have been much cooler if based on the prophecies of Ezekiel, unfortunately it’s just based on the sad little life of me, Zeke. 1st stanza was just a comment on my un-poetic style, the second referenced one of the greatest things I have ever seen (it's a spotlight at the Luxor Casino in Vegas). The third stanza was just more in depth about the spotlight, as a rumor I heard years ago from the "drama kids" in high school; that the idea was supposedly taken from a line of a Euripides play (which is false, obviously), and how due to my obsession with the beacon, its almost been endowed with a spiritual presence. The last stanza was about death sneaking up on me, Thanatos was a literal reference, Nyx was symbolic, I was trying to think of something better than "cloaked by shadows", Nyx just made sense as some mythology mentions Nyx as the 'mother' of Thanatos. I appreciate the feedback; I agree that this poem will likely get anyone lost who doesn't know me, probably lots of those that think they know me as well.

(P.S. You obviously did some research! You pulled out references I didn't even realize were there. :D)
darkerdreamer said:
Alright alright, I know a poem that requires explanation isn't a well-crafted poem,
General rule of thumb. Ignore it. Craft and requiring explanantions are two different things. Not being able to give one, well that's unforgivable.
Like your style DD. :rose:

I would like to thank you for the mention in todays New Poems Review. Your comments are very insightful. There are 10 poems posted of Mine so far, most based on the realities in My life. Every day had feelings of anger, sadness, fear, rejection, failure or even giving up. Putting the words on paper has helped Me to move on, finally understanding parts of My past. As you pointed out, a cathartic experience. Once again, thank you.
ghost_girl said:
hey :)

yeah, anna, I "store" mine on my bug-day after noon thread. I have had 2 computers die on me already and this seems like a safe enough place to store my lil poems. BUT, mine are open to suggestions and FB, I always welcome that, but dont want anyone to post my poetry on another thread without asking me first because I have some poems out as submissions and would like the freedom to remove my own work from this site without having to ask anyone else to do it for me, regardless of their good intentions...and regardless of the honor it might be considered to have a poem chosen and put in another thread...


Wanted to throw my two cents in. As far as I can recall, all my poetry under RhymeFairy is on the Free Thoughts thread I started. As for LilDarlin, it's scattered to tha winds :rolleyes:

We gotta have somewhere to stash all the bodies eh ~ ;)


also wanted to add:

I have read ALOT of exceptional writing here on the threads as of late. There is no way I can remember everyone, so I've been bumping a bit here and there.

Kudos to all the great writes ~~

Spring is all around us.

The general theme here as of late is Spring. I am so enjoying this time of year :nana:

I have posted the same poem on a few threads. It really does cover each theme and I'm hoping not to seem a thread crasher :eek:

champagne1982 said:
How nice to see you back at the reviews, LeBroz. Welcome.
RhymeFairy said:
Seconded ~~ :rose:

Great to see LeBroz back everywhere ~ ;)


Thank you ladies for the kind sentiments. And thanks too to everyone for their expressions of concern and support. It means more than most will ever know.

Thank you, Eve, for mentioning my poem, and thank you to those who commented, both in public and privately.

unapologetic said:
My favorite, though, is about a brief moment in nature. Jamison's Photo Prey is about an interaction between a bird and a cat captured on film.
Thank you for mentioning my alt's poem and I'm glad you enjoyed it so well. Also much thanks to those who were kind enough to leave comments. I so appreciate it. :rose:
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