"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Angeline said:
People who think they're going to make a living from poetry are in for a big disappointment. I've never been paid with anything but copies of journals. The "biggest" place that published me (Exquisite Corpse) didn't even tell me they were going to use my poem. darkmaas saw it on their site and told me. That's poetry publishing. Who's in it for money anyway? Or even recognition? I can't not write poems. That's why I do it.

Your response is based on pure ignorance and false ego.
Just because your poetry isn't worthy of income it doesn't
substantiate your conclusions.

There are countless people being paid for their poetry all
over the world. I didn't insinuate most of them are making
a living from it. What I did attempt to point out is that
copying and pasting published poetry all over the net
diminishes the value and whores the art.

Obviously you don't give a fuck about that. Which only
confirms my suspicions that you don't really give a fuck
about poetry at all. What you care about is hanging out
in Literotica spilling your wares while looking for cheap

I read some of your poetry. It's extremely obvious why
you aren't being paid for it.

WickedEve said:
Want to be added to our list to receive a Tath scrotum-ear photo? I bet it's like getting a picture of Bigfoot. "Hey, Tath, it's kind of blurry. Are you sure that big thing is your ear?"

Here is a little secret. I am finally exiting my first trimester and still suffering from morning sickness, afternoon sickness and evening sickness. I am doing my best to keep the scrotum ear image out of my mind, ew all I can think about is (gag) wrinkled testicle skin shaped into hairy ears but alas! out of control pubic hair caked with yellow ear wax and I swear already, I am half way to the bathroom. All I have really wanted to eat is cottage cheese and toast, maybe some plain noodles. And coconut popcicles. I force the rest down.

I am going to stop talking about it now or I will never stop. I was not this miserable with the other two pregnancies, and this one, SURPRISE, I feel like evil aliens have taken over my body and are punishing me for my poor planning skills, and my boobs are humungous already and they look at me like ha ha ha you thought you had regained control over your own body hahaha!

eh hem.

I am going to go take a shower.
Tathagata said:
Someday I hope to be as sane and logical as Eve
she's my idol

ok I just like her boobs and legs
and her eyes
and her cheekbones

and call me crazy ( or illogical)
but I'm betting that answer won't pacify ol' CU

I won't call you crazy or illogical, but I agree, the answer might not pacify him, as he might not agree with the practice, which is his right. Just because the posting of poems around the net is legal, doesn't mean it is right in the eyes of others.

And he does have a point. People write for different reasons. We are not really meant to judge why they do. While people do not get rich off of poetry, there is no reason why a person, if they so choose, cannot go out, be ambitious, work hard, and be compensated for their work. People in this forum have done it. All the more power to them! It is another level of the art. People get paid to travel and do readings, get paid to do workshops, get scholarships, fellowships, etc etc etc etc.

It is the same with any creative endeavor. Just because an artist creates for the love of it, or because they have to do it, does not mean they cannot make an attempt to bring in some money to help pay for the bills. There are millions of people who piddle around with their arts for fun, and there is another class of artists who love it and also get financial compensation. There is nothing wrong with it. That does not diminish their passion for the art. Same with poetry. And tennis. And skateboarding.

And yes, there are people who get paid for their poetry all over the world. A select few. Maybe we should ask them if they mind their work being posted around, as it is hard to make predictions because we do not have the same motivation as they do.

There were people in my town who thought nurses and teachers should do their work simply because they love it (ie don't give them cost of living raises or decent benefits) Well, I could love my job and put in the extra hours because it was my passion, but damn it, I need to pay the mortgage too. I know, teaching is not poetry, but it is a valid analogy.

So while I personally do not think there is anything wrong with posting poems without permission (although I know some might not like it on a porn site) I can see why others would not agree.

I strongly feel that there is no need for personal attacks, that people can agree and disagree, show their side while keeping open to alternate views without getting nasty. It also happens all the time all over the world. Even Texas.
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annaswirls said:
Here is a little secret. I am finally exiting my first trimester and still suffering from morning sickness, afternoon sickness and evening sickness. I am doing my best to keep the scrotum ear image out of my mind, ew all I can think about is (gag) wrinkled testicle skin shaped into hairy ears but alas! out of control pubic hair caked with yellow ear wax and I swear already, I am half way to the bathroom. All I have really wanted to eat is cottage cheese and toast, maybe some plain noodles. And coconut popcicles. I force the rest down.

I am going to stop talking about it now or I will never stop. I was not this miserable with the other two pregnancies, and this one, SURPRISE, I feel like evil aliens have taken over my body and are punishing me for my poor planning skills, and my boobs are humungous already and they look at me like ha ha ha you thought you had regained control over your own body hahaha!

eh hem.

I am going to go take a shower.

Congratulations! :) :rose:

Hope you're feeling well. I was horribly sick with my daughter in the first trimester and felt absolutely fine with my daughter, well until she started kicking hard 20 hours a day. :cool:

And CU, I AM putting you on ignore now, which I should have done this morning. You proved the last time you were here that you're a contentious nutcase without anything constructive to say. You don't like my poems? They suck? Wah wah, I'm really hurt. You know what they say about opinions and assholes? I'm sure you know lots about assholes.
Angeline said:
Congratulations! :) :rose:

Hope you're feeling well. I was horribly sick with my daughter in the first trimester and felt absolutely fine with my daughter, well until she started kicking hard 20 hours a day. :cool:


Thank you! I am feeling better all the time.

oh my goodness. I forgot about all that kicking stuff. I remember my second used to get his foot under my ribs and screw his little toes right under there, and I would try to stretch and press him away. Oh my. What the fuck. Pregnancy is so weird, I am so not ready for this. My womb has been empty for 6 years, this is like starting over.
Anna is pregnant?

What insanity is this?!
My kids are home and not in school and they're... doing stuff that makes me nutty.

Oh, congrats on ovulating and having intercourse. Maybe we can throw you a poetry forum baby shower, with goo goo sonnets and dirty diaper limericks. :devil:
Angeline said:
Congratulations! :) :rose:

Hope you're feeling well. I was horribly sick with my daughter in the first trimester and felt absolutely fine with my daughter, well until she started kicking hard 20 hours a day. :cool:

And CU, I AM putting you on ignore now, which I should have done this morning. You proved the last time you were here that you're a contentious nutcase without anything constructive to say. You don't like my poems? They suck? Wah wah, I'm really hurt. You know what they say about opinions and assholes? I'm sure you know lots about assholes.

It's always the same here. You do and say really dysfunctional fucked up things and then twist things around as if the person who confronts you on it is the one who is fucked up.

Listen, I couldn't care less about your apple cart of ignorance or whether you put me on ignore or not. What you are doing when you copy and paste published poetry sucks.

You can't defend that with any sense of moral or intellectual integrity so you spill bullshit on a page and then put me on ignore.

It's a sure sign of who you are and why you don't give a fuck about diminishing the value of someone else's creations.

annaswirls said:
Thank you! I am feeling better all the time.

oh my goodness. I forgot about all that kicking stuff. I remember my second used to get his foot under my ribs and screw his little toes right under there, and I would try to stretch and press him away. Oh my. What the fuck. Pregnancy is so weird, I am so not ready for this. My womb has been empty for 6 years, this is like starting over.

Every six months or so I have a moment when I think it would be really wonderful to have another baby. I think about what a great kid ee and I could make. Then I think about the 18 years after that and I get over it.

Has this affected your writing? Are you writing more? Is it giving you dreams that have good writing possibility? :)
WickedEve said:
Anna is pregnant?

What insanity is this?!
My kids are home and not in school and they're... doing stuff that makes me nutty.

Oh, congrats on ovulating and having intercourse. Maybe we can throw you a poetry forum baby shower, with goo goo sonnets and dirty diaper limericks. :devil:

I am not writing a goo goo sonnet! Don't even mention it!

It is NOT legal to do what Angeline did.

She copied and pasted a published poem.
It is an infringement on copyright law to
do such a thing without author or owner

It happens all the time to the point that
the defense becomes mudded. The truth is
it sucks.

It isn't a select few who get paid for
poems in publication. There are countless
venues where poets are paid for published

Besides the fact that it is illegal it is also
a bold and unconsious act that say's alot
about who we are as people today.

You know the Internet search engines have
web crawlers that pick up keywords and
phrases in the body of posts on every site
on the net.

Let's just say there is a poplular phrase or
the repetition of a certain word in a poem
that was stolen and posted here without
the author knowing.

Then, one day they find their work is published
on Literotica.com unbeknownst to them of course.

What value does that poem have then?

The next time they offer it for publication all
the publisher has to do is one Internet search
and find out that's it's been whored all over
by slugs who don't give two shits about
another artist. The poem loses its value
and the artist loses the chance for publication
in the venue of their choice.

.........and that was my point to begin with.

Like it or not, it sucks and I hope it stops
because I do give a shit about artists and
the time and effort they put into their
creations. True poets treat their poetry
as if it is part of their souls and that makes
this practice of cutting and pasting their
best efforts that much more abominable.

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Angeline said:
Every six months or so I have a moment when I think it would be really wonderful to have another baby. I think about what a great kid ee and I could make. Then I think about the 18 years after that and I get over it.

Has this affected your writing? Are you writing more? Is it giving you dreams that have good writing possibility? :)
Whenever I get near a baby I freak out and start looking around for someone to impregnate me. As soon as I'm out of the baby zone, I come to my senses. It's scary!
Epmd607 said:
this is a free online magazine that's mostly poetry and mostly new, young poets.

I can't imagine someone not getting paid because people post one of their poems on a message board discussing poetry.

Well, you have alot to learn about getting poetry published then.
Most publishers don't want to see the poem published anywhere
on the net prior to acceptance. They want fresh poetry that
has either never been published before or has been published
on a limited basis in mags or perhaps an authors collection.

The fact is, every time a poem is stolen and posted somewhere else on the net it losses some of its value. It's not the same as copying a painter's flatwork, because the original work will still retains the same value. Poetry doesn't afford that option.

WickedEve said:
Whenever I get near a baby I freak out and start looking around for someone to impregnate me. As soon as I'm out of the baby zone, I come to my senses. It's scary!

ee gets a really frightened look in his eyes whenever I talk about babies. Like a deer caught in the headlights. :D
Angeline said:
ee gets a really frightened look in his eyes whenever I talk about babies. Like a deer caught in the headlights. :D
Leave a home pregnancy kit in the bathroom.
WickedEve said:
Anna is pregnant?

What insanity is this?!
My kids are home and not in school and they're... doing stuff that makes me nutty.

Total insanity. Trust me, not planned, but the baby will be welcomed and we will be very enthuiastic. But today at breakfast S. was being insane and loud and generally naughty and I almost started to cry thinking "I can't do this again!"

Oh, congrats on ovulating and having intercourse.

HA! With the first two, people said congratulations. Now they just laugh. I am not lying. They are thinking-- yes, you can reproduce, you have proven it, what are you doing now????

Maybe we can throw you a poetry forum baby shower, with goo goo sonnets and dirty diaper limericks. :devil:

fun! just no placenta haiku
WickedEve said:
Whenever I get near a baby I freak out and start looking around for someone to impregnate me. As soon as I'm out of the baby zone, I come to my senses. It's scary!

be careful, both of you seriously. your body is trying to conspire against you and I swear something magical happens to your fertility and birth control stops working.
annaswirls said:
I won't call you crazy or illogical, but I agree, the answer might not pacify him, as he might not agree with the practice, which is his right. Just because the posting of poems around the net is legal, doesn't mean it is right in the eyes of others.

And he does have a point. People write for different reasons. We are not really meant to judge why they do. While people do not get rich off of poetry, there is no reason why a person, if they so choose, cannot go out, be ambitious, work hard, and be compensated for their work. People in this forum have done it. All the more power to them! It is another level of the art. People get paid to travel and do readings, get paid to do workshops, get scholarships, fellowships, etc etc etc etc.

It is the same with any creative endeavor. Just because an artist creates for the love of it, or because they have to do it, does not mean they cannot make an attempt to bring in some money to help pay for the bills. There are millions of people who piddle around with their arts for fun, and there is another class of artists who love it and also get financial compensation. There is nothing wrong with it. That does not diminish their passion for the art. Same with poetry. And tennis. And skateboarding.

And yes, there are people who get paid for their poetry all over the world. A select few. Maybe we should ask them if they mind their work being posted around, as it is hard to make predictions because we do not have the same motivation as they do.

There were people in my town who thought nurses and teachers should do their work simply because they love it (ie don't give them cost of living raises or decent benefits) Well, I could love my job and put in the extra hours because it was my passion, but damn it, I need to pay the mortgage too. I know, teaching is not poetry, but it is a valid analogy.

So while I personally do not think there is anything wrong with posting poems without permission (although I know some might not like it on a porn site) I can see why others would not agree.

I strongly feel that there is no need for personal attacks, that people can agree and disagree, show their side while keeping open to alternate views without getting nasty. It also happens all the time all over the world. Even Texas.

I dont think it was a personal attack
I told him there was a post already,why didn't he disagree over there? he chose this post simply to bug Ange.
I responded.
as is my right also I assume?

he's a troll and a baiter
that's my opinion
he comes here looking to bust balls
that's my opinion

i understand how you feel, but in this case i don't agree
and that's as simple and as plain as i can be.

good luck with the child and i wish you a healthy and happy baby
children are little gods who can teach us all alot
annaswirls said:
be careful, both of you seriously. your body is trying to conspire against you and I swear something magical happens to your fertility and birth control stops working.
I'm on birth control and my tubes are cut, tied, burned and whatever else they did to them.
Oh, and at the moment, there's no penis in my life. :catgrin:

Hey, remember the morning aroma of a diaper? And those 2 a.m. feedings? Oh, the terrible twos and coloring on the walls. Fun, fun, fun. :D
Tathagata said:
he chose this post simply to bug Ange.

he's a troll and a baiter

I didn't choose anyone.

Once again, you don't read well or you choose
to be ignorant. I opened the thread and at the top
of the page there was a poem that was illegally
copied and pasted. It just happened to be Ange
who posted it.

I further explained that anyone who does it is guilty
of the same offense after you decided (for whatever
foolish reason) I should have started with the first poem.

I don't troll poetry forums. I participate in various
forums, run two of my own sites, and happen to be
a poet who has gotten paid many times for published

Your only defense for your childish reactions to my initial
post is to label me a troll.

In truth your ignorance appears to be your bliss so carry
on because I don't mind you making a fool of yourself
at all.

Infact, it's expected.

annaswirls said:
So while I personally do not think there is anything wrong with posting poems without permission (although I know some might not like it on a porn site) I can see why others would not agree.
I was thinking the same thing, ealier. The part about the porn board. I think we forget where we are sometimes...
TheRainMan said:
i forget where i am all the time . . .

where am i again?

tell me. :cool:
You're in my closet, with my panties down around your ankles. Be very quiet. I'm looking for you and you know what will happen when I find you.
WickedEve said:
You're in my closet, with my panties down around your ankles. Be very quiet. I'm looking for you and you know what will happen when I find you.

i could think of worse places to be.

WickedEve said:
You're in my closet, with my panties down around your ankles. Be very quiet. I'm looking for you and you know what will happen when I find you.

you'll make him eat popcorn for breakfast?
TheRainMan said:
i could think of worse places to be.

Okay, you're on my front porch swing. It's hot and humid. My cat is all over you and his fur sticks to your sweaty body.
Trust me. Trying to get those cat hairs off will drive you mad.
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