"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Rofllllll I read that as ELF sorreeeeee Eve but now I have visions of you consorting with two vertically challenged gentlemen. Come into the boudoir ma petite we can make bootiful amour together

This king henry fellow was all up in the units of measurement. UYS, your nose story looks correct, but I'm not sure if it can be called an ell.

"Yard: A yard was originally the length of a man's belt or girdle, as it was called. In the 12th century, King Henry I of England fixed the yard as the distance from his nose to the thumb of his out-stretched arm. Today it is 36 inches."

"Some believe that the original measurement of the English foot was from King Henry I, who had a foot 12 inches long;"
This king henry fellow was all up in the units of measurement. UYS, your nose story looks correct, but I'm not sure if it can be called an ell.

"Yard: A yard was originally the length of a man's belt or girdle, as it was called. In the 12th century, King Henry I of England fixed the yard as the distance from his nose to the thumb of his out-stretched arm. Today it is 36 inches."

"Some believe that the original measurement of the English foot was from King Henry I, who had a foot 12 inches long;"

Oh well I was close I knew it rang a bell somewhere that was just off the top of my head without googling it
When I was a baby I used to play Parsec on this TI-99 computer. It was so much better than apple, commodore, and packard bell. I think there's a bunch of game videos from it on youtube.
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.[/list][/indent]Anna would almost certainly have been nicer in her review. Sorry. Perhaps you might want to baby sit for her next week if that bothers you.

Peace out, Folkies.

omg I love you.

did I say that out loud?

thank you very much. :kiss:
When I was a baby I used to play Parsec on this TI-99 computer. It was so much better than apple, commodore, and packard bell. I think there's a bunch of game videos from it on youtube.

I had one, too and did some programming on it, some of it games I wrote for my son.
I had it well-equipped - 2 floppy drives and a whole 64k ram. Amazing what one could do with the limited resources we had back then (including flying people to the moon and back).
The sprites on the TI99 were real neat and I never completely replaced them when moved to the PC (DOS days). Computer lasted until my son took it apart (see Emerging Electrical Engineer) - I now kinda wished we'd kept it:(
I had one, too and did some programming on it, some of it games I wrote for my son.
I had it well-equipped - 2 floppy drives and a whole 64k ram. Amazing what one could do with the limited resources we had back then (including flying people to the moon and back).
The sprites on the TI99 were real neat and I never completely replaced them when moved to the PC (DOS days). Computer lasted until my son took it apart (see Emerging Electrical Engineer) - I now kinda wished we'd kept it:(

The voice module for it was probably the best and worst thing I've ever experienced on a computer. My friend's Dad had it, we just played games on it cuz we were like five years old. He actually sold his within the last five or so years, made good money on it. Any computer from the early 80's that can still function is money in the bank, for whatever reason.
Hey, I was looking through the dictionary and came across an origin for a word we all know and love. It says pussy originated in the late 1870s, I thought there was older pussy than that, but I guess not. This does have to do with this thread cuz there's a new poem up called "pussies" or something like that.
Hey, I was looking through the dictionary and came across an origin for a word we all know and love. It says pussy originated in the late 1870s, I thought there was older pussy than that, but I guess not. This does have to do with this thread cuz there's a new poem up called "pussies" or something like that.

Hey, I was looking through the dictionary and came across an origin for a word we all know and love. It says pussy originated in the late 1870s, I thought there was older pussy than that, but I guess not. This does have to do with this thread cuz there's a new poem up called "pussies" or something like that.

I saw 1500's for it in reference to a cat, 1800's for the sexual slang term.
Its also an adjective for pus.
Looking a little more there was also a note the sexual reference may derive form Old Norse...
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Thankyou to Tz and EO for their kind mentions. In like Flynn was supposed to be a subtle take on his bedhopping but I can go with cute!
If MrLJM hadn't posted here I probably wouldn't have read his poems. He has four up, I'd recommend reading all of them closely.

As you were a child, you know games with shadows,
The darkness and light folds into rabbits,
Crude, but joy in a dandelion heat

He's following Pablo N very closely, one of my idols, which I think is brilliant. If he isn't, I'd like to know who he reads. His punctuation isn't so hot, some imagery could be fresher, but overall you should get all sorts of warm and fuzzy reading his poems. In his profile it says he's eighteen and an Anglo, which I don't quite believe, but if true, big up to little britain.
If MrLJM hadn't posted here I probably wouldn't have read his poems. He has four up, I'd recommend reading all of them closely.

As you were a child, you know games with shadows,
The darkness and light folds into rabbits,
Crude, but joy in a dandelion heat

He's following Pablo N very closely, one of my idols, which I think is brilliant. If he isn't, I'd like to know who he reads. His punctuation isn't so hot, some imagery could be fresher, but overall you should get all sorts of warm and fuzzy reading his poems. In his profile it says he's eighteen and an Anglo, which I don't quite believe, but if true, big up to little britain.

Thank you.

Yes, I do like Pablo Neruda. My other influences at that point was Dylan Thomas and Walt Whitman.

The submissions I made were poems I wrote in October (2008). The next four that I will post were written in November (2008). Admittedly, I'm not as satisfied with them as I was back then, but I was just curious as to what you'd think of them. I can write better now than I did back then. I'll tell you when I'm going to post a poem that was written closer to the present.

Yes, I am 18 and yes I am a Brit. :D
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Yeah Dylan thomas is there but not as pronounced, congrats on your understanding of the value of the surreal. Dylan Thomas, P Neruda, Yeats are my three. I actually tracked you to poemhunter, you shouldn't post poems here and there cuz this site has a thing that says poems can't be 'published' anywhere else when they first appear here. I'd like to read your newest poems. This isn't the thread to be talking really, 'to keep the review thread clean and homely and a-sexual' is a better place. Oh yeah, I'm twenty-five and I'm usually astounded when someone younger than me writes like they understand a poet or two.
Continuing my conversation with bflagsst here...

Yeah Dylan thomas is there but not as pronounced, congrats on your understanding of the value of the surreal. Dylan Thomas, P Neruda, Yeats are my three. I actually tracked you to poemhunter, you shouldn't post poems here and there cuz this site has a thing that says poems can't be 'published' anywhere else when they first appear here. I'd like to read your newest poems. This isn't the thread to be talking really, 'to keep the review thread clean and homely and a-sexual' is a better place. Oh yeah, I'm twenty-five and I'm usually astounded when someone younger than me writes like they understand a poet or two.

Yeats is another one with me. But he's a more recent influence.

Well, I posted them on poemhunter before I posted them here, so going by what you say it's not against the rules, I hope.

The two poems that I am more satisfied with are "Rhythm, Take My Lust" and "The Timeless Shadows". I wrote them in April. They're on poemhunter if you want to look.

I am going to submit all of the ones I wrote in November 2008-April 2009 before I start posting my newest. I hope that's ok. I'm just strange in that way. I must submit ALL of my work, good or bad, just to show my complete catalogue and so people see how I evolve.

I'll tell you when I post a fresh one.
Yeah Dylan thomas is there but not as pronounced, congrats on your understanding of the value of the surreal. Dylan Thomas, P Neruda, Yeats are my three. I actually tracked you to poemhunter, you shouldn't post poems here and there cuz this site has a thing that says poems can't be 'published' anywhere else when they first appear here. I'd like to read your newest poems. This isn't the thread to be talking really, 'to keep the review thread clean and homely and a-sexual' is a better place. Oh yeah, I'm twenty-five and I'm usually astounded when someone younger than me writes like they understand a poet or two.

I will do...
Continuing my conversation with bflagsst here...

Yeats is another one with me. But he's a more recent influence.

Well, I posted them on poemhunter before I posted them here, so going by what you say it's not against the rules, I hope.

The two poems that I am more satisfied with are "Rhythm, Take My Lust" and "The Timeless Shadows". I wrote them in April. They're on poemhunter if you want to look.

I am going to submit all of the ones I wrote in November 2008-April 2009 before I start posting my newest. I hope that's ok. I'm just strange in that way. I must submit ALL of my work, good or bad, just to show my complete catalogue and so people see how I evolve.

I'll tell you when I post a fresh one.

Just don't post like eight a day, that can get irritating for those of us who read the new poems regularly. It's not so easy removing them from the site once you've posted, so think about whether you want people reading your not so hot a couple years on when you're still writing poetry in a serious way. When did you start writing? Cuz 'evolve' conjures years if not decades in my mind.

By now I've read all your poems on that page:

May at long last my world-weary fever,
Break (and die) in the bed of a waterfall.


And I know it would murder me to say
These words to myself on a seasoned day.

Are the bits that make me interested in what you're writing. The second I like the Smiths in it, the first for the dylan T. The whole picture is about writing a dozen lines as good as those couplets from those two poems.
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Yeah Dylan thomas is there but not as pronounced, congrats on your understanding of the value of the surreal. Dylan Thomas, P Neruda, Yeats are my three. I actually tracked you to poemhunter, you shouldn't post poems here and there cuz this site has a thing that says poems can't be 'published' anywhere else when they first appear here. I'd like to read your newest poems. This isn't the thread to be talking really, 'to keep the review thread clean and homely and a-sexual' is a better place. Oh yeah, I'm twenty-five and I'm usually astounded when someone younger than me writes like they understand a poet or two.

I asked Lauren when I was doing the survivor thread and she said that they are my poems and I can post them wherever I like
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