"To keep the review thread clean..."

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im sure it will blow over. or the lack of fuel i provide to his feud will burn him out. guessing on the number of times hes edited his posts it might take a while but thats not my problem.
To say he's twelve is generous. Jesus Christ.

I didn't sign your invitation...why participate of your own accord? DreamyLeer is a big boy/girl, can take care of himself/herself. You're the first person I've put on my ignore list. If you have some pressing issue you may contact me thru minervous or dreamyleer.
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im sure it will blow over. or the lack of fuel i provide to his feud will burn him out. guessing on the number of times hes edited his posts it might take a while but thats not my problem.

I am interested in what editing my comments more than once or twice says of my mindset? I'm also interested in why people who say they'll ignore someone keep responding to them, sending them emails, etc.
bluebell thank you for mentioning my poem. i think song lyrics is interesting. ive played guitar for quite a while. maybe its getting into my writing. i wonder where you thought about breathing in the poem. lets talk about it.
I'm going to stay off the message board until Bill Dada returns. I'm going to look him up and write him a letter telling him how much better this portion of the site was when he was here. CrystalGem did write gems though.

I wrote a poem recently upon witnessing a comment someone left on one of Bill's poems. I love that poem, it's the best one I've written in a while. Jennifer has it next to my picture on her website. I've altered it since, but the heart of it hasn't changed. Heart of a champion.

Bill Dada, Lebroz, don't take this appearance to heart. I would still like both of you to re-join our dying community and will promise to chain myself to a tree or get a TV show about saving the whales and feel real self-righteous about it.


Well I can't speak for Lebroz but I'll return if you chain yourself to a TV show. It doesn't matter that that wasn't one of the options. As far as me returning, I didn't realize that I had left. Just because you can't see me doesn't mean I'm not here.

What is the name of the poem that you wrote in response to a comment left on one of my poems?
What's the story with the reviews? Every third day?

I'm not sure what the review assignments are these daya.
Wicked Eve sent me a PM saying IO could do Thurs.
I think summer vacations / summer doldrums also take their toll.
Feel free to take part.
Thanks to UnderYourSpell and vrosej10 for your comments. You were both way to kind.

Well I can't speak for Lebroz but I'll return if you chain yourself to a TV show. It doesn't matter that that wasn't one of the options. As far as me returning, I didn't realize that I had left. Just because you can't see me doesn't mean I'm not here.

What is the name of the poem that you wrote in response to a comment left on one of my poems?

Hey, Bill Dada

I'm a reader of Bill Dada poems, I'll go look up which poem specifically inspired me and post it here. I don't know that anyone that's been around the poetry pages for a little while ever leaves for good, unless they die. I was hoping that by speaking your name and a few others I might summon you, and maybe hear if you've been writing any new poems.
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It was in the Found series of poems you did that I found the quote:

Hey hey
06/09/07 by Anonymous
oh that was good i really admire your precision Dada less words, more impact and so many ways to read this one lol

And I was reading a bunch of your poems anyway and I wrote this poem:

Unlucky Dada-less nude descending staircase,
there's no motion like your body in motion,
no sense of time or scandal,
before your fragrant, garlanded sparrow hair.

You are an armory stripped bare,
your calves belong to an earlier work,
already forgotten by the avant-garde.

Your pirouettes astound me.

If I could only keep you away from schools,
I could keep you in abstraction,
fragrant and fragmented.

I see that you've posted new poems. I just wanted you to know that I'm still reading your work and thinking about it and I hope you're still writing. If only Lebroz and Jamison and a few others would appear, then I'd have reason to stop by the New Poems page more often.
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So the ones that are submitting aren't worth the visit?

you've said yourself that you stopped posting poems. It seems like the few times I stop by it's a bunch of poems by people who won't be around in a week or two and one or two from the regular folks. I still scan the days I don't stop by, and I read your newest. Maybe everyone's stopped writing poems. I've written maybe one or two in the last month, and they aint so spectacular.
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you've said yourself that you stopped posting poems. It seems like the few times I stop by it's a bunch of poems by people who won't be around in a week or two and one or two from the regular folks. I still scan the days I don't stop by, and I read your newest. Maybe everyone's stopped writing poems. I've written maybe one or two in the last month, and they aint so spectacular.

Oh I had a minor blip but I can't stop writing anyway so this place will have to keep putting up with them and I started this Survivor thing and I intend to see it through. Stubborness thy name is Annie.
you've said yourself that you stopped posting poems. It seems like the few times I stop by it's a bunch of poems by people who won't be around in a week or two and one or two from the regular folks. I still scan the days I don't stop by, and I read your newest. Maybe everyone's stopped writing poems. I've written maybe one or two in the last month, and they aint so spectacular.

I haven't stopped, but have slowed down. I think my muse got boiled in the summer heat & humidity.
you've said yourself that you stopped posting poems. It seems like the few times I stop by it's a bunch of poems by people who won't be around in a week or two and one or two from the regular folks. I still scan the days I don't stop by, and I read your newest. Maybe everyone's stopped writing poems. I've written maybe one or two in the last month, and they aint so spectacular.

Lots of new writing on the 007 thread. Maybe you should check it out. The problem with posting stuff in New Poems, though, is that then they can't be submitted elsewhere.
bluebell thank you for mentioning my poem. i think song lyrics is interesting. ive played guitar for quite a while. maybe its getting into my writing. i wonder where you thought about breathing in the poem. lets talk about it.
Hiya Leer. Sorry to take so long getting back to you, I'm a little scarce these days, sadly.
I'm interested in your interest! (And if this degenerates into a "You're prettier"..."No, you're prettier!" argument then we'll both be in very grave trouble.)

It's possible your guitar playing is seeping in. And by that I mean the rhythm, the length of duration. Strumming. Yes, strumming is what Ladylily does. And, in fact, when I read the rest of your submissions there's only one poem that really has any poem-y-ness to me, and that's Struck, and it's not the whole thing. Towards the end it starts to become lyrical again.

Your words kind of remind me of Wilco lyrics; more prosaic in nature, but decidedly song-oriented. They read just as smart and incisive in print as they would sound in song, but I think song would just be...whip-sharp.

The breathing...it's simply different. The thought cut-offs aren't the same as poetry. There's a connecting breath between lines, as if they don't end. The endings bleed into one another, which, to me, isn't a typical poetic device.
It's more lyrical in nature because you're singing; there aren't so many decided cessations.

Pauses in your work seem to come more in the middle of the sentences (lines) rather than at the end. I find that most poetry is a line by line experience; each one is its own pea pod and when they connect, it's an extension of that previous thought. With your words it's all one kinky line of those monkeys that link arms. Loose and wiggly, but connected.

This is probably confusing.
I'll attempt a visual, though I have serious doubts about that as well. The first is a snippet of a Li-Young Lee poem, and the second is the beginning of Ladylily. The forward slashes are meant to show more of a full-stop or a natural moment to draw breath.

I tried hosting the images but the web is giving me a ton of issues today so I just attached them to the post. Maybe it will be clearer, and maybe not.

So. Yeah. :D


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Oiiiiiiiii Bluebell from a shortened little lady in England about to have a fish n chip supper!!!!!
Oi Annie! You chippy minx! I hugs you muchly!!

What's the story with the reviews? Every third day?
Ohhhhhhmygosh. It's DA! Holy blueberries!

I know this is probably terribly embarrassing and I promise to be very ashamed of myself after I hit the submit button on this post, but damn- it's good to see you. I know I've never talked to you but since you popped by I'm going to allow myself to be a little effusive...


That feels better. It was also, like, a year in the making.
Really though, DA, your work is excellent and I've been enjoying it for a long time. You and several others around here have forgotten more about writing criminally good poetry than I'll ever scrape together during my lifetime. Some people just have it. It's not effortless by any stretch but it sure reads that way, and it stops the heart, it's just so good and real. I live to read poetry like that. And I found some here; a happy girl am I.

I'll be quiet now. :eek:

PeeEss- The reviews are a little gimpy lately, but I don't think it's anyone's fault. There's always a reason.
We don't have a regular Friday reviewer and I know I've had craziness lately that's prevented me from being on time for the last few Saturdays. I think it's just a busy, nutty summer, but we've had people doing their best to keep things rolling (I know I appreciate it). Maybe just a little slumpy at the mo'.
Lots of new writing on the 007 thread. Maybe you should check it out. The problem with posting stuff in New Poems, though, is that then they can't be submitted elsewhere.

What's the policy at the magazines you've edited on what constitutes published material?

It seems like most places will say anything posted on the internet public or private is considered published material and can't be submitted. My boy told me someone rejected a poem of his after accepting it because he had posted it somewhere on this message board, maybe in the editing thread. I guess you could always go back on a thread and delete a post before you submit that poem to a mag, but you can also do that with poems submitted that appear on your profile.

I think it's a bit much when guidelines include private web logs that you write poems on and maybe only you and a few others have access to. Some people save their poems that way, maybe they don't have a personal computer. I assume if people are submitting work to magazines and posting poems here, the less good poems get posted here.

extra: Yes, I've been following your 007 thread too.
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What's the policy at the magazines you've edited on what constitutes published material?

It seems like most places will say anything posted on the internet public or private is considered published material and can't be submitted. My boy told me someone rejected a poem of his after accepting it because he had posted it somewhere on this message board, maybe in the editing thread. I guess you could always go back on a thread and delete a post before you submit that poem to a mag, but you can also do that with poems submitted that appear on your profile.

I think it's a bit much when guidelines include private web logs that you write poems on and maybe only you and a few others have access to. Some people save their poems that way, maybe they don't have a personal computer. I assume if people are submitting work to magazines and posting poems here, the less good poems get posted here.

extra: Yes, I've been following your 007 thread too.

Well, if you delete something from the message board here, it is deleted and doesn't come up in search when you put the lines of the poem into google. BUT if I put lines of poems that have been removed from submitted poems on lit, they show up, still, so the evidence of their having been online remains.

Ah, glad to hear you have followed it. Maybe I should put up some sort of companion thread so people can comment, should they have something to say? I figured people could just comment in the thread the way they do in the Dirty 30 thread. Folks may not be comfortable with that, though, I suppose.
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Fault Field Foray

I see some confusion from reader on my new poetry submission, Fault Field Foray. Perhaps an image could shed some more light.

This is a small section of the sorts of maps I worked with during my field work.
The GIS is the street locations, with yellow lines and labels (Bunker Hill and Westview), while the background is the DEM (actually a hillshade view, with the 'sun' shining from the north west). The complete map would have a scale, North arrow, latitude-longitude graticule and so forth, in case it would be published (like the complete image here was).
The DEM is a bare earth model, meaning that buildings and vegetation have been removed to the extent possible. We can see several features in the image.
Only the major roads have been posted. Other roads can be seen, some running north-south or east-west, with some curved roads west of Bunker Hill. The prominent mostly white north-south line (running between the 'E' and 'W' and the end of Westview is a drainage ditch. Towards the bottom there are a couple of buildings which were not properly removed from the bare earth. Last, but not least, is the Long Point Fault, which is the dark irregular line running from the northeast corner and crossing Westview in two places, Bunker Hill in 1. It represents an elevation difference of about 1 meter. with a scarp width of 2 to 4 meters. The south side is downthrown, meaning that the earth to the south has subsided more than that on the north side of the fault. These faults are active, resulting in damage to homes, pipelines, roads and the like. In fact, at this site there was a condemned house just east of Bunker Hill in the spring (2005) that was demolished on a subsequent visit that summer.

I would use maps like these to examine the faults in the field and correlate image observations with true on the ground observations. The poem describes one such field trip where we (both my son and wife were with me on this one) started out in Veterans Memorial Cemetery. One needs to examine the image features to see if a fault or some other phenomenon. The scarp in the cemetery seemed man made. At another location that day we came across the wrecked house sitting on the fault line.

Hope that helps you in reading the poem


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Oi Annie! You chippy minx! I hugs you muchly!!

Ohhhhhhmygosh. It's DA! Holy blueberries!


PeeEss- The reviews are a little gimpy lately, but I don't think it's anyone's fault. There's always a reason.
We don't have a regular Friday reviewer and I know I've had craziness lately that's prevented me from being on time for the last few Saturdays. I think it's just a busy, nutty summer, but we've had people doing their best to keep things rolling (I know I appreciate it). Maybe just a little slumpy at the mo'.

Well, shit. Thank you. I s'pose I should write more poems. I don't post a lot, because. Well. I'm not sure why I don't post a lot. I do a lot of other stuff. Like play Warcraft (I KNOW. It's a terrible habit.) and drink beer and chase dogs and take pictures (www.flickr.com/photos/ipeekatyouintheshower)

Aw, geeze. Thank you.
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