"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Well, shit. Thank you. I s'pose I should write more poems. I don't post a lot, because. Well. I'm not sure why I don't post a lot. I do a lot of other stuff. Like play Warcraft (I KNOW. It's a terrible habit.) and drink beer and chase dogs and take pictures (www.flickr.com/photos/ipeekatyouintheshower)

Aw, geeze. Thank you.
Goddamn, dude. Those pictures just about slide down my throat like a smooth piece of ice. Like everything else I've seen of you and yours they're just right there while still being completely soul-deep. Not as casual as the eye and mind might behold. Not nearly. Not by a long shot. Just lovely. Thank you so much for sharing those.

In fact, I like your stuff so much (poems AND pictures) that I won't even hold that Warcraft thing against you.
No, really.

Maybe I should go chase some dogs too.
Lot of thankyous firstly to EO for his kind mentions.
Blue Tess EO SweetOblivion rubyslipper thankyou for comments on 'I dreamt of home' which actually came from a comment my husband made about 'hatching apples' and a recurring dream I used to have about trying to find my way around the place I grew up and nothing being as it should be .... funny where the muse strikes isn't it?
Thanks also to vrosej and EO for comments on 'Consider the Brachiosaurus' and yes EO you are correct about the meteor!
Also thanks to vrosej EO and bflagsst for comments on 'I've seen a housefly' ....... EO have you never seen the film lol? Load of crows singing about houseflies and horseflies but I've never seen an elephant fly!
Wow those are poetic pictures

Ahhh, I see what he fuss is about!! Excellent pics, dearest, DA. I especially enjoy the black and white pics.

It's so cool to watch as others "discover" your immense talents. Personally, I find it intoxicatingly terrific that you have come back to this place.

love and hugs,
yer ol NJ

and, to all the poets who have had some really great work this week, my computer is still down and I am surviving with my laptop, but its not as comfy as my big one and that's why I haven't left comments and "stuff".

I have voted on a few, really enjoying the return of Bill Dada, as he has always been a fave of mine. I loved your Housefly poem, Annie, you all, keep up the good work! I love and miss you all.

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Lot of thankyous firstly to EO for his kind mentions.
Blue Tess EO SweetOblivion rubyslipper thankyou for comments on 'I dreamt of home' which actually came from a comment my husband made about 'hatching apples' and a recurring dream I used to have about trying to find my way around the place I grew up and nothing being as it should be .... funny where the muse strikes isn't it?
Thanks also to vrosej and EO for comments on 'Consider the Brachiosaurus' and yes EO you are correct about the meteor!
Also thanks to vrosej EO and bflagsst for comments on 'I've seen a housefly' ....... EO have you never seen the film lol? Load of crows singing about houseflies and horseflies but I've never seen an elephant fly!
I saw the movie so long ago (50 years or so) so I don't remember the details.
Bet if it had been about cliffs crumbling you would have remembered!!!

Got me thinking about movies I saw when I was a kid. Fantasia (and again in the late 60's/early 70's). Something called the African Lion, probably not that notable, but it stuck with me.
Hey Annie :)

I left a comment on your palindrome poem; it's as much as I know about them. I hope it helps.


I know thankyou and also to EO Bill Dada and Sapphos Sister for their remarks too and Lady for her mention as far as I can see from Doppelganger that's the way a palindrome is supposed to look if you are turning the lines round so I stick to my guns lol Oh well it pays or not lol to try something a little bit different sometimes!
Thankyou to EO for his kind mention and also to vrosej10 and Sapphos Sister for their comments on 'A sleep I shall have'. The code poem is always one that has stirred me and I am just glad you thought I did it justice.
Been awhile..

Been quite some time since I paid a visit to the Forum, nice to see some familiar faces even if my own isn't haha. I was always more of a lurker than a talker. I am looking forward to diving into the pages of my favorites and tasting any new delights that they have left for people like me to enjoy and getting to know some of the new talents.

Speaking of favorites..Deep Asleep, I have long admired your poems and there are several I find myself rereading every few months, I enjoyed your pictures just as much. Guess I came back to lurk just in time to catch the link! :)

"Molten passion
as lava and gase's"

Is a bit from PrinceofSeduction's new poem that I liked. "gases'" right?
the thread reappeared a little later, it was on the hangout portion. I thought it was strange, like maybe the thread never existed and I made it up in my head and was talking to myself.
Why has all of Pushkines score card disappeared?!!

It says he edited it last Monday evening. Not sure if I looked down that far between then and now (I've been peeking at the top to see if Lauren has updated yet). Last time I checked you were close to catching him, but that could have been last weekend.
It says he edited it last Monday evening. Not sure if I looked down that far between then and now (I've been peeking at the top to see if Lauren has updated yet). Last time I checked you were close to catching him, but that could have been last weekend.

He's a far superior poet to me and I know my place! Actually there are a load of far superior poets in this challenge that should be pulling their fingers out and getting on with it ..... hint hint
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Thankyou so much to vrosej10, robert12 in UK ,LadynStFreknBed, Irania, champagne1982 , EroticOrogeny, bflagsst, Epmd607 and of course to The Editor whoever you are and a big big thankyou to Ron who let me pick his brains as he was a 'raggedy ass cockney kid' in the 40s
Thankyou to EO for the mention even though you did call me old!! :eek: and to Sweet O also I had to do a form that I had never done before for the Survivor challenge
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