"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Thanks to those who reviewed/voted on "It's not what you think". It's always good to hear what others think of one's poems. Even if it's not what you think. :)
spanky, fucky, and oftimes sucky

I think 5, there was another group beginning of last year had 9, I POLITELY SUGGESTED THEY ALSO COMMENT ON OTHERS, as some of the H's where self appointed gifts

hello 1201 good to see you are still about and kicking. and I have been gone almost a year and what has changed except my dearest friends are stars now. feel free to delete this post. I have windows 8 and still have trouble navigating... take of yourself old friend. remember how blessed we are to have one another.
hello 1201 good to see you are still about and kicking. and I have been gone almost a year and what has changed except my dearest friends are stars now. feel free to delete this post. I have windows 8 and still have trouble navigating... take of yourself old friend. remember how blessed we are to have one another.
karate kicks in hip waders
and hello again
and now that I quoted it, you can't delete it.
hello 1201 good to see you are still about and kicking. and I have been gone almost a year and what has changed except my dearest friends are stars now. feel free to delete this post. I have windows 8 and still have trouble navigating... take of yourself old friend. remember how blessed we are to have one another.
strange message M, after unfaving one, what's with these mixed messages?

not that anything matters around here after getting strafed by anons,

this one was real interesting, different date maria, so I most certainly aren't accusing you
Comment was removed by administration
I doubt it was a love note.
I should check these things more often. Maybe I'll go read my email,

Now on a real positive note, today in new poems, good stuff, and real improvement from some, I applaud you
and remember if it doesn't have my name attached, it wasn't from me, (and i tell you how I voted) what am I afraid?
Billy again...

This is for Harry, an addendum to my comment on your poem Why, Who, and Why, again. Here is a poem about poetry that to me is effective because it takes a concept (reading/understanding poetry) and uses specific images to make it concrete. For your (or anyone's) consideration:

Introduction to Poetry

Billy Collins

I ask them to take a poem
and hold it up to the light
like a color slide

or press an ear against its hive.

I say drop a mouse into a poem
and watch him probe his way out,

or walk inside the poem's room
and feel the walls for a light switch.

I want them to waterski
across the surface of a poem
waving at the author's name on the shore.

But all they want to do
is tie the poem to a chair with rope
and torture a confession out of it.

They begin beating it with a hose
to find out what it really means.

3 emails, all thank yous (or it that you's)
well, you're welcome
more importantly
Thank you, my faith and hope that this place will be great is restored, and that depends on you, doesn't it?
it is all incremental steps and then sometimes bang, it all happens, good luck, and keep thinking
This is for Harry, an addendum to my comment on your poem Why, Who, and Why, again. Here is a poem about poetry that to me is effective because it takes a concept (reading/understanding poetry) and uses specific images to make it concrete. For your (or anyone's) consideration:

But all they want to do
is tie the poem to a chair with rope
and torture a confession out of it.

They begin beating it with a hose
to find out what it really means.
and people say I'm mean, I'm beginning to like this Billy guy.
Comment was removed by administration
I doubt it was a love note.
I should check these things more often. Maybe I'll go read my email,

Do we really need nursemaiding? Surely the recipient can delete or not, why does admin think it right to decide for us?
Do we really need nursemaiding? Surely the recipient can delete or not, why does admin think it right to decide for us?

I didn't know they could. I sure don't have those powers as a mod. I'd want to know why something was removed. It might have been spam or have broken Lit rules in some way, can't imagine any other reason why. I never thought they were watching but Mama Kitten is everywhere. :D
Do we really need nursemaiding? Surely the recipient can delete or not, why does admin think it right to decide for us?

there was a plethora of spamming around the boards, perhaps it bled over into the submissions' comments and was, rightly, removed. perhaps references to underage sex/paedophilia claims, who knows? admin knows, and saw fit to remove the comment from their site. i'm quite sure laurel would only intervene where necessary, and trust her judgement.
My thanks to erectus, twelveoone, Anonymous I, Angeline, greenmountaineer, Anonymous II, HarryHill, tazz317 for such lovely comments and ideas on The Biographer, also thank you 1201 for the mention in the Recom. Thread.

Also, belated thanks to all who commented on The Barmaids and The Bar Regulars.

Much appreciated.
tsk, tsk

apparently you don't know me well
erect truss
ahem, are we rushing to get more poems in one year, than I have posts in ten?
ever play poker? you play the good hands, you fold the rest
Last edited:
strange message M, after unfaving one, what's with these mixed messages?

not that anything matters around here after getting strafed by anons,

this one was real interesting, different date maria, so I most certainly aren't accusing you
Comment was removed by administration
I doubt it was a love note.
I should check these things more often. Maybe I'll go read my email,

Now on a real positive note, today in new poems, good stuff, and real improvement from some, I applaud you
and remember if it doesn't have my name attached, it wasn't from me, (and i tell you how I voted) what am I afraid?

hello 1201-

I don't understand what you mean about mixed messages. I just popped in to see who was still here and who had passed on. I got a new laptop and I am having trouble with windows 8 as I am not the most talented person when it comes to computers. You will always be one of my favorites and I will always be grateful to you for your help and encouragement all these years. If I somehow offended, I am truly sorry :(

I did not come back to offend ANYONE just to read some of the excellent work that I know has come thru here over the years. If I am not wanted, hell, I be gone...poof.

be good to one another

hello 1201-

I don't understand what you mean about mixed messages. I just popped in to see who was still here and who had passed on. I got a new laptop and I am having trouble with windows 8 as I am not the most talented person when it comes to computers. You will always be one of my favorites and I will always be grateful to you for your help and encouragement all these years. If I somehow offended, I am truly sorry :(

I did not come back to offend ANYONE just to read some of the excellent work that I know has come thru here over the years. If I am not wanted, hell, I be gone...poof.

be good to one another


I read your post further and may I ask? Am I being once again accused of leaving anon posts? If that is what anyone thinks, you are wrong. ask Laurel, she knows. I leave my name on my posts. If someone feels better attacking me or voting down some sorry little poem I posted, I am glad I could be of help. I will not be drawn into the crap that went on here and must still be going on judging by the tone....whatever turns y'all on. I'm not here for hate, was hoping to find joy. Guess I was wrong....like I said, be good to one another, life is way too short to be an ass.
I read your post further and may I ask? Am I being once again accused of leaving anon posts? If that is what anyone thinks, you are wrong. ask Laurel, she knows. I leave my name on my posts. If someone feels better attacking me or voting down some sorry little poem I posted, I am glad I could be of help. I will not be drawn into the crap that went on here and must still be going on judging by the tone....whatever turns y'all on. I'm not here for hate, was hoping to find joy. Guess I was wrong....like I said, be good to one another, life is way too short to be an ass.

Don't let someone acting like an asshole chase you off. I still want you here. :heart:
strange message M, after unfaving one, what's with these mixed messages?

not that anything matters around here after getting strafed by anons,

this one was real interesting, different date maria, so I most certainly aren't accusing you
Comment was removed by administration
I doubt it was a love note.
I should check these things more often. Maybe I'll go read my email,

Now on a real positive note, today in new poems, good stuff, and real improvement from some, I applaud you
and remember if it doesn't have my name attached, it wasn't from me, (and i tell you how I voted) what am I afraid?

FYI, "Comment was removed by administration" means a spammer left an offsite website or their email in your PC and Laurel/Manu removed the spam.

Also, I don't know why anyone leaves their voting on anymore, unless the one who is trolled-voted really enjoys pissing and moaning. Voting lost its value several years ago and not that it ever mattered for the poetry side of the house anyway.
I read your post further and may I ask? Am I being once again accused of leaving anon posts? If that is what anyone thinks, you are wrong. ask Laurel, she knows. I leave my name on my posts. If someone feels better attacking me or voting down some sorry little poem I posted, I am glad I could be of help. I will not be drawn into the crap that went on here and must still be going on judging by the tone....whatever turns y'all on. I'm not here for hate, was hoping to find joy. Guess I was wrong....like I said, be good to one another, life is way too short to be an ass.
read carefully, I read your post, a little effusive, then I happen to check my comments, message:
hello 1201 good to see you are still about and kicking. and I have been gone almost a year and what has changed except my dearest friends are stars now. feel free to delete this post. I have windows 8 and still have trouble navigating... take of yourself old friend. remember how blessed we are to have one another.
On April 06, 2013 Maria2394 un-favorited your poem So, What Is It.

ah, so what is it? same day?

And I specially stated I was not accusing you of being the anon

Message I got was Hello 1201, I just unfaved your poem. Fine. Looks like a demand for attention. Hence the question. You can either love me or hate me, don't try both. Although I much prefer a much more middle of the road approach, as I see us all as peers.
Ok why? Direct question Maria. What is going on?

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No fucking fan clubs.
No fucking anons.

Now neo. If I chose to leave the voting on, does that make me some sort of what?
I catch shit from some of the betters because I leave mostly fives.
I catch shit because from some because of the lack of depth of comments.
I catch shit because some that don't want to listen.

It is a good thing I'm an adrenaline junkie, but on the other hand, I do serve a useful purpose around here, don't I? By calling it as I see it.

On April 02, 2013 Anonymous comment on your poem dawning...:
This is why people don't read poetry
No, anon, this is why You can't read poetry.

Get Rid of
Anonymous voting, comments, bring the thermometer back. Open, transparent.
Now neo. If I chose to leave the voting on, does that make me some sort of what?
As I said, I just don't see the value of voting here, especially on poetry since the website uses it for their contests and there wasn't even a MIP last year.

I catch shit from some of the betters because I leave mostly fives.
I catch shit because from some because of the lack of depth of comments.
I catch shit because some that don't want to listen.

I can't really comment on this since I rarely go the New Poems page anymore. I'm glad there is still a new poems thread since otherwise, much of the poems make me wish I didn't bother to click. Matter of fact, the last time I looked at new poems was to favorite one of your poems after someone suggested to read it.

It is a good thing I'm an adrenaline junkie, but on the other hand, I do serve a useful purpose around here, don't I? By calling it as I see it.
Adrenaline junkie? Man, seriously I don't get that buzz from reading/responding to poems here anymore unless it's from those who've I read for years or some rare gem a new poem's reviewer suggests.

Get Rid of
Anonymous voting, comments, bring the thermometer back. Open, transparent.

Didn't the thermometer only register if the voter decided to leave a Public Comment, otherwise, remained anon vote?
Adrenaline junkie? Man, seriously I don't get that buzz from reading/responding to poems here anymore unless it's from those who've I read for years or some rare gem a new poem's reviewer suggests.
Well rarely do I get it there as you said, mostly I get it from dealing with flack from every side.
My object here, is solely to get people think about what they are doing, think about where this place is heading.

Sorry if it appears otherwise to some.
by twelveoone04/17/13

the poets you mention were better than you, one reason being they knew how to edit, the other they took the time to learn the craft. throwing their names out buys you nothing. I suggest brevity in your case so that you do have less to work with, less to think it though. I also suggest you pick targets a little more carefully, and target with a little more care, as this could so-called poem could be construed as being libel, couldn't it?

Here is a link

now if the amount of time you spend on this crap, were spent as I advise, you would be a better writer.

Two things:
know your enemy as yourself
know yourself

I don't think you know either
read carefully, I read your post, a little effusive, then I happen to check my comments, message:

On April 06, 2013 Maria2394 un-favorited your poem So, What Is It.

ah, so what is it? same day?

And I specially stated I was not accusing you of being the anon

seriously man, I do not have a clue what you are talking about! Un-faving a poem? It took me almost an hour to get into my home page on this laptop. The touch-pad mouse goes ape shit whenever I try to use it.

I got a pm teliing me not to be a drama queen. I thought maybe I imagined your strained attitude at me, but I was right.

I wish you would give me time to get used to this darned computer before you decide to fuss at me for un-faving a poem of yours I haven't looked ta the "faves" I don't know how to get there from here right now. .

Maybe you didn't know this, but a couple years ago, the Lit system deleted all of my faves. I didn't know it meant that much to you 1201. Whether or not you are on that shallow assed list, you are and will always be one of my top five or so poets :)

And I am not being dramatic. something obviously upset 1201 and my reading comprehension skills say it has something to do with me.

whatever. who gives a turd about those fave lists anyway? you can tell a real egomaniac when you see they have faved themselves. I always get a kick outta that,

keep it real, potes an potesses

Message I got was Hello 1201, I just unfaved your poem. Fine. Looks like a demand for attention. Hence the question. You can either love me or hate me, don't try both. Although I much prefer a much more middle of the road approach, as I see us all as peers.
Ok why? Direct question Maria. What is going on?

I NEVER sent you any message even close to that!!!!!!!! Why would you say tat about me??? I have always adored you, but then my taste in men is questionable. I did not send you a flaky message like that. This is fucked up and a blatant liie. I want to SEE that message :( nevermind, keep your damned drama. but please don't attribute poison pen to me, I didn't send you anything like that . What happened to you?
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No fucking fan clubs.
No fucking anons.

Now neo. If I chose to leave the voting on, does that make me some sort of what?
I catch shit from some of the betters because I leave mostly fives.
I catch shit because from some because of the lack of depth of comments.
I catch shit because some that don't want to listen.

It is a good thing I'm an adrenaline junkie, but on the other hand, I do serve a useful purpose around here, don't I? By calling it as I see it.

On April 02, 2013 Anonymous comment on your poem dawning...:
This is why people don't read poetry
No, anon, this is why You can't read poetry.

Get Rid of
Anonymous voting, comments, bring the thermometer back. Open, transparent.
seriously man, I do not have a clue what you are talking about! Un-faving a poem? It took me almost an hour to get into my home page on this laptop. The touch-pad mouse goes ape shit whenever I try to use it.

I got a pm teliing me not to be a drama queen. I thought maybe I imagined your strained attitude at me, but I was right.

I wish you would give me time to get used to this darned computer before you decide to fuss at me for un-faving a poem of yours I haven't looked ta the "faves" I don't know how to get there from here right now. .
then as far as I'm concerned the unfaving had nothing to do with the strange "hello" on the same date as per your explanation, the matter is ended for me.
good luck with windows 8

as far as the PM goes, it was not from me
it has been my policy(for some time) to only send them if I get an email from lit. stating that someone tried to pm me, then I clear out the box and send one to that person, if I know them.

I state this again: PM's are not coming from me, nor are anonymous comments or scores.
Anyone getting a PM purporting to be from me, please post and report to the management of this place.
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