"To keep the review thread clean..."

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When I read a lot of "Today's" on the PF&D threads, I know things are cooking as they are now.

I'm guessing she would attribute to others' efforts, but I gotta say anyway I think it's mostly because of Angeline's leadership as a moderator.

Oh! And 1201's back who makes me think a lot about the "how" of poetry in his cryptic way.

These are the reasons I stick around this place.
thank you for the kind comments, and the thought in making them. 'azurite' does exactly what I want, but i wrote it, reading it would pose problems, but reading about Stevens convinced me to submit it.
When I read a lot of "Today's" on the PF&D threads, I know things are cooking as they are now.

I'm guessing she would attribute to others' efforts, but I gotta say anyway I think it's mostly because of Angeline's leadership as a moderator.

Oh! And 1201's back who makes me think a lot about the "how" of poetry in his cryptic way.

These are the reasons I stick around this place.

Thank you and the check's in the mail. :D

Actually the reason I decided to come back and moderate again is because of you and Tzara, Tess, 1201, Desejo all of us who make this a good place to work on our shared obsession with poetry. So it's a symbiotic kinda thing imo.

thank you for the kind comments, and the thought in making them. 'azurite' does exactly what I want, but i wrote it, reading it would pose problems, but reading about Stevens convinced me to submit it.

Will you explain what you mean about Stevens and azurite? I am very interested in what lead you to that conclusion.
Thank you and the check's in the mail. :D

Actually the reason I decided to come back and moderate again is because of you and Tzara, Tess, 1201, Desejo all of us who make this a good place to work on our shared obsession with poetry. So it's a symbiotic kinda thing imo.

Will you explain what you mean about Stevens and azurite? I am very interested in what lead you to that conclusion.

Christ if Tzara and I are the same thread we need a referee and a ring girl

re Stevens
scroll down the page
Chieftan Iffucan of Azcan in caftan
Of tan with henna hackles, halt!
(Bantans in Pine Woods)

and then
Certainly he wrote in an allusive, enigmatic, and musical style. He developed the art of suggestion, and employed rare words, private associations

I have no idea what Azcan is, azurite is at least hard and blue, so the strangeness of my part, didn't quite match the strangeness I felt, a clear pristine sky and the superstorm bearing down. the scimitar of pearl (crescent moon) but also the sword of Damocles
Christ if Tzara and I are the same thread we need a referee and a ring girl

re Stevens
scroll down the page
Chieftan Iffucan of Azcan in caftan
Of tan with henna hackles, halt!
(Bantans in Pine Woods)

and then
Certainly he wrote in an allusive, enigmatic, and musical style. He developed the art of suggestion, and employed rare words, private associations

I have no idea what Azcan is, azurite is at least hard and blue, so the strangeness of my part, didn't quite match the strangeness I felt, a clear pristine sky and the superstorm bearing down. the scimitar of pearl (crescent moon) but also the sword of Damocles

So does this mean you are liking and/or understanding him better? There are aspects of him I feel I understand much better since I did some reading on him. He can be musical and whimsical and that sense overrides the actual meaning of the words (which readers won't know), so I see your point. Kind of reminds me of Jabberwocky in a way although I don't think of Stevens at all as political like I do with Carroll. But now I understand why "azurite," though I have to go back and reread your poem. I want to see if I can get a sense of the impending storm from it.

Thanks. :)
So does this mean you are liking and/or understanding him better? There are aspects of him I feel I understand much better since I did some reading on him. He can be musical and whimsical and that sense overrides the actual meaning of the words (which readers won't know), so I see your point. Kind of reminds me of Jabberwocky in a way although I don't think of Stevens at all as political like I do with Carroll. But now I understand why "azurite," though I have to go back and reread your poem. I want to see if I can get a sense of the impending storm from it.

Thanks. :)
Stevens and Ashberry, but with Ashberry I get the feeling he's mostly playing a game, Stevens, to me, is one frightening SOB, but well worth pursuing, as you see, I have.
Stevens and Ashberry, but with Ashberry I get the feeling he's mostly playing a game, Stevens, to me, is one frightening SOB, but well worth pursuing, as you see, I have.

Ha. I knew you'd join me on the Stevens dark side, eventually. Ashberry is a puzzler and I fear if I really want some insight into him I'm going to have to reread The Wasteland, the effin annotated one. I'm interested in Ashberry cause of Berrigan and those crazy sonnets of his. Btw he totally trashes iambic pentameter in them...but you probably know that.

Don't want to interrupt this conversation ... but just a quick thanks to 1201 for the NPR shout and and to everyone who commented on It's Just Lunch and It started in June. Both poems were drafted here on the boards in various challenges -- and all of the comments/ suggestions gave me food for thought.

We now return to our regular programming....
When I read a lot of "Today's" on the PF&D threads, I know things are cooking as they are now.

I'm guessing she would attribute to others' efforts, but I gotta say anyway I think it's mostly because of Angeline's leadership as a moderator.

Oh! And 1201's back who makes me think a lot about the "how" of poetry in his cryptic way.

These are the reasons I stick around this place.
Feeling is quite mutual,

in between the parade of stick figures fucking
sometimes the poetry is pretty good
and sometimes that rare combination
of the sublime and the strange

You've done quite a few nifty tricks, even if I didn't catch 'em at first, and it makes me wonder just what I've missed.
Feeling is quite mutual,

in between the parade of stick figures fucking
sometimes the poetry is pretty good
and sometimes that rare combination
of the sublime and the strange

You've done quite a few nifty tricks, even if I didn't catch 'em at first, and it makes me wonder just what I've missed.

I went to the link you posted about Shakespeare's sonnet. It didn't take long for me to hone in on the post about "Adjectives." I hadn't really thought about them before, at least in the way he described it. I felt like I had a poetic Aha!

I went to the link you posted about Shakespeare's sonnet. It didn't take long for me to hone in on the post about "Adjectives." I hadn't really thought about them before, at least in the way he described it. I felt like I had a poetic Aha!

from the site
Bottom Line: If you can’t write poetry without adjectives, you might never learn to write poetry with adjectives.
but being semi-pro-adjective, (I believe in one of mine (Blue Hour)was one of the fattest noun phrases you'll ever see) I would point out that most of his bad examples are also cliched thinking.

love Lux's quote:
“There’s a difference between writing poetically and writing poetry.”

and a few links away
prompts (in part from a minor altercation, the other day)
a paraphrase on my part
If you can’t write poetry without rhyme, you might never learn to write poetry with rhyme

so in the grand scheme, GM, you and I (and the better poets) know next to nothing of what is to be known.

so what is the difference between us and the newbs or worse the total slackers,
we know it ain't easy
Otherwise it looks great.

Thank you Harry! I am awaiting Mr. 12's comments and I want a pat on the back for making it about feedback and commenting (cause I agree with him). :D

I hope you don't mind. I moved the post here cause like the thread says, it's just for recommendations.


PS No doubt the editing will go on. I'd really like to link to a thread about giving feedback, for example. But my eyes are tired and I think I'll wait a while.
Thank you Harry! I am awaiting Mr. 12's comments and I want a pat on the back for making it about feedback and commenting (cause I agree with him). :D

It would be nice to get all the information he lectures on in his posts and threads re: assonance, pointers, alliteration, ... in a linkable thread like Tzara's forms ...and please no iambic pentameter, I'm about to trochee on my feet just thinking about it.

I hope you don't mind. NP, very cool you can do thatI moved the post here cause like the thread says, it's just for recommendations.


PS No doubt the editing will go on. I'd really like to link to a thread about giving feedback, for example. But my eyes are tired and I think I'll wait a while.

super job
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super job

The urls made me crazy. And I just know those directions for how to do a link were somewhere I could have copied but oh well. Now if people just go in there and recommend but I think they will.

In the meantime I'm watching those poll threads in case we need tiebreaker votes. And maybe in a day or two I will actually write a poem lol. :)
Thank you Harry! I am awaiting Mr. 12's comments and I want a pat on the back for making it about feedback and commenting (cause I agree with him). :D
Oh, I applaud, I think Des and butters said leaving comments (real), actually helped them. Reading other's comments sometimes gives me a clue as to focus. What is does for the write is it points to a potential problem area, or confirms a success (if specific).
Oh, I applaud, I think Des and butters said leaving comments (real), actually helped them. Reading other's comments sometimes gives me a clue as to focus. What is does for the write is it points to a potential problem area, or confirms a success (if specific).

Yeah, well I just got a firm wrist slap for one of my comments. That's ok. Sometimes it's also good to be told your are being an asshole by someone other than your children:rolleyes:
Yeah, well I just got a firm wrist slap for one of my comments. That's ok. Sometimes it's also good to be told your are being an asshole by someone other than your children:rolleyes:

I assume you are talking about Erectus. I don't know about copying a comment and printing it on here. Are posted comments on the NP fair game for the NNPR?
Annon, run!
I assume you are talking about Erectus. I don't know about copying a comment and printing it on here. Are posted comments on the NP fair game for the NNPR?
Annon, run!

Don't do that. He misunderstood me and I don't think he is going to understand me. And now apparently I have to fear the wrath of the God Dinka. I'm not having a good day.
I assume you are talking about Erectus. I don't know about copying a comment and printing it on here. Are posted comments on the NP fair game for the NNPR?
Annon, run!

I can only pray to the poetry gods that the anon wars do not migrate to that thread.

And Desejo, getting comment flamed or one-bombed is like a rite of passage around here. There should be a badge for it. We all have them.
Don't do that. He misunderstood me and I don't think he is going to understand me. And now apparently I have to fear the wrath of the God Dinka. I'm not having a good day.

It is the god of cock (erectus says) so it might be fun. :D .....and isn't it Ali Baba? No R?
It is the god of cock (erectus says) so it might be fun. :D .....and isn't it Ali Baba? No R?

Funny I was gonna say pray to the poetry gods and not Dinka, who I find a little frightening. And here you are welcoming him with open...arms. You liked Rowdy Ted too, didn't you? :D
I can only pray to the poetry gods that the anon wars do not migrate to that thread.

And Desejo, getting comment flamed or one-bombed is like a rite of passage around here. There should be a badge for it. We all have them.
hey, that reminds me; you owe some two a day awards in the 2013 thread companion.
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