"To keep the review thread clean..."

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we can either extrapolate or perform a quantum shift
now what was that poem, I suspect came from an Alt, that went on too long? The one that made the anon cry? probably the same anon who is escalating. anon sheetface.
Bob Southey! You're a poet—Poet-laureate,
And representative of all the race,
Although 't is true that you turn'd out a Tory at
Last,—yours has lately been a common case;
And now, my Epic Renegade! what are ye at?
With all the Lakers, in and out of place?
A nest of tuneful persons, to my eye
Like "four and twenty Blackbirds in a pye;
"there was a poem last week, authour's name began with a Q?, I think, two comments HH, and the anon (it made him cry) , while it was a bit too long and I suspect it is another goddamn alt. it was several cuts above the usual

as is this

The Deflowering of Lilly Phelps
who is no journeyman (in comparison) poet, and at times rather good (better). Ange's comment says much, perhaps too much, who is your audience?
who is going to catch this?
plow chasing mule's behind.
the interweaving of "plow" thoughout and change up?
and Lilly felt that god dammed ache
start in her secret place.
the weight placed on god dammed, the fact that her secret place, while if used today would be laughable, however it is perfect for '39
the dropping of a in

walked in from hell of day
causes a slight function shift

In short, this puts you in Tristess territory, which is a damn good place to be, as I feel she is one one of the better poets here, perhaps a bit overlooked, because her work does not scream attention and actually requires some thought.

That is just my perspective, you can either value it or bite me.
Tod, would like to see a little more effort in understanding poetry than spent recommending it."

Maybe this should be my new bumper sticker?

"Tod, would like to see a little more effort in understanding poetry than spent recommending it."

Agreed, 1201, agreed.
..Maybe we should call Desejo... Up ship, Mr. Warf, quantum shift in 10, 9, 8, ...
thanks again.

Ahem. Desejo is out of communications range most of the time...but not completely in an alternate universe yet. :rolleyes: Back in 10 days or so to annoy you all.
Thank you Angeline, for the heads-up and comment and Ashesh, twelveoone, UnderYourSpell and todski for your comments.
Hello, it's me again. My thanks to Ashesh, HarryHill, UYS, Ange and Tazz for their comments on Poet's Place and to neo for comment and mention.
Thanks neo for putting a mention in, if only one line carries a piece then maybe the rest is all worth it.

Thanks to erectus who has always offered strong support to new poets, thanks to underyourspell who has taught me a lot in the last week,
Ashesh9 who just seems to enjoy life and poetry in general!!!!!
and to Angeline for your constant informed critique, I have looked up adverb and I will attempt better ways to express in the future (please note the word attempt) :)
Hello. I just wanted to say thank you for the comments on my works. It is all appreciated.
Thanks neo for putting a mention in, if only one line carries a piece then maybe the rest is all worth it.

I liked your poem in its entirety, just that line I thought particularly good. As in, I wish I wrote it. Maybe when we do glossas for UnderYourSpell's teach-in thread, I will. (with permission of course.)
Full permission granted it will be interesting to see what a real poet can do with it. What I meant about one line carrying the piece, is that without that line I wouldn't have bothered trying to edit it. I would have just let the poem die.
Thanks Ange and Tess, and erectus (I think, not sure what his comment meant however still commented) for comments on my poem "The Color Chocolate". It's a poem I will put in my daughter's chapter book. Although a little humorous it wasn't easy to include my ex-spouse. I do try to say nice things about her mother after all without her, my daughter wouldn't exist.

Full permission granted it will be interesting to see what a real poet can do with it. What I meant about one line carrying the piece, is that without that line I wouldn't have bothered trying to edit it. I would have just let the poem die.

Ha, that's if UnderYourSpell decides to do glossas, but thank you all the same. And not a real poet. Just a poetry appreciation student.

I have several later poems (written in 03-08) I re-posted as is when I came back to Literotica that I won't edit again because it's good to see progression in writing, also it's a funny, sometimes embarrassing flashback. I have one poem I wrote a long time ago and still can't find it. I know it's here on the PoBo somewhere. Search function is excellent but not a miracle worker.
Thank you to Angeline, Tess and Harry for comments on Dread, I still have no news to share as he didn't have the MRI today, maybe tomorrow. Your loving support warms my heart :rose:
PMs work better, to1.
Almost never do, transparency, and the fact I get pumped for information. I don't have the time.
It is bad enough I get emails from strangers regarding my work (or in a few cases anonymous emails regarding someone else), I see no comments, what goes on? Some game? Possible alt man fever, possible repercussions, what repercussion? You might be wrong? Afraid to look stupid by going against the crowd? The crowd, the cowed crowd, poetry by consensus.
Ahem. Desejo is out of communications range most of the time...but not completely in an alternate universe yet. :rolleyes: Back in 10 days or so to annoy you all.
You're overdue or lurking. give us a poem.
Thank you all for the comments on my last few subs and one un sub'd mention. I'll try to feedback more on yours.
Afraid to look stupid by going against the crowd?

Hello. I know that this is off topic and out of context, but when I was a young man, I was very withdrawn, socially. I was very afraid of looking stupid. Even though I hated most of humanity, I did not want to make a fool of myself. It was a shackle I wore for a long time. I still feel its effects now and again. It is easier to ignore now, but it is still present. It was a bit of an accomplishment to overcome that fear and post my first works online for others to see. I was wondering if you have had the same problem, or something like it. I know some do, and some do not. If you would prefer not to answer, that would be perfectly fine with me. I feel that it is a question of a rather personal nature, and I would not ask you to answer if you do not wish to. Thanks.
Hello. I know that this is off topic and out of context, but when I was a young man, I was very withdrawn, socially. I was very afraid of looking stupid. Even though I hated most of humanity, I did not want to make a fool of myself. It was a shackle I wore for a long time. I still feel its effects now and again. It is easier to ignore now, but it is still present. It was a bit of an accomplishment to overcome that fear and post my first works online for others to see. I was wondering if you have had the same problem, or something like it. I know some do, and some do not. If you would prefer not to answer, that would be perfectly fine with me. I feel that it is a question of a rather personal nature, and I would not ask you to answer if you do not wish to. Thanks.
I can answer for me, WD. the world changed when I read a quote called Dilemma . it's posted in this thread. I'll try to link it here. basically what it says if you don't take risks you may miss something else. I'm going to look now.
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I can answer for me, WD. the world changed when I read a quote called Dilemma . it's posted in this thread. I'll try to link it here. basically what it says if you don't take risks you may miss something else. I'm going to look now.

I like that. Social fear was one of only a few fears I had, and I took many, many risks in my life. I simply did not risk interacting with others if I could avoid it. I would interact with them in circumstances where they could not do as they wished, though, as that removed my concern of their perception of who I was. They typically did not know who I was in those situations, so that fear was invalid anyways. But everyday activities were hampered, and I feel I may have missed a lot of good chances when I was younger.
I like that. Social fear was one of only a few fears I had, and I took many, many risks in my life. I simply did not risk interacting with others if I could avoid it. I would interact with them in circumstances where they could not do as they wished, though, as that removed my concern of their perception of who I was. They typically did not know who I was in those situations, so that fear was invalid anyways. But everyday activities were hampered, and I feel I may have missed a lot of good chances when I was younger.

I was really scared of having my writing ridiculed or overlooked when I first came here. I submitted one poem and someone posted here raving about it and I was convinced all the poets would hate me, like "who does she think she is?" But a few people here were really kind to me, so I stayed.

I have done a lot of public speaking, sometimes to large groups of people but I much prefer one-on-one or small-group interactions. I hate big parties and crowds in general. In the real world I am something of a loner and pretty much always have been. The public speaking stuff never bothered me though because I just thought of it as part of my job.
I was really scared of having my writing ridiculed or overlooked when I first came here. I submitted one poem and someone posted here raving about it and I was convinced all the poets would hate me, like "who does she think she is?" But a few people here were really kind to me, so I stayed.

I have done a lot of public speaking, sometimes to large groups of people but I much prefer one-on-one or small-group interactions. I hate big parties and crowds in general. In the real world I am something of a loner and pretty much always have been. The public speaking stuff never bothered me though because I just thought of it as part of my job.

I spent a long time as a loner. I still am, for the most part. There are very few in this world I care to interact with. I would be perfectly fine with the majority of humanity disappearing in whatever fashion it wished. For all that I hate people in general, I never understood my fear of being seen as stupid by others. In almost all other aspects, I don't care in the least about what others think of me. But I don't like to be thought of as stupid. I don't get it.
I've often though over the years I've been here that many of the poets fall into the category of what we English call eccentric ....... some even have a diagnosis (or someone close does). Maybe something in childhood stunted us (as in my case) or we are the nerds or the loners. Whatever the reason it produces fine poetry as it has done for others that have gone before and I'm proud to know you. Your poetry is your voice.
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