"To keep the review thread clean..."

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I spent a long time as a loner. I still am, for the most part. There are very few in this world I care to interact with. I would be perfectly fine with the majority of humanity disappearing in whatever fashion it wished. For all that I hate people in general, I never understood my fear of being seen as stupid by others. In almost all other aspects, I don't care in the least about what others think of me. But I don't like to be thought of as stupid. I don't get it.

My dad always used to say that he liked individuals but not the human species. I can understand that. And though it has taken me a long time to get there, I really don't care what others think of me or my motives or whatever. Of course I want to be liked--everyone wants to be validated in some ways--but I'll be happier in the long run if I focus on liking myself and trying to live up to the standards of behavior I'd expect from others, if that makes sense.
My dad always used to say that he liked individuals but not the human species. I can understand that. And though it has taken me a long time to get there, I really don't care what others think of me or my motives or whatever. Of course I want to be liked--everyone wants to be validated in some ways--but I'll be happier in the long run if I focus on liking myself and trying to live up to the standards of behavior I'd expect from others, if that makes sense.

I can agree with your father, but the individuals that I like are not very numerous. I have come to terms with the person I am a while ago, so I don't worry about liking myself. I can understand what you mean, that you will like yourself more if you meet the model of person you like in others. That seems right to me. I can see that.
For years I always used to say 'I like people' and I did, but since coming across so many dregs via the Internet it makes my heart very sad that such people exist.
Hello. I know that this is off topic and out of context, but when I was a young man, I was very withdrawn, socially. I was very afraid of looking stupid. Even though I hated most of humanity, I did not want to make a fool of myself. It was a shackle I wore for a long time. I still feel its effects now and again. It is easier to ignore now, but it is still present. It was a bit of an accomplishment to overcome that fear and post my first works online for others to see. I was wondering if you have had the same problem, or something like it. I know some do, and some do not. If you would prefer not to answer, that would be perfectly fine with me. I feel that it is a question of a rather personal nature, and I would not ask you to answer if you do not wish to. Thanks.
o fuck, yeh, one of my first was called wince worthy (well it was), if you don't have that feeling you described and at least retain a part of it, well I'm surprised that gene was passed on.
Here is what it is: Text, you put out the Text, the Text gets bashed, analyze why, adjust the next Text, but YOU MUST feel comfortable with the Text, because there is no right or wrong way, it is YOU that makes it better.
That said, there is some dumb shit that goes on, like lack of edit (I don't think you suffer from that. "dropping in the slot" is something else, avoiding that takes more time)
Lack of thought (we all suffer, but it is a matter a degree, i.e. I pulled a poem, that was rather well received, because of a comment that was dead on, not only was the person right, but on reexamination it had a fucking hole in it you can drive a truck through, it didn't have an internal logic)
Now, I am a ruthless motherfucker when it comes to the TEXT, and there is no TEXT that endures it more than my own. Now, I don't expect that from anyone else, but at least as a reader I want something that I can get from the beginning to the end, at least with a sense of amusement. Yours bothered me, I like that, I missed something (which if you really think about it, we all miss, constantly) so I go back and check, I find an arrangement that works, something I don't remember seeing. I will perhaps use this.
And with all that said, I reserve the right to write crap from time to time, but only if it is a cut above the normal crap, which sadly it is.

Now reread the BOLD Part
all else is bullshit
o fuck, yeh, one of my first was called wince worthy (well it was), if you don't have that feeling you described and at least retain a part of it, well I'm surprised that gene was passed on.
Here is what it is: Text, you put out the Text, the Text gets bashed, analyze why, adjust the next Text, but YOU MUST feel comfortable with the Text, because there is no right or wrong way, it is YOU that makes it better.
That said, there is some dumb shit that goes on, like lack of edit (I don't think you suffer from that. "dropping in the slot" is something else, avoiding that takes more time)
Lack of thought (we all suffer, but it is a matter a degree, i.e. I pulled a poem, that was rather well received, because of a comment that was dead on, not only was the person right, but on reexamination it had a fucking hole in it you can drive a truck through, it didn't have an internal logic)
Now, I am a ruthless motherfucker when it comes to the TEXT, and there is no TEXT that endures it more than my own. Now, I don't expect that from anyone else, but at least as a reader I want something that I can get from the beginning to the end, at least with a sense of amusement. Yours bothered me, I like that, I missed something (which if you really think about it, we all miss, constantly) so I go back and check, I find an arrangement that works, something I don't remember seeing. I will perhaps use this.
And with all that said, I reserve the right to write crap from time to time, but only if it is a cut above the normal crap, which sadly it is.

Now reread the BOLD Part
all else is bullshit

Okay, thank you. I will keep this in consideration. I am always looking to know more about the workings of the minds of other writers, as I believe it helps to better understand the workings of my own mind. I think that this will help with that. I appreciate it.
As an aside, I think whether we wish it or not, we all have reserved the right and occasionally exercise the right to write crap. I think the important part is recognizing it and internalizing a lesson on how to avoid that particular failure in the future. But that is just my opinion, and of no consequence as such.
I've written stuff and then wondered whether to submit in case it upsets somebody. Like my latest I wondered if anybody would take offence that I had done a parody of Fairytale of New York because of it being a favourite song with many, but it's already gone over somebodies head (mentioning no names :D ) so I don't know which is worse lol
I've written stuff and then wondered whether to submit in case it upsets somebody. Like my latest I wondered if anybody would take offence that I had done a parody of Fairytale of New York because of it being a favourite song with many, but it's already gone over somebodies head (mentioning no names :D ) so I don't know which is worse lol

Lol it was my head. I'll admit it, but I do try to stay out of stores as it gets closer to Christmas so maybe they do play it here, too, and I just didn't recognize it. I love the season but shopping with mobs of people acting nuts while carols play is nightmarish to me. I can stand about 30 minutes of it before I want to run away screaming. :D
Lol it was my head. I'll admit it, but I do try to stay out of stores as it gets closer to Christmas so maybe they do play it here, too, and I just didn't recognize it. I love the season but shopping with mobs of people acting nuts while carols play is nightmarish to me. I can stand about 30 minutes of it before I want to run away screaming. :D

I sing along! I had a duet with a complete stranger by the baked beans once and Ron walked away in despair!
I've written stuff and then wondered whether to submit in case it upsets somebody.

While I don't see much point in being intentionally offensive or aiming offensive content at a person or persons specifically, I do think that if someone is upset by a work, that it should be seen as a positive thing. It shows that, good or bad, it is bringing emotion to the reader. I think that is something worthwhile, even if the emotion is a negative one at times.
While I don't see much point in being intentionally offensive or aiming offensive content at a person or persons specifically, I do think that if someone is upset by a work, that it should be seen as a positive thing. It shows that, good or bad, it is bringing emotion to the reader. I think that is something worthwhile, even if the emotion is a negative one at times.

You never knew Ramona who was deliberately offensive in the grossest ways possible, yet she had her fans who found offensive acceptable
Okay, thank you. I will keep this in consideration. I am always looking to know more about the workings of the minds of other writers, as I believe it helps to better understand the workings of my own mind. I think that this will help with that. I appreciate it.
As an aside, I think whether we wish it or not, we all have reserved the right and occasionally exercise the right to write crap. I think the important part is recognizing it and internalizing a lesson on how to avoid that particular failure in the future. But that is just my opinion, and of no consequence as such.
crap is like bullshit, a little is a good and natural thing, piles start to stink, i.e. new poems, a little bullshit today, and the bullshit spread a little thin. But today, no serial submitters and even the two I didn't comment on (merely had nothing to say), well good in each and its own lovely way; ok one of mr. E's does need a band behind it.
as for you opinion, it is yours, it has consequence, start voicing it, i.e. a comment or two. and today is a good day, and your opinion becomes more valued the more you learn by voicing.
and I don't know why everybody thinks I'm a prick,
well maybe I am
a prick with a purpose
think, motherfuckers
someday it will save your life

it did for me once or twice

one of the 499 poems you won't see from me over in new poems. but Ash should think of getting it as a tatoo, coarse he's bankin on the comin back - been there, done that and arm wrestled Durga on the way

alright. now that I'm done offending everybody for the day.
enjoy the fives, a little generous, but you earned them
While I don't see much point in being intentionally offensive or aiming offensive content at a person or persons specifically, I do think that if someone is upset by a work, that it should be seen as a positive thing. It shows that, good or bad, it is bringing emotion to the reader. I think that is something worthwhile, even if the.at times.
go read my "bride" , deliberately offensive to the penti crowd, and I worked like hell to get it that way. i.e no 7 minute wonder, no template, and the emotion is a negative one. something you will probably never see, took months. ten fingers, thrown unto the dogs.
Thank you to Angeline, Harry, Neo, 1201, Tess and Erectus for comments on No Fairytale. We used to have a group may years ago in England called the Barron Knights (you'll find them on YouTube) who did parody songs. My claim to fame is my sister was dating one of them for a while and I vaguely recall sitting on his knee ......... I was about 12ish at the time!
go read my "bride" , deliberately offensive to the penti crowd, and I worked like hell to get it that way. i.e no 7 minute wonder, no template, and the emotion is a negative one. something you will probably never see, took months. ten fingers, thrown unto the dogs.

I have no problem being intentionally offensive when I come across someone or something I don't like. That part is second nature. If I was not a vile and mercilessly offensive person before, (and I certainly was) then living in the barracks certainly ensured it. I simply don't see the point of doing so in anything other than a direct attack, face to face. Taking the time to make a jab at an opponent I loathe is something I will do in as confrontational a manner as I
can. I won't do so in a work. I will save that for jabs at abstract concepts and ideals.

"as for you opinion, it is yours, it has consequence, start voicing it, i.e. a comment or two. and today is a good day, and your opinion becomes more valued the more you learn by voicing."

It has consequence only for myself and those that choose to act upon it. That second part is important for everyone else but me, and it can only be decided by everyone else but me, so for me, it has no consequence. I understand others may think my opinion matters or can bring insight, but I do not think that it can do much in either of those regards. But that does not mean I am unwilling to find out. I will think about commenting more. I am still trying to get used to talking with people again, so it may be slow going.
I have no problem being intentionally offensive when I come across someone or something I don't like. That part is second nature. If I was not a vile and mercilessly offensive person before, (and I certainly was) then living in the barracks certainly ensured it. I simply don't see the point of doing so in anything other than a direct attack, face to face. Taking the time to make a jab at an opponent I loathe is something I will do in as confrontational a manner as I
can. I won't do so in a work. I will save that for jabs at abstract concepts and ideals.

"as for you opinion, it is yours, it has consequence, start voicing it, i.e. a comment or two. and today is a good day, and your opinion becomes more valued the more you learn by voicing."

It has consequence only for myself and those that choose to act upon it. That second part is important for everyone else but me, and it can only be decided by everyone else but me, so for me, it has no consequence. I understand others may think my opinion matters or can bring insight, but I do not think that it can do much in either of those regards. But that does not mean I am unwilling to find out. I will think about commenting more. I am still trying to get used to talking with people again, so it may be slow going.

I don't know what yours are like, but being in the forces myself I hope living in the barracks didn't make me vile and merciless!!
Thanks Ange for the comment on my poem, "the Upside Down". I'm going to adjust those two line breaks you suggested.
I don't know what yours are like, but being in the forces myself I hope living in the barracks didn't make me vile and merciless!!

The barracks buildings I went through were all basically junior enlisted alcohol-hotels. They were a lot like my neighborhood back home. People like me just got worse, is all.
The barracks buildings I went through were all basically junior enlisted alcohol-hotels. They were a lot like my neighborhood back home. People like me just got worse, is all.
Well get better, you count, your opinion counts, if you voice it carefully, it gets better.
Everybody fucks up, everybody is an asshole from time to time.
Except maybe the Anon who has perfected the asshole part to almost total. Which is probably why he wear da sheet on hes haid.
Right now I'm in high self amusement mode, sorry wD.
go leave a few comments, eh? And put your fucking name to it.
Thanks for your comments I did not leave any today. All seem disappointing including mine. The poem is rough as a caveman, about as cultured too.
My sincere thanks to neo, 1201, HH, Ange, tod and all who read and commented on Visiting Hour . I just want to reassure anyone who's wondering, this was not a personal poem, only sown from the experience of others. Thank you all for such kind words. :heart:
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