"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Big hugs for you Annie! That is very good news. :kiss:

I was wondering but felt reluctant to ask. after all, you've been in such a good mood lately. glad for you and Ron. :rose:

I'm sending healing thoughts and wishes for an uncomplicated recovery for your darling. Make sure he takes his anticoagulants and follows his doctors' orders. :rose:

that's wonderful news, annie :rose:

Thank you all :rose: He's not on anticoagulants any more and as for the good mood ........ I learnt a long time ago to hide behind a mask when things get tough, it just has a habit of slipping sometimes!
First of all thank you to 1201 for two recommends--that is generous.

Tess, you are right, and Desejo I didn't entitle the poem lightly: there is a sad propensity to self-harm amongst young girls and women. My poem was my attempt to understand it.

Under Your Spell--thank you for your kind words. I'm sorry that Ron has been so unwell, and for the worry that must have caused you. I'm glad he is on the mend.

Finally, tazz317--isn't it interesting how you don't comment where you can't vote (down, of course)? ;)
First of all thank you to 1201 for two recommends--that is generous.

Finally, tazz317--isn't it interesting how you don't comment where you can't vote (down, of course)? ;)
ah, no, I was disappointed that two who where bugging for lessons didn't show.

and re: the little bot E pluribus coli, Alt. Adjuster #1,
I suspect not only is this little bastard fishing for ideas, but avenging on the way.
virus vector reborn
Thanks demure101 for the comment on my poem, "the Upside Down" and good to see you around again! :rose:
Thank you to everyone who has commented on the two poems I have posted recently--you are all very kind :)

However, I notice how many comments are about the subject matter of the poem and not it's form, shape, design, word-structure, success or failure at all of the above.

I could write an essay on, for instance, teenage female cutting or an increase in road-rage, and I would expect a dialogue about those subjects, because that is what an essay engenders: a dialogue about issues.

But a poem isn't an essay: it is an attempt to imagine a (possibly someone else's) world through carefully chosen words, and surely it is the choice of those words, and the success or failure of the poet's attempt to engross the reader, which should be the primary focus of the critical reader, and not whether one agrees or not with the poet on the subject of the poem?

I say this with the greatest respect, and with the apprehension that perhaps the bruising atmosphere of Lit has shifted attention from poetics to subject.

What think you all?
Thank you to everyone who has commented on the two poems I have posted recently--you are all very kind :)

However, I notice how many comments are about the subject matter of the poem and not it's form, shape, design, word-structure, success or failure at all of the above.

I could write an essay on, for instance, teenage female cutting or an increase in road-rage, and I would expect a dialogue about those subjects, because that is what an essay engenders: a dialogue about issues.

But a poem isn't an essay: it is an attempt to imagine a (possibly someone else's) world through carefully chosen words, and surely it is the choice of those words, and the success or failure of the poet's attempt to engross the reader, which should be the primary focus of the critical reader, and not whether one agrees or not with the poet on the subject of the poem?

I say this with the greatest respect, and with the apprehension that perhaps the bruising atmosphere of Lit has shifted attention from poetics to subject.

What think you all?

I think both are important. A weak or hazy idea can be well structured and a great poem can lay buried in structural problems.

Some things I don't comment on in a poem because I suspect they are stylistic choices on the writer's part and my suggestions would merely impose my way of doing things on someone else. Or I may not comment because I have nothing to add that has not already been said or even because I don't personally connect to a particular poem. :)

I also don't think this is an especially bruising atmosphere. One finds what one looks for...
I think both are important. A weak or hazy idea can be well structured and a great poem can lay buried in structural problems.

Some things I don't comment on in a poem because I suspect they are stylistic choices on the writer's part and my suggestions would merely impose my way of doing things on someone else. Or I may not comment because I have nothing to add that has not already been said or even because I don't personally connect to a particular poem. :)

I also don't think this is an especially bruising atmosphere. One finds what one looks for...

i quite agree. i see it as a pretty damned supportive one, and inspirational!
I think both are important. A weak or hazy idea can be well structured and a great poem can lay buried in structural problems.

Some things I don't comment on in a poem because I suspect they are stylistic choices on the writer's part and my suggestions would merely impose my way of doing things on someone else. Or I may not comment because I have nothing to add that has not already been said or even because I don't personally connect to a particular poem. :)

I also don't think this is an especially bruising atmosphere. One finds what one looks for...

With respect, Angeline, I don't think you are addressing the issue I raised: is the subject of a poem outweighing its poetic qualities, or lack of ;) And I was specifically referring to the comments on a poem.

As to the nature of the site, I can only compare it to others where manners are better.
With respect, Angeline, I don't think you are addressing the issue I raised: is the subject of a poem outweighing its poetic qualities, or lack of ;) And I was specifically referring to the comments on a poem.

As to the nature of the site, I can only compare it to others where manners are better.
poetic etiquette, that's new. :confused:
With respect, Angeline, I don't think you are addressing the issue I raised: is the subject of a poem outweighing its poetic qualities, or lack of ;) And I was specifically referring to the comments on a poem.

As to the nature of the site, I can only compare it to others where manners are better.

I guess I don't understand your question then. When I read a poem on the new poems page, I get an overall impression and then reread to look at what I think you mean by "poetic qualities," to see how effective I think they are. If there are specifics I notice that I think are good or, conversely might be improved, I mention them.

And if you want a more specific answer, no. I don't think, in general, one thing is more important or addressed than another in comments that I have noticed. Is this a problem you are seeing? I can only speak for what I see, after all, and I do not personally find that to be an issue either on the forum or when people leave comments. Maybe some other poets can address it. Seems like it would depend on each individual's outlook to me. :)
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With respect, Angeline, I don't think you are addressing the issue I raised: is the subject of a poem outweighing its poetic qualities, or lack of ;) And I was specifically referring to the comments on a poem.

As to the nature of the site, I can only compare it to others where manners are better.

I go by the "bell shaped curve" rule. 20% of the comments are really thought provoking for the poet if he or she is inclined to think about them. 60% range from "atta boys/girls" to a little something more to think about. 20% are from a metaphorical 40 year old Captain Marvelous living in his mother's basement, working out his aggression on the Internet because he doesn't have a job or a girlfriend.

Literotica isn't half bad by that definition.
kill the anon, reign in the alts, and bring the fucking thermometer back, and try a little boycotting of the dead weighters, the free loaders, perhaps that will improve manners and conditions a bit.

all else is bullshit

Long Live YDD!
kill the anon, reign in the alts, and bring the fucking thermometer back, and try a little boycotting of the dead weighters, the free loaders, perhaps that will improve manners and conditions a bit.

all else is bullshit

Long Live YDD!


I'm afraid to ask. But I just asked anyway. alas.
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