"To keep the review thread clean..."

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kill the anon, reign in the alts, and bring the fucking thermometer back, and try a little boycotting of the dead weighters, the free loaders, perhaps that will improve manners and conditions a bit.

all else is bullshit

Long Live YDD!

anyone see the irony here?

I'm afraid to ask. But I just asked anyway. alas.

YDD was a woman, a retired professor, who found our poetry and spent about a year leaving amazing comments on people's poems. She was ill--we ultimately found out--and passed away, but her comments made her something of a legend around here. :)
call me old fashioned if you will but doesn't responding like with like (cursing) compound the bad manners?
it is the way of the tao
yin becomes yang at its end point

do you have any other problem with
kill the anon, reign in the alts, and bring the fucking thermometer back, and try a little boycotting of the dead weighters, the free loaders, perhaps that will improve manners and conditions a bit.
should I reword it
Deny anonymous the power he has.
Curb the excessive Alts and comments by the Alts on their own work.
Deny the free riders a free ride.
And perhaps if we all hold hands and pray...
Bullshit! "manners" as was presented to me was bullshit. I mince words about as well as the old testy prophets.

and long live YDD!
YDD was a woman, a retired professor, who found our poetry and spent about a year leaving amazing comments on people's poems. She was ill--we ultimately found out--and passed away, but her comments made her something of a legend around here. :)
and rather hated
By whom? I liked her very much and I can't think of anyone on the forum I knew who did not admire her and appreciate her comments. So who are we talking about here?

Also what is your point?
I was here, I saw the threads.
A little revisionism going on.
True most of the noise makers moved on, i.e. learned it is a pain in the ass to really write.
it is the way of the tao
yin becomes yang at its end point

do you have any other problem with
kill the anon, reign in the alts, and bring the fucking thermometer back, and try a little boycotting of the dead weighters, the free loaders, perhaps that will improve manners and conditions a bit.
should I reword it
Deny anonymous the power he has. Anon gets his power from people who care
Curb the excessive Alts and comments by the Alts on their own work. How to unveil them?
Deny the free riders a free ride. This is a free site, we ALL get a free ride.
And perhaps if we all hold hands and pray... that's offensive.
Bullshit! "manners" as was presented to me was bullshit. I mince words about as well as the old testy prophets.

and long live YDD!

YDD died after a long illness, that she was able to spend time with us on here is remarkable. Now, better button it in case you trample more toes.
I was here, I saw the threads.
A little revisionism going on.
True most of the noise makers moved on, i.e. learned it is a pain in the ass to really write.

I stand by what I said. You want to call it revisionism, fine. As you point out, those who didn't like serious critique moved on. How is that any different from any time here? People who want to stay and learn, do. People who don't leave.

And I still don't see your point, 12. None of this stuff you seem so angry about can be changed by anyone on this forum. We have nothing to do with the submissions and voting system, we can't force people to leave comments on poems, and do you really think the "alts" or "anons" are going to listen because you say they should stop?
YDD died after a long illness, that she was able to spend time with us on here is remarkable. Now, better button it in case you trample more toes.
text of email


To whom it may concern:
Going through my aunt's computer, I found an
e-mail from her to you. - This is just to inform you that Y D D
passed away on December 3, 2004 after an extended illness. She had been
suffering from breast cancer that had spread throughout her body.

Sincerely; F.M. D (name removed)

set in response to

Comments: Dear YDD, There is a thread in the poetry section entitled "In praise

>of YDD". I feel it that expresses true sentiments as to how much you are
>I miss you greatly, your comments were always helpful, and sometimes of more
>worth than the poems. I always considered it an honor whenever you would review

>any of my material. I hope I conveyed that in the past. Thank you

and I don't want to think about that bitter Christmas
there was more, that apparently was never sent until her niece sent the response
>Dear 1201:
> As I have told others, I do not read nor post on Literotica
>forums other than that of the new poetry. I seldom check my Literotica e-mail
>account, and I have been forced to disable the Personal Message function
>of annoying and repetitive negative communications.

> For personal reasons, I no longer have the time nor energy to read and
>comment on Literotica's new poetry submissions every day. Most of what vitality

>I have left is reserved for readying my last scribblings.
> Since you have implied that you would like my thoughts about your efforts,
>will make an effort to comment on your work when I encounter it on the days
>I do read the new poems on Literotica.
> Please do note that there are more than a few poets on Literotica who can
>adequately critique a poem. - Unfortunately, even some of the best of them tend

>to comment to the poet rather than on the poem. They want to be liked too much

>and thus pad their comments as the lesser/newer contributors do their poems.
>Sincerely; YDD
>P.S.: Please feel free to do as you wish with this communication. It may save
>from future distractions for which I have little interest or free time.
>This feedback was sent by: twelveoone1201@yahoo.com
>Comments: Dear YDD, There is a thread in the poetry section entitled "In praise

>of YDD". I feel it that expresses true sentiments as to how much you are
>I miss you greatly, your comments were always helpful, and sometimes of more
>worth than the poems. I always considered it an honor whenever you would review

>any of my material. I hope I conveyed that in the past. Thank you twelveoone
>Dear 1201:
> As I have told others, I do not read nor post on Literotica
>forums other than that of the new poetry. I seldom check my Literotica e-mail
>account, and I have been forced to disable the Personal Message function
>of annoying and repetitive negative communications.
> For personal reasons, I no longer have the time nor energy to read and
>comment on Literotica's new poetry submissions every day. Most of what vitality

>I have left is reserved for readying my last scribblings.
> Since you have implied that you would like my thoughts about your efforts,
>will make an effort to comment on your work when I encounter it on the days
>I do read the new poems on Literotica.
> Please do note that there are more than a few poets on Literotica who can
>adequately critique a poem. - Unfortunately, even some of the best of them tend

>to comment to the poet rather than on the poem. They want to be liked too much

>and thus pad their comments as the lesser/newer contributors do their poems.
>Sincerely; YDD
>P.S.: Please feel free to do as you wish with this communication. It may save
>from future distractions for which I have little interest or free time.

and reading this it just broke my heart, for even bothering her.
Most of what vitality I have left is reserved for readying my last scribblings.

I reread the thread Tess, she was one of the vital ones for me. Toes, Tess? She was the only one that left a comment one something I had honed and a 100, It was the one of proudest moments in my life regarding my writing.

I never deleted that email. Honed was her word. I got three E's that year and generated a lot of garbage. After that quantity dropped, I don't know if quality improved but most of them were pressed against the edge and honed.
By whom? I liked her very much and I can't think of anyone on the forum I knew who did not admire her and appreciate her comments. So who are we talking about here?

Also what is your point?
get rid of anon capability to vote, to send messages, let 'em post their lame comments if need be, i.e. supposed viewers, supposed numbers.
text of email


To whom it may concern:
Going through my aunt's computer, I found an
e-mail from her to you. - This is just to inform you that Y D D
passed away on December 3, 2004 after an extended illness. She had been
suffering from breast cancer that had spread throughout her body.

Sincerely; F.M. D (name removed)

set in response to

Comments: Dear YDD, There is a thread in the poetry section entitled "In praise

>of YDD". I feel it that expresses true sentiments as to how much you are
>I miss you greatly, your comments were always helpful, and sometimes of more
>worth than the poems. I always considered it an honor whenever you would review

>any of my material. I hope I conveyed that in the past. Thank you

and I don't want to think about that bitter Christmas
there was more, that apparently was never sent until her niece sent the response
>Dear 1201:
> As I have told others, I do not read nor post on Literotica
>forums other than that of the new poetry. I seldom check my Literotica e-mail
>account, and I have been forced to disable the Personal Message function
>of annoying and repetitive negative communications.

> For personal reasons, I no longer have the time nor energy to read and
>comment on Literotica's new poetry submissions every day. Most of what vitality

>I have left is reserved for readying my last scribblings.
> Since you have implied that you would like my thoughts about your efforts,
>will make an effort to comment on your work when I encounter it on the days
>I do read the new poems on Literotica.
> Please do note that there are more than a few poets on Literotica who can
>adequately critique a poem. - Unfortunately, even some of the best of them tend

>to comment to the poet rather than on the poem. They want to be liked too much

>and thus pad their comments as the lesser/newer contributors do their poems.
>Sincerely; YDD
>P.S.: Please feel free to do as you wish with this communication. It may save
>from future distractions for which I have little interest or free time.
>This feedback was sent by: twelveoone1201@yahoo.com
>Comments: Dear YDD, There is a thread in the poetry section entitled "In praise

>of YDD". I feel it that expresses true sentiments as to how much you are
>I miss you greatly, your comments were always helpful, and sometimes of more
>worth than the poems. I always considered it an honor whenever you would review

>any of my material. I hope I conveyed that in the past. Thank you twelveoone
>Dear 1201:
> As I have told others, I do not read nor post on Literotica
>forums other than that of the new poetry. I seldom check my Literotica e-mail
>account, and I have been forced to disable the Personal Message function
>of annoying and repetitive negative communications.
> For personal reasons, I no longer have the time nor energy to read and
>comment on Literotica's new poetry submissions every day. Most of what vitality

>I have left is reserved for readying my last scribblings.
> Since you have implied that you would like my thoughts about your efforts,
>will make an effort to comment on your work when I encounter it on the days
>I do read the new poems on Literotica.
> Please do note that there are more than a few poets on Literotica who can
>adequately critique a poem. - Unfortunately, even some of the best of them tend

>to comment to the poet rather than on the poem. They want to be liked too much

>and thus pad their comments as the lesser/newer contributors do their poems.
>Sincerely; YDD
>P.S.: Please feel free to do as you wish with this communication. It may save
>from future distractions for which I have little interest or free time.

and reading this it just broke my heart, for even bothering her.
Most of what vitality I have left is reserved for readying my last scribblings.

I reread the thread Tess, she was one of the vital ones for me. Toes, Tess? She was the only one that left a comment one something I had honed and a 100, It was the one of proudest moments in my life regarding my writing.

I never deleted that email. Honed was her word. I got three E's that year and generated a lot of garbage. After that quantity dropped, I don't know if quality improved but most of them were pressed against the edge and honed.

You are the one who said she was hated, not Tess.
get rid of anon capability to vote, to send messages, let 'em post their lame comments if need be, i.e. supposed viewers, supposed numbers.

And as I said, no one on this forum has any control over that decision. If you want to let Laurel know you think the system would work better without anons voting, you should. But the forum and the submissions systems are separate. Telling anyone here won't help you accomplish any of these things.
Has somebody changed the plot in here? If so I wasn't given a copy!
BTW my Mother was very good at changing sides during an argument and throwing everyone too!
Last edited:
I must thank various people for their reactions to "Mythomyopeia".

1201-thank you for the comment and the recommend :)

Demure101, thank you for the comment and the favourite, and I know you will revisit--perhaps you will let me know your thoughts after you have re-read?

Molineux, thank you, and I am glad you liked my neologism in the title :)
I must thank various people for their reactions to "Mythomyopeia".

1201-thank you for the comment and the recommend :)

Demure101, thank you for the comment and the favourite, and I know you will revisit--perhaps you will let me know your thoughts after you have re-read?

Molineux, thank you, and I am glad you liked my neologism in the title :)
my comment was anemic, I apologise, that deserves far better. far better. one of the best I've seen here.
my comment was anemic, I apologise, that deserves far better. far better. one of the best I've seen here.

1201, don't worry--you liking it is enough for this poor poet ;)

And Tess, thank you for such a lovely comment! :rose:
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