"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Thank you vampiredust and twelveoone

for your recommendations for my recent excursion into Crystal City: Before the Snow.

clutching_calliope said:
Since I could never measure up to you, Eve, or Tristesse the probability on the AV thingy is nil over nada (plus I can't get it figured out, just like the smileys :rolleyes: ).

I like it that the computer thinks I'm 'really experienced'...if Dave, Dave, what are you doing Dave only knew. <insert Beethoven's Fifth here>.
How to post an avatar...

  • Find a photo (I stick with .jpg file tags) you like well enough to be associated with.
  • Save it to disk (I usually place them in my document folder or desktop so I can find them again more easily.)
  • Open the image in photoshop or any other editing program and either confirm or resize it to no bigger than 150 by 150 pixels. (If you can't do this I'm sure someone can help, all you need to do is ask!)
  • Save this new file to disk as well.
  • On the top menu bar of the Lit Vboard forum index, choose User CP and you'll see a sidebar on the left of that new window. Click on Edit Avatar.
  • Once this screen opens choose the Use Custom Avatar option. Click on the browse button beside the slot that says Upload an Avatar From Your Computer: and find the properly sized file you saved to disk. Highlight it and click to upload the image to lit.
  • Don't forget to save your changes!
I hope this helps.
bluerains said:
Chocolate Kisses by sugarmountain ©
Short pen reads like an old country western twang love song..
another one bites the dust...dripping in chocolate however..I guess thats a better way to remember the pain of a bad mate...eat more chocolate..I like that...First write for this poet hope to see more and welcome ...

Thank you blue for the nod. I hope to give you more to see...and thank you for the welcome. Good to be here. :rose:
Hi! I knew you sounded familiar, but I had no idea. Good to meet you (again) and thanks for the reintroduction.

I enjoy reading your work, and am glad you got the change you needed.

vampiredust said:
Hello my name is Vampiredust and thought I'd introduce myself

I'm a 25 year old brit who enjoys writing poetry. You can find a selection below:

Vampiredust's Poetry

My style of writing varies between the weird and very personal. I hope you all enjoy it and I hope to develop my poetry skills here

I used to be known as cward2 but felt a change was needed. I think this was for the better.

Take care everyone

Welcome! I look forward to reading your work! Can you put a link to your author page so I can check it out?

I hope you get a chance to socialize a bit and feel your way around the forum, it can be quite an experience of learning and growth.

Please feel free to submit right away. Hit the ground running. It is very friendly around here, people who give critiques do so in the spirit of community. If you are not crazy about getting suggestions, just make a note on the poem or turn off public comments.

Don't wait too long to submit something, please :)

Elisabet said:
*What you hope to get out of your time at lit (please include level of critique you are looking for)

Since I am working on a new collection of work, all erotic, I am nervous as all hell. I might get around to submitting something here...but I really want to get my bearings first. So I may do a lot of replying!

*What do you hope to contribute to the poetry community at literotica? What role do you see yourself playing here?

First off, I have to say I am impressed with the skill I've seen so far. Way too many sites feature work that strikes me as stilted---and i have seen some diverse styles and approaches. It works.

I hope to give my own spin on the works, based on a few years experience editing poetry for small press publications. In formal crit, I may be wary...but I have a sense of poetic voice that I like to give credit for.

*How would you describe your writing?

I'm with Picasso. You have to know the rules before you break them.
I've trained at several forms of writing---and even gotten paid for a few.

But in the creative arena, I prefer prose, free verse, and the occasional form, just to remind myself how it is done. I lean more on assonance, consonance, and alliteration than usual meter to do my dirty work.

*List of some of your favorite poems/stories you have at Lit, in case anyone wants to get a taste of your work

Honestly I'm too new to have faves yet...but perhaps after a while I can add a few?

From a strictly personal standpoint, I love to write just about anything.
I took up erotica out of sheer frustration about six years ago. So much I encountered seemed to come from an exclusively male standpoint---even the stuff written by women seemed to follow the same old, same old. It didn't work for me, so I decided to write my own...

And I hope to spend some calm hours reading...

Oh...and my friends call me Bet...

I hope that you get the critique you are looking for-- it is easy to misread helpful suggestions for criticism, so if you feel someone is being to harsh, just write them a little note, people here are good and decent. Well, you know, they are at least friendly, known to be indecent.


I hope you feel comfortable expressing your opinions as well, but respect your choice to be silent. Just remember your voice is welcome. Can you put a link to your work up?

Thanks and welcome!


flame_tail said:
*What you hope to get out of your time at lit (please include level of critique you are looking for)

I want to learn what the "people" like and what they don't like. ("People" in quotes because not all of us are the same.) I want critiques to be not too harsh, but not too bland....just be honest.

*What do you hope to contribute to the poetry community at literotica? What role do you see yourself playing here?

I hope to give good poems, of course. Role? The silent one, only speaking when need to, or when something strikes my fancy.

*How would you describe your writing?

Sometimes dark and romantic, sometimes dark, and sometimes weird.

*List of some of your favorite poems/stories you have at Lit, in case anyone wants to get a taste of your work

Waiting for You
annaswirls said:

I hope that you get the critique you are looking for-- it is easy to misread helpful suggestions for criticism, so if you feel someone is being to harsh, just write them a little note, people here are good and decent. Well, you know, they are at least friendly, known to be indecent.


I hope you feel comfortable expressing your opinions as well, but respect your choice to be silent. Just remember your voice is welcome. Can you put a link to your work up?

Thanks and welcome!


'known to be indecent' rats, i thought i was doing so well.

welcome everyone. don't be afraid, come on in and post yer hearts out. We wuv poets! :heart:

SelenaKittyn said:
Her pelvis juts like wings,
as if she could fly.
Little sparrow
with a hummingbird heart.
I want to hold her
in my hands,
all flutter and cackle,
wrap solid flesh
around protruding bone
and calm her weary beating.

This is a beautiful image...alive.
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