"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Lauren Hynde said:
That shows some intelligence, because it's obvious it wasn't merged with this one because of flooding. Only an idiot would think flooding was a factor, since flooding implies more than one post. :rolleyes:

I understand why it was removed. I read the rules just for giggles and grins to remind myself of the guidelines. I hadn't retained this but was glad that I read the rules as a refreasher and recommend it.

9. Flooding the forum with posts - or bumping old threads - with the intent of disrupting the forum is prohibited.

so is that one post a day? <grin I assure you I hadn't posted the thread to be disruptive but see where it could lead to this.

But truely, I understand that with the 'new member' leaving a trail <grin and my thread which not only apologized to the victims of this april fool it did suggest some not so polite factors of my 2 cents on this person's mentality, which when you read the guidlines, gives mods the right to keep disruptive situations from brewing <grin.

now, I don't know about you, but this seemed like a nicer way to say... what happened <grin with out the verbs?

What did I miss? I am completely lost as to where this thread has gone, nevermind that another one is missing. Is that right??? :confused:
Rybka said:
What did I miss? I am completely lost as to where this thread has gone, nevermind that another one is missing. Is that right??? :confused:
A snail.
A missing thread.
Freak mods.
That sums it up.
WickedEve said:
A snail.
A missing thread.
Freak mods.
That sums it up.
"That's as clear as mud, but it covers the ground."

Tzara said:
I especially liked this one, Ms. Crewe. It brings back memories. My grandmother cooked on a wood-fired stove as well. And her kitchen table was covered in oil-cloth.

She didn't bake a lot of cookies, but I do remember her fattigman at Christmas.

She was a wonderful cook—real lefse, not that phony potato stuff they make in Ballard. The one exception was that she seemed to want to make lutefisk. Awful stuff. Tastes like wet cardboard.

Dad would eat it, though.

Thanks, Tzara. I'm glad it evoked a good memory aside from the cardboard. ;)

I left out that I rubbed the fact the raisins disappeared when I arrived in the summer in all my cousins faces. It's twenty years later and they still get irked that she changed the cookies for me. :devil:
Thank you for checking in! I am the completely unofficial greeter, just saying hello-- Don't be shy, you can find friendship and advice here as much or as little as you want. Keep on plugging away, sometimes it takes a little while to settle in, get to know people, get to be known.

All the best,


polarized said:
*What you hope to get out of your time at lit (please include level of critique you are looking for)

Hello everyone :)

I have been writing poems for some time now but I feel at times that my vocabulary is lacking.
This sometimes hurts what I am trying to say. So learning from reading what others have posted, Critique from others, along with a lot of research I hope will help me become a better writer.

More importantly though, to make new friends, learning as much as I can along the way. Open, honest critique, just lay it all out.

*What do you hope to contribute to the poetry community at literotica? What role do you see yourself playing here?

Encouraging others, a "you can do it!", "that was beautiful" attitude, being friendly, helpful, and supportive with the limited knowledge I have.

*How would you describe your writing?

Hopeful, optimistic yet many times depressing, Yes I can be a confusing person. :D

*URL to your work at lit, personal website etc.

*List of some of your favorite poems/stories you have at Lit, in case anyone wants to get a taste of your work

I have nothing posted on Lit other than some in the works bits but I have many poems that I hope some day will be. Most are still evolving, many could use some editing and Alas I am very shy. :eek:
Thank you for checking in! I am the completely unofficial greeter, just saying hello-- Don't be shy, you can find friendship and advice here as much or as little as you want. Keep on plugging away, sometimes it takes a little while to settle in, get to know people, get to be known.

All the best,


Thank you for the warm welcome :)

I keep sticking my head out, trying new things, posting a thought here and there. So far it's still attached to my body ;)

So I definitely plan to keep plugging away.
polarized said:
*What you hope to get out of your time at lit (please include level of critique you are looking for)

Hello everyone :)

I have been writing poems for some time now but I feel at times that my vocabulary is lacking.
This sometimes hurts what I am trying to say. So learning from reading what others have posted, Critique from others, along with a lot of research I hope will help me become a better writer.

More importantly though, to make new friends, learning as much as I can along the way. Open, honest critique, just lay it all out.

*What do you hope to contribute to the poetry community at literotica? What role do you see yourself playing here?

Encouraging others, a "you can do it!", "that was beautiful" attitude, being friendly, helpful, and supportive with the limited knowledge I have.

*How would you describe your writing?

Hopeful, optimistic yet many times depressing, Yes I can be a confusing person. :D

*URL to your work at lit, personal website etc.

*List of some of your favorite poems/stories you have at Lit, in case anyone wants to get a taste of your work

I have nothing posted on Lit other than some in the works bits but I have many poems that I hope some day will be. Most are still evolving, many could use some editing and Alas I am very shy. :eek:

hi and welcome to Litland :)

please don't be too shy to post your poetry. :)

how about posting something that you don't feel so close to (that isn't too raw on your soul) and see if anyone can help you a little. *smile*

hi and welcome to Litland

please don't be too shy to post your poetry.

how about posting something that you don't feel so close to (that isn't too raw on your soul) and see if anyone can help you a little. *smile*

Thanks for the welcome. :)

Don't worry I have been known to come out of my shell now and again :)

I do have a couple posted within a thread or two, just nothing that I have submitted. However after reading your signature, and those enjoyable Haikus, I decided to give one of those a try. perhaps I will submit that, if it's any good.

It should be some where near the top of here. "Stab at a Haiku"
I'd like to thank My Erotic Trail for the mention of my two poems on Sunday, 'No U-Turn' and 'Still Sexy'. Most importantly, much thanks to those who were kind enough to leave comments. :rose:
thank you for the mention and the comment, mr. neo.
not pretty is good, sometimes eh?
Hi everyone, hope you are all having a wonderful day :)

"useless banter"

How did I ever miss this thread :p
Sara Crewe said:
Thanks, Mr. Tzara! No need to be so formal though...you can call me, Princess. ;)
Of course I can, Your Royal Highness, but may I at least raise my eyes from the floor? I'm getting a crick in my neck.

And my arthritic knee hurts. This genuflection stuff is hard on us older guys.
Tzara said:
Of course I can, Your Royal Highness, but may I at least raise my eyes from the floor? I'm getting a crick in my neck.

And my arthritic knee hurts. This genuflection stuff is hard on us older guys.

I'll think about it. The quality of my mercy might be strained. In the meantime, here's some ibuprofen. ;)
Sara Crewe said:
I'll think about it. The quality of my mercy might be strained. In the meantime, here's some ibuprofen. ;)
All that glisters is not 2-(p-isobutylphenyl) propionic acid, Highness.

I pick the lead box.
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