To the Critics....

Maria2394 said:
Oh MY!! eve, I went to a much brighter shade of strawberry blonde last week and damn, that old saying about blondes having more fun is wrong, I have never got as much attention as I do now with red hair..... ;)

but you know, I am really kinda shy...:D

congrats on your FREEDOM, condolences on your not being a widow, I know how you feel in that respect :rose:
Mine is dark brown at the moment. But that could change at any time. :D
Would it have killed him to have made me a widow? Would it have?! Well...
echoes_s said:
YAY, another divorcee to the list...damn on the widow part.
I keep waiting for that name too :D

seriously, congrats :)

...I still remember walking out of the courtroom feeling so much lighter, clutching my papers...saying "another step closer to freedom!"

duh, isn't that awful :rolleyes: :confused: :heart:
We don't have to the courtroom scene. We signed a separation agreement and now he signs something today about us not living together for over a year. Now I just have to wait for the papers to come in the mail. I plan to frame them.
WickedEve said:
I just noticed that you're on the East Coast. North or South?

wow this is a record day for you..first you noticed i'm a guy and now you noticed my location

yes I talk funny and I call soda " tonic'
Tathagata said:
wow this is a record day for you..first you noticed i'm a guy and now you noticed my location

yes I talk funny and I call soda " tonic'
I had a feeling you weren't a southerner.
Tathagata said:
wow this is a record day for you..first you noticed i'm a guy and now you noticed my location
By the way, nothing gets past me!
WickedEve said:
By the way, nothing gets past me!

yes I've noticed your powers of observation are quite extraordinary.
and you have cute feet with no extra toes or webbing.
which is always nice
WickedEve said:
Mine is dark brown at the moment. But that could change at any time. :D
Would it have killed him to have made me a widow? Would it have?! Well...

You are so funny!! If I were closer, I would come visit you and bring a huge bottle of cuervo gold and we would sit there and suck, slam and SPIT just in his honor!!!

maybe you'll be an ol' widder next time..but hey, if he croaks before you ( if you ever ) remarry, you still get his Social Security, isnt that neat?

who always looks
for the silver
Maria2394 said:
You are so funny!! If I were closer, I would come visit you and bring a huge bottle of cuervo gold and we would sit there and suck, slam and SPIT just in his honor!!!

who always looks
for the silver

I never figured you for a spitter......
Maria2394 said:
You are so funny!! If I were closer, I would come visit you and bring a huge bottle of cuervo gold and we would sit there and suck, slam and SPIT just in his honor!!!

maybe you'll be an ol' widder next time..but hey, if he croaks before you ( if you ever ) remarry, you still get his Social Security, isnt that neat?

who always looks
for the silver
Is 10 years of hell worth social security? Don't remarry.. just fuck your brains out and be merry. ;)

- neo
Maria2394 said:
You are so funny!! If I were closer, I would come visit you and bring a huge bottle of cuervo gold and we would sit there and suck, slam and SPIT just in his honor!!!

maybe you'll be an ol' widder next time..but hey, if he croaks before you ( if you ever ) remarry, you still get his Social Security, isnt that neat?

who always looks
for the silver
I deserve the s.s. The troll doesn't pay child support or help in any way. So, I think he should do the decent thing, and you know, go bye bye forever.
neonurotic said:
Is 10 years of hell worth social security? Don't remarry.. just fuck your brains out and be merry. ;)

- neo
oh NOOOOO, I didnt mean she should remarry, I was just pointing out that should he pass, and she isnt married, she will get his ss anyway :p:


general consensus so far,. fuck yer brains out :D
and hey, T, whats wrong with webbing? I was born with a tail..LOLOLOL
Maria2394 said:
oh NOOOOO, I didnt mean she should remarry, I was just pointing out that should he pass, and she isnt married, she will get his ss anyway :p:


general consensus so far,. fuck yer brains out :D
and hey, T, whats wrong with webbing? I was born with a tail..LOLOLOL

Maria2394 said:
oh NOOOOO, I didnt mean she should remarry, I was just pointing out that should he pass, and she isnt married, she will get his ss anyway :p:


general consensus so far,. fuck yer brains out :D
and hey, T, whats wrong with webbing? I was born with a tail..LOLOLOL
Don't I need a partner for the fucking my brains out thing?
My problem is that I'm actually a freakin' good girl with a good reputation! I swear, I have to do something about that! I mean... I'm really, really wicked. :devil:
Horny divorcees, suckling pigs, sex changes (gender, as art, is in the eye of the beholder, you know)... Woah. How the hell did I miss all this hooplah going on? You having a party and not telling me? *sniff*

Liar said:
Horny divorcees, suckling pigs, sex changes (gender, as art, is in the eye of the beholder, you know)... Woah. How the hell did I miss all this hooplah going on? You having a party and not telling me? *sniff*


It's the Wicked one--she's um effervescent. :D