Today I learned...

I learned why my husband lost his damn mind a few years back. I wonder if she is blond or brunette. Maybe it is a he? Who knows.
I learned that I am a lot stronger than I imagined. This always surprises me as the need to be strong keeps growing and growing. What am I going to have to fight off an alien invasion single-handed next?
I learned that I am not valued as highly as I should be and that I am sick of people's excuses for it. Not quite sure what to do with this last one. I will work on it.
I learned why my husband lost his damn mind a few years back. I wonder if she is blond or brunette. Maybe it is a he? Who knows.
I learned that I am a lot stronger than I imagined. This always surprises me as the need to be strong keeps growing and growing. What am I going to have to fight off an alien invasion single-handed next?
I learned that I am not valued as highly as I should be and that I am sick of people's excuses for it. Not quite sure what to do with this last one. I will work on it.

It sucks in so many different ways.
TIL, just because you like someone does not, make them good people.

To clarify, I was going to post this under what pissed you off today, but someone thinks I am taking jabs.

My Lawn Guy, has been smoking on the property, and took a picture of himself smoking next to the "No Smoking, Oxygen in use" sign, and posted it up on social media.
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TIL that mosquito eyes are not actually a delicacy. It's most likely a myth. Also, while looking for that delicacy I found another that I've actually tried: shirako.
I learned why my husband lost his damn mind a few years back. I wonder if she is blond or brunette. Maybe it is a he? Who knows.
I learned that I am a lot stronger than I imagined. This always surprises me as the need to be strong keeps growing and growing. What am I going to have to fight off an alien invasion single-handed next?
I learned that I am not valued as highly as I should be and that I am sick of people's excuses for it. Not quite sure what to do with this last one. I will work on it.

I'm not sure how I feel about the existence of this stuff :p

Well, you don't have to worry about mosquito eyes. I did learn that they have hundreds, though. Fish sperm is not bad from what I remember. :)
I learned about death from the medical side of things today.

*wraps herself into a burrito and lies down in the corner*
I learned about death from the medical side of things today.

*wraps herself into a burrito and lies down in the corner*

*pokes the burrito*

I love you.
Have a beer.

When you unroll, I want details, Student Nurse.
Today I learned, how good it feels to wake up from 2 good days sleep. I've been sleeping short hours on days I work to spend time with people. . . Damn third shift.
TIL my submissiveness isn't a bedroom and sex thing, but a fundamental part of who I am. Things I think about at 3am....
TIL that I would not freak out if trapped in an elevator. Of course, I was alone, have games on my phone, had a drink, and was in a two storey building. I think the rescuers were more concerned than I was!
TIL stuff.
I've learned that while I hate data entry I can hunker down and bang it out.
I've learned that people that meant the world to me a year ago have faded.
I've learned that hemorrhage not in a hospital setting is scary to deal with.
I've learned I'm not ashamed of my sexuality anymore, but I still blush.
I've learned the Main Office secretary is pretty damn Real.
Today I learned:
I will be spending Election night at a friends house probably turning it into a drinking game waiting for the mad dash that is registration for our options for next semester.
Playing Yahtzee on your phone is really fun.
Thankfully my Idiot is working Veteran's weekend so I hopefully won't have to see him twice this month.
Rhinestone handcuffs for half off :heart:
Oh, and my sexual activities seem to be a topic of conversation with my friends :rolleyes:

I also learned a bunch of nursing stuff about stress and PTSD and working in crises and natural disasters.
I do not like ale! Emphatically.
I have tried it several times, several different flavors, and I just don't like it. Blech.

I do, however, like Guinness. I don't know what the difference is, I thought they were all sort of beer. :eek:
Today I Learned how awesome it feels to witness history being made
