TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Today is going to be another picture-perfect day.
So the St, Paulie weather girl informs me...

;) ;)
We're due a Fall warning...

I'll know when the ash tree in the yard starts to yellow.
It's always the first tree to prepare for winter.
After the first blast like this we generally have a warming trend that lasts through Oct. We shall see.
In boot, all of the Mexicans claimed to be Indians.
All of the Indians were labeled Mexicans.

The DI started screaming at me in Spanish.
I had no idea as to what he wanted...

So I got bends and thrusts.
You mean English without an accent?

The way an English band sounds when it stfu and actually sings?

Happy Wednesday!!!

So this is off the rest of the week and getting things in order to head to Points West o' Here. It feels nice to do something less . . . Jabbaesque. Wat will purge them from Tiny Brain.

The weather isn't looking to be cooperative for Wat's time off. Rain, storms, wet. Of course, it's lovely in Points West. Too bad that the roof isn't there so's it can get sorted out, at least partially.

This is going to be a fun adventure . . . .



Enjoy your time off.

I have a laundry list of things to do...

... ironically, laundry is not on that list. I know, it's been done.
I ran into a (drunk) firefighter tonight. He's still a big fellow, but not as big as I remembered because he had an injury since I last saw him. He didn't recognize me because I wasn't bearded when I knew him before and I look at lot older because of the gray. I'm terrible with names and faces and it didn't even occur to me that we had already met until he mentioned he was Phx Fire and we started with who-do-you-know.

Small world. He was at a Quicktrip not too far for my place and we don't live that far from each other. I did couldn't quite get from him how he found himself stranded at a QT but he was there drunk and had no phone. He was trying to bribe people to take him 8 miles up the road. I told him I'd take him, not knowing that we had already met. He only had to go about two miles as it turned out; he probably could have walked it.

He's like, c'mere. . .I gotta show you my civil war room. . .


Who doesn't have one of those?

He's got a modest diorama. He's a stars -n- bars kinda guy. The boys in gray looked to me like they were getting thr short end of the battle, but I kept that assessment to myself.

His huntin' room had several mounted heads and what looked like Barbie's MP5 laying on the floor which he tossed to me. It was an airsoft replica, so not quite as dangerous as the smokepole, bayonets, and swords in the civil war room.

He's got a minty-fresh 50th Anniversary Corvette in the garage. If you have to have a Chevy, that's the way to go.
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Range Day is officially canceled. I made that decision unilaterally. Call me a tyrant if you will. So after bumper car hour is over this AM I'll probably go looking for some reloading components.
Anybody been following metals? Platinum feels cheap to me, but I don't know what the historical differential is to gold. Silver still looks cheap to me even though its up 50% from when I last asked about it.
I ran into a (drunk) firefighter tonight. He's still a big fellow, but not as big as I remembered because he had an injury since I last saw him. He didn't recognize me because I wasn't bearded when I knew him before and I look at lot older because of the gray. I'm terrible with names and faces and it didn't even occur to me that we had already met until he mentioned he was Phx Fire and we started with who-do-you-know.

Small world. He was at a Quicktrip not too far for my place and we don't live that far from each other. I did couldn't quite get from him how he found himself stranded at a QT but he was there drunk and had no phone. He was trying to bribe people to take him 8 miles up the road. I told him I'd take him, not knowing that we had already met. He only had to go about two miles as it turned out; he probably could have walked it.

He's like, c'mere. . .I gotta show you my civil war room. . .


Who doesn't have one of those?

He's got a modest diorama. He's a stars -n- bars kinda guy. The boys in gray looked to me like they were getting thr short end of the battle, but I kept that assessment to myself.

His huntin' room had several mounted heads and what looked like Barbie's MP5 laying on the floor which he tossed to me. It was an airsoft replica, so not quite as dangerous as the smokepole, bayonets, and swords in the civil war room.

He's got a minty-fresh 50th Anniversary Corvette in the garage. If you have to have a Chevy, that's the way to go.

The sexual tension was almost unbearable...."would this finally be the night that my long sexual drought ended?" Connie mused excitedly. "What if he's both a "top" and a "bottom"? "
There will be an unloading and clearing out of the truck, and there will be a viewing of a newer smaller vehicle. With a bit of juggling, there can be a postponement of buying a new truck for another year as long as it's supplemented. Then I can trade both for a new(er) truck. It's a thought.

Looks like rain here. There be no outside stuff, most likely.

When Mom's cousin died 18 years ago, her deceased husband had a Civil War room, too - his office. Adorning the walls were numerous period handguns, most in pretty decent shape. There were the other obligatory Implements of Death and Dismemberment. No collection would be complete without them. Wat's honesty was tested by a lovely example of an 1858 Remington. It was still there when Wat wasn't.

Putting a dent in things . . . .



I have to admire your restraint and discretion...

Did you at least ask if it was insured?

:D :D :D
The thought that went through my mind was, "it's not mine."

The other thought was, "yeah, but it could be."

Besides, there were four of them as I recall, and I wanted all of them, not just the 1858.

And it was July in South Carolina and I didn't wear a jacket to stuff them under, which turned out to be piss-poor planning on my part.



Rush hour has begun. The roads and the weather is shit so that can be heard outside in emergency vehicles rushing to and fro. So I thought I'd work on another song parody.

"The Sounds of Sirens" Asian version. :D
In so many old West movies,

you see the ubiquitous raincoat no matter what the temperature.

Just make sure to include the boots and hat. ;) ;)
I had a duster length denim coat one time.

I have no idea what became of it.

I do know that it was a salvage gift, so it's not like I really lost anything.

I had my military coat for a long time
until it shrunk...


Well, I had better get moving.
Ride a GS scooter with your hair cut neat
wear your wartime coat in the windowseat . . . .

Wat said his next Toyota would be a Honda.

Well, Wat got his next Toyota.

This way, the truck can sit most of the time and collect dust-n-rust.



I had my military coat for a long time
until it shrunk...


Well, I had better get moving.

I used to ride my 1944 BSA 500cc M20 wearing a 1944 made dispatch rider's waterproof coat, never issued because it was of enormous size - as was I - 50-inch chest. It buttoned up like a nappy to keep my dick dry.