TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

I was similarly tested once with the bunch of blacksmithing implements.

I did the appraisal for a woman who was the second wife and Widow of a WWII veteran who had been a forward aircraft controller flying an (obviously unarmed) Cessna over the beaches at Anzio during the invasion. (Coincidentally, the kids great-grandfather would have been on the beach below at the time.

When he returned from war his first wife made him promise to never fly again. (He shoulda dumped the first wife. Helluva thing to ask of a pilot.) So he didn't. He took up ironworking. The real kind. Hand-wrought wrought-iron. (Often misunderstood as rod-iron)

His tools were just as he left them 20-25 years previously. There was a beautiful post vise that was just like my grandfather's. (He probably got it from his dad, a blacksmith.) The appraisal was worth $350. A straight-up trade was (I figured) about in the ballpark, maybe a little low, and I wasn't going to cheat a widow. We agreed I'd figure the value and make her an offer, maybe buy some of the rest of the shop. I decided it was about that to maybe $500. I planned to offer her $150 plus the appraisal. I didn't get around to it.

Maybe 8 months later, some weasel nephew of hers called me wanting to sell me the shop, knew I was interested in the vise and some other things. Did not seem to be taking into account that I already had $350 owed on my side of the ledger. Didn't really want to acknowledge that when I broached the subject. I let it pass and ate the receivable for the appraisal.

The widow was an amateur artist. Had painted the beaches of Anzio on the side of his shop with a Cessna buzzing overhead. She'da made a better first wife, but she probably wasn't born yet at the time.
Home. Getting settled. The cat is . . . very close.

The roof stuff was delivered. Too bad the roof is damp.

A friend dropped in to show me a potential front hall table. It's entirely not enormous enough. So we discussed sizes. She's doing the juk/fleamarket thingie, so she'll find something cheap.

I talked to Mom this afternoon. I think she's getting doty. I wonder what this is going to look like.


Grazing in.

It keeps raining back and forth. Rains a bit, takes a break, rains some more.


No matter, as we have inside shit to do.


Hanging in today myself. Miserable out there. The rain is OK, the wind hasn't let up since noon yesterday. Been having intermittent power outages. like for 5 min. then back on again. Pain in the ass so I just shut all the electronics down and grabbed a book. Which reminds me, something I always had around down in FL was a couple of hurricane lamps. I think I should make it a mission to pick up at least one.
My hurricane lamp has been electrified.

Yeah, I know . . . .

If push comes to shove for awhile, there's a lovely Honda generator downstairs.



A generator would be a plan B. As a matter of fact if I haul it home I have a 20KW with A/C and/or heat available to me. It's a DRASH shelter generator set.
If your woofer is rattling the hell out of all of the plastic innards of your car, your base is cranked way too high. Sounds horrible, like a blown speaker.
Happy Thursday!!!

The new ride seems to have quite enough volume on the stereo,
and speakers everywhere. It sounds good. I used to find ear plugs
in the parking spaces at the maintenance job,
and then I realized that the OG's had to wear them
so they could jack the thumps in the trunks. :rolleyes:

Moar rain today. Gotta list of stuff to do. Looks like an early
morning Walmart trip tomorrow to get coffee and a few
road trip items. Gotta shift stuff from one vehicle to another, too.

But first: coffee!!!!




My bathroom already reminded me of Grandpa's because of the lava soap. The small one likes to play with it because of the tactile sensation of the grit.

Just ordered up some Brylcreem. I had forgotten, but definitely Grandpa's Sunday-go-to-meetin' fragrance.

Now I need a lil dab of 90 weight to finish it off.

Grandpa made his own mudroom/shower. He poured a concrete shower. He would come in from truck-n-tractorin' and get cleaned up before he faced tiny Grandma's ire. He built it side-by-side with the laundry room with a pass through for the dirty clothes. Pretty smart
Good morning folks.

Another drizzly day in the offing. At least the wind has abated.

I remember when the houses had basements and a laundry chute from the second floor to a basket next to the washer that was also in the basement.
My uncle made a mudroom/shower like that at his less-used side door,
and it was really very well executed as I recall.
It was thie kind of thing where, if you were messy enough,
you could just take the valuables from your pockets
and leave them in the hall
and walk right into the shower, nasty clothes and all.

Maybe, if I ever build a house from scratch.

Funny, I used to dream of tha, but it matters so much less any more.

So does house size. Truck size is all that matters . . . .


Meh. It looks to dry up here ina bit after the early morning rain blows through.

There be weasel casseroles in the future.

Okay, probably not . . . .



Chores . . . .

Stuff to do.

Much of it stuff related.

Lots of stuff leaving, never to return . . . .



Stuff to do here as well. Stuff never seems to end just some stuff is more funner than other stuff.

Went out trying scrounge reloading components yesterday and got nothing. At least nothing I could use. No primers at all, anywhere, and what powder was on the shelf I don't use and apparently no one else does either. Same with the bullets although I'm fairly well set there.

I didn't plan on going out again today but the cats need their canned treat so I might as well pick up a few other victuals for myself while I'm at it.

A fellow up in Los Alamos had an old power wagon tricked out very much like the one Thor posted. The wheels and tires were closer to stock though. Those fat tires don't do as well in snow as one might think.
I used to ride my 1944 BSA 500cc M20 wearing a 1944 made dispatch rider's waterproof coat, never issued because it was of enormous size - as was I - 50-inch chest. It buttoned up like a nappy to keep my dick dry.

I weighed 190pds when I enlisted.

Nothing ever fit ten years after...
Making some headway.

Was busting ass to get trash out and then remembered . . .

they're picking it up tomorrow, not today.

So, Happy Labo(u)r Day!!!


Damn it's humid!!! Not too hot, but I'm soaked.

The new vehicle is loaded with what I work with.

Here's hoping that it's along for the ride more than what the Jabbas "plan."

There may be a dinner outing tonight . . . .


