TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Yeah, like most wartime pieces-parts. Sometimes when I look at an M1, I kinda wonder how they let it out into the mud-n-muck.


Which is why the British stuck with the developments of Lee-Enfields for so long. They would work in mud, dust and stand abuse, almost as much as the inspired AK47.

Bert Hardy, professional photographer for the Picture Post, was challenged to produce some pictures with a basic Box Brownie.

This is one of his best:


This is the sort of Box Brownie he used:


He usually used a Leica.

I've got one of those! When I bought it, I didn't know it was a camera, how it worked, or how to open it. I just recognized the name, knew it was photography related.

It's basically a pinhole camera.

When are was young one of the kids magazines that we were subscribe to national Geographic Kids or something like that had a tear out in whole camera. You folded it origami style and used the piece of aluminum <aluminium> foil with a pinprick in it as your lens and then you taped it to one of those little 110 cartridges.

I remember making it but I don't think I got around exposing all of the film and somehow or another it broke or got lost because I never developed pictures.
Afternoon folks.

Pinhole cameras huh? A long time ago we did an experiment making a pinhole camera. The difference being we used the bosses office as the camera body. :) Naturally we didn't tell him and when he returned he started fuming about not being able to get in his office. By the time he started fuming the company owner was involved in the experiment so the boss was left to pace and mumble to himself.

The experiment took longer than expected because we had to keep playing around with the exposure time. It was worth it though, the results were phenomenal. Everything was in perfect focus, meaning the depth of field was virtually infinite.
I can picture that...

~~ rimshot ~~

Coffee is good this morning.
It did warm up yesterday and instead of pool or painting,
I got a bed-full of gravel and laid it down over where the well guys
had trenched out the driveway to lay down new line.
I hope that the last plumbing issue I have for a while.
The new grass seed is coming in elsewhere, so
I finally have some grass in the yard.
By March, it will be coming up

... weeds.

Saturday, right after I was bragging about not losing any coolant, I get a call from Damon who used to be my relief back when I drove a fleet car. He's from Philly where people don't drive much so he isn't very knowledgeable about mechanicals. I was always the one reporting issues, getting them fixed, checking the fluids. It's not like anything catastrophic is likely to happen in the 12 hours since I checked it. I used to check the oil before and after my shift. That little beast burned a quart every couple of days.

These days he's driving his personal car which is a late model Malibu. His car over-heated a little north of where I live. I happened to be working about a mile and a half from him by sheer coincidence. So I ichecked on him and he was out of fluid,. We don't know if he lost it or if it's just gradually lower or if he's having similar issues that I.just bragged about fixing. He had already called a tow truck who was taking forever to get to 'im. I kind of felt guilty like I'd jinxed him.

I knew that he had moved way south and offered to take him home not realizing that he also lives quite West. He basically lives in East LA out by Palo Verde Nuke... as it turns out 45 miles. His oil looked okay so I'm thinking he doesn't have a blown head gasket. I always tend to overthink things and assume the worst when what probably happened was he just slowly let that coolant level get low.
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My phone's owner isn't all that bright either.

Voice to text let's you know which words that you are not correctly articulating. It amuses me sometimes to see that I have a bit of a drawl and I slur some words.
My phone's owner isn't all that bright either.

Voice to text let's you know which words that you are not correctly articulating. It amuses me sometimes to see that I have a bit of a drawl and I slur some words.


Did your phone edit out the 'racial' right before slur...

~tee hee~

The really unintelligible stuff happens either because I made things worse when I "fixed" a voice-to-text error or had to hand type something voice-to-text doesn't have in it's lexicon. Sucks that android does not have my vocabulary.

I had some kind of weird glitch recently where it wouldn't suggest anything so I had to reset so now it's rebuilding my entire user-specific lists. The good news is it doesn't have my accidentally added misspelled words. It's really easy to accidentally add a misspelling to your dictionary.

I had to add "tee hee" it wants to autocorrect to "the gee"
That's okay.

I have enough fuckups with a keyboard and years of posting experience.

Spellcheck sits idle if you spell the wrong word correctly...
Long ago, in a different life, IBM brought me in to consult on their "Speech to Text" project. It was actually quite clever the way they approached the project. But it was obvious which way it was going. They had two Chinese working on that particular language so I asked them, "Which dialect?" The project manager didn't know (Mandarin). I told them to finish up on Japanese, Korean, and Chinese (Mandarin) and then sell the bitch. They did.

Fun with phonics.
If I keep my tones quite flat and I speak like a robot, voice to text works absolutely perfectly. I just have to speak the punctuation or go back and add it later.
Happy Labor Day!!!

Went to J's last night and stayed. Did the "Honey Do" list her roomie had made up. Change a toilet seat, fix a bath fan, replace a ceiling fan, change the oil in her car (and my truck), and fix a ceiling fan to stop wobbling. Oh, and make omelettes for four wimminz.

It really was quite painless.

The cat is fascinated with something that my right wrist tastes like . . . . :rolleyes:



Looks like housing in my new work town is reasonable. That'll keep the budget like it has been in other places. That helps.

The threat is, I'll be there for the duration of the project. Think: next Spring sometime.

That works, I reckon.

Labor Day is supposed to be for das laboring laborers to avoid doing labor.
Actually, it wasn't all so bad.

I'm (kinda) looking at maybe something a bit cheaper to operate for running up and down the road this winter. I have no idea what it's going to look like.

Already ran into one scam on a Tacoma p/u. Shame, really.

People can be such douchebags . . . .

Happy Tuesday!!!

It's back-to-work Tuesday for many of us. This should be my last week with the Jabbas. That won't hurt a bit, leaving them there. I think we'll just commute this week and leave off with the Patels.

Some t-storms are in the forecast. They haven't exactly gotten the train guesses right in the last 30 days, so we'll wait-n-see.

The coffee was forecasted to be good, and it is . . . .



Hey, good morning.
Economical transportation: One of those recumbent bikes with the cover...

Of course, you might want to allow a little more drive time,
but you can use the shoulder in case of traffic.

:D ;) ;)
Here's my morning thought:

The Left hates, with a special burning passion
any one of their protected victim groups that
has the temerity to act as an individual,
this is a well-know phenomenon.

Trump used to be a Democrat, his run as a
Republican was a retail business decision,
i.e., he saw weakness and opportunity.
Now, the Democrats really hate him.

He's off the reservation.

They should have treated him
as the mole in the enemy camp.
They could have profited, but, then,
a lot of them are profit adverse...
The Prius is liking the 88° temperature. She prefers anything under 95°, I've noticed.