TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Home. Cat is all up in mah grill. That's his job, I reckon.

We went to supper, and it was pleasant. A nice visit was had by all.

And on that happy note, it's time to read for a few and then to call it a night.



Happy Friday!!! Happy Patriot Day, too, I suppose.

Another exciting day of errands-n-chores. My filters didn't arrive yesterday, so maybe they'll get here this morning so's I can get this ride properly oiled-n-aired.

The weather looks to be a bit dryer today, so maybe some of this outside shit can get tackled, too. I'd like to make some more headway on the roof.

Meanwhile, there's coffee to make headway on . . . .



Whereas the weeknd prospects look to be drier, it sure as fuck is all kinds of h000mid right now.

Cutting the grass, such as it is, looks to be an early order of business.



I wish you hadn't of brought that subject up. I need to do one more cutting of the grass. At least I sharpened the blade so it will actually cut the grass as opposed to beating it into submission.

And the more I think about it the more motivated I've become re. picking up that generator system.
Package delayed in transit. According to them, It left the facility 20 miles from here before 0300 yesterday.

Which sounds like it rode around on the truck all day yesterday.

Allegedly, it's in town already. Hope it's on the from porch shortly. I gotta change the oil, damn it.

The trash pick-up has already come-n-gone. :eek:


I wish you hadn't of brought that subject up. I need to do one more cutting of the grass. At least I sharpened the blade so it will actually cut the grass as opposed to beating it into submission.

And the more I think about it the more motivated I've become re. picking up that generator system.

I fucking hate the grass. I should be in a condo, a forest, or a desert.

With a goat

I haven't lost any food since I've had one. A generator . . . . :rolleyes:

When I'm out of town, I keep a half a plastic cup of water in the freezer with a penny on top. As long as it's still loose, I know the power wasn't out for long. Endrura told me this. She's a clever wench.


That is a clever idea. That's the other item I have on my "let's buy one" list, a freezer.
I was thinking of replacing the fridge earlier this year and decided not to. This one is 16 years old, but it still works fine.

Mostly, it loafs since I haven't got a lot of stuff in it.

I had one of the former roomies nearly convince me to buy a freezer, but I threw him out instead and didn't need one after that.

Gonna get after these chores . . . .

You don't realize how bad your mattress ducks till you get a new one.

I decided to muscle the old one into the Prius and "donate" it to the trash receptacle at the new public housing project. I'm public, after all. Worked up an appetite so a block from home, decided to go get a chorizo burrito.

Train hooking up cars.

Go a mile and a half up, a couple miles back

The Mexican food place is closed. I was sure it was 24 hours. They all are.

No matter, come back 1/2 mile to the RR crossing where I had passed another Mexican food place on auto-pilot.

Closed! WTF?

Train still in the way to go home. Up a mile and a half.

Maybe Jack in the Box?

Settled on IHOP.. was going to get it to go, but you can't sit down unless you're having a meal inside so I figured what the hell, let them do the dishes.

Good news is IHOP is on my side-a-da-tracks over a RR bridge. Solved my fighting the train issue.

Cars should have a hover function. You push a button for VTOL. It burns up, say two gallons of gas, but it gets you over an obstruction.

Maybe a Skyhook app. You put in your Visa and a Sikorsky swoops in and gets you t'otherside.
The grass is cut.

And I seem to have worked up an appetite.

But I ain't goin' out for Mexican.

If I had a live-in Mexican . . . .


Errands are done, grass is cut, everyone has been fed and I am now starting three day weekend since I worked Monday. :)
Grass is cut as well as it's gonna get cut. Which is to say, well enough.

I'd still like to hire goats to clear out the back yard.

I have a question about this bit on the roof, and since it's acting mostly cloudy instead of partly showery, I think I'll give it a go.

The filters are on the way. Allegedly . . . . :rolleyes:


Filters arrived as advertised.

The second time.

The air filter is in. Funny thing is, it's half as thick as the old one and (at least) twice as effective.

The oil will get done tomorrow. After roof bits.

We be silicone, just like (some) fake tits.

I did some patching today, and I hope I found all the defects. I did order some epoxy primer for the spots where the last coating is popping off. Also, it says to pressure wash first and then wait a make certain the roff is quite dry.

And they recommended two coats of differing colors, so I'll order some white when time comes. I got the gray because I could get it quickly and that was on Jabba's old timetable. You remember, the wrong one.

I can wait a bit now . . . . :rolleyes:



Those are 1931 SA's.

My grandfather had a roadster.

It was his most interesting car after his Pierce Arrow touring.

But that was long ago . . . .


Good morning everyone. Looking to be a beautiful Saturday if not for the haze from the CA fires.
I just went 256 miles on exactly 5 gallons of gas. 51.2 MPG.

I have an 11.9 gallon fuel tank but I always overfill by one gallon.

My cruising range is 660 miles. She may not be able to outrun most of them but she would leave most pursuers at the gas pump.
Happy Saturday!!!

Got a Walmart trip soon. Try to beat the crowds of people no one wants to see. Walmart.com has made a lot of shopping there much less painful. Buy $35 of stuff and the shipping is free. Praises to Allah, for it is truly one of his most profound blessings.

The weekend is turning out to be a bit less rainy than had been forecast originally. I'd like to see a test on this patch, but it doesn't matter, really.

I would like to get a good pole saw. Got some limbing to do. But there's coffee meantime . . . .



I just went 256 miles on exactly 5 gallons of gas. 51.2 MPG.

I have an 11.9 gallon fuel tank but I always overfill by one gallon.

My cruising range is 660 miles. She may not be able to outrun most of them but she would leave most pursuers at the gas pump.

Pretty sure the new ride won't do squat close to yours, but it will carry more, and it's 4WD, so there's that.

With a bit of bloomin' luck, it'll last like yours.
