TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Morning everyone. The dog bladders went off right on time so I was up early.
House is picked up, dishes and laundry chugging away, food cooking and bodies
have started to appear looking for coffee and tylenol. So far 2021 it looks a lot like
yesterday did.

Happy New Year everyone, I hope it fills all your desires.
Happy Right Now!!!

Cat agrees. He's into whateverthefuck it is that he's doing, and so should I.

The door is open. Gonna play with some calls later. Maybe bust a cap. If the weather allows, that is. That big-ass soggy system is still lingering.

Praises to Allah, it ain't sneaux . . . .



Warm-n-lovely out.

Reminds of one year long past when it was 70 on the first. It sneauxed a foot and a half three days later.



Home from dinner out with friends. It was impromptu. That's best sometimes.

Talked with a friend about the lack of our usual new year festivities this year. Bupkis. Nada. Good night's sleep, even.

No complaints.

Chili tomorrow . . . .



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People do not understand the spirit or the letter of HIPPA. I don't have to be a doctor to need to know some basics about a person's medical history or current condition. It is not a violation of HIPAA if I have a need to know.

It would have been helpful to know during a non-emergency medical transport that the issue was possible alcohol poisoning. Your garden variety drunk. My rather expensive RL leather jacket and my new Prius' pristine interior survived the experience but I was not happy about it.

Add in the flat tire from an oddly shaped bit of metal in the road and this is not shaping up to be a better year so far.
Happy Saturday!!! Notice the day, as in, just another. The year, this one or last, means bupkis and is a man-made artificial construct to "measure" time. It's a means for labeling, and that's about all. Just . . . another . . . day . . . and nothing more. One more rotation of the rock we live on, and one more pass around the sun. Should we plan for the future? Of course. Should we regret the past? Why, unless something is learned to be done differently next time. Should we spend more time in the present? Oh Hell yes!!!

Dad bought a car back in '72 and picked up a file in one tire on the way home. Destroyed the tire. Before it had 100 miles, he picked up a scrap of angle iron in another tire. Trashed it. Based on that, the car was cursed, except it proved to be one of his best vehicle purchases ever, long term. Go figure.

Best wishes to the drunk. I hope he lives long enough to "get it."

I learn from cats . . . .



Chili is on. Looks pretty good. It has the leftover steak bits from the company Xmas dinner. And maters-n-beans-n-peppers-n-onions-n-stuff. Should be promising.

Lots colder today. But dry. Gonna bike it to town here in an hour or so. Going to a lunch get-together.

Gonna call Mom, just because . . . .




First of the peeps headed home this morning, because schools are remaining closed in this province the little one will be staying with us for an extra few weeks while her dad takes an out of town job. It's been a great holiday here and I'm celebrating friends, new and old, good food and simple pleasures.
Home. Chili was good. Landlady liked it - or says she did. Hey, somebody cooked for her and it wasn't The Usual Swill, so there's that.

Played with the woods poodle call. Gonna try it for-real-for-real tomorrow, complete with a loaded rifle. Just about sun-up. See what happens.

Bike ride to town was good. That's a good main drag to get there, and there are some good curvy bits to get to the main drag. Likin' it.

Ice cream for dessert and then an early outta-here . . . .



This has been a pretty good do nothin day even though I didn't do absolutely nothin. The farm critters got feed bought for them, as did the birds, assuming they decide they need fed. I even got take out for the fam, so i didn't have to cook.
This has been a pretty good do nothin day even though I didn't do absolutely nothin. The farm critters got feed bought for them, as did the birds, assuming they decide they need fed. I even got take out for the fam, so i didn't have to cook.

That sounds like a perfect day....
Another football Sunday.
I have to enjoy them while they are still around. Spring comes too early. :mad:

;) ;) Then again, so does Fall...
Happy Sunday!!!

Do not dwell on the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present.

~ Buddha

For example, Clemson gets to wait until next year. This is Next Year for the Ravings after the egg they laid last year. Of course, they still haven't figured out how to beat the Cheaps or the Tittans, and the Stealurz have baffled them this year. But it all starts over tomorrow, if . . . .

Poodle watch begins here in a little while. There's a wee drizzle, so maybe the woods poodles didn't get a full night's feed in. WE'll see here directly.

Safety is third or fourth - coffee is always first!!!



Washington loses and the Giants win, and they go at 6-10.

Fuck you, Pete Rozelle. I hope you're roasting in Islamic Hell.

