TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

At least .500, for fucks sake!!! Because Jesus hates a pussy, and pussies lose.

At least in that sport.

Dead quiet outside this morning. It's damp and cold and mildly breezy. Nothing is moving. Well, the vultures flew over and circled for a bit, but even they moved on. Nary sound from a woods poodle was heard.

Last cuppa . . . .



good morning! Good luck with the woods poodles, Wat. I may or may not look for foosball colors today. I doubt, but it could happen, ya never know.
It's a bit col and damp, but the clouds have moved out so it will dry out even is we don't crack 40º.
The cat is acting as though someone slipped her some catnip. I don't have any catnip, so I wonder where her source could be. Naww actually she's just naturally a fruit loop.
Now I wonder if there is some sort of feral group out there she's visiting. We may have to have a talk.
Good morning folks.

Good luck with the wood poodles Wat.

Hmmm, maybe I should lay down some "nip" for my critters. Supervised drug administration ya know. :)
Oh lawd, she could start stealing cats and bringing them home?

good morning B, how does this supervised drug administration work? asking for a friend
Got 25 lighters on mah dressah, yessah!!!! You know, I gotsta get paid . . . .

I took peppermints out to the horsehouse and was trapped inside and had to out-hustle 2500 pounds of horseflesh. Calypso kept following me and exhaling in my ear. Silly fuckers. As long as I have peppermints, he'll be my BFF.

I wanted a picture of the horsehouse cat, but they're all blurred because she never stops moving.

We may get a few rays o' sunshine, if . . . .



Maybe I should start with 2 pinches since we don't know strength and quality.
Peppermints are horsenip. Pinches of peppermint are never enough
I complained to the FDA about the problem. They told me to, "Keep the cats inside and make them wear masks." Form letter response. :rolleyes:
That's one of those "barn find" cars.

I looked in the barns here and just found horses and cats. And goats.

One is friendly and the other is anti-social. He doesn't even like the cats. He'll tolerate one of the horses. Barely.

At least he doesn't butt . . . .

Go Giants!!!

Hopin' the Eagles show up to play. It's a low bar, them Foreskins.

The Ravings control their own destiny. They have won it all before as a wild card.

No sleep will be lost regardless, so . . . .


