TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Review for an animal call:

I ordered this call to irritate my neighbors and it really delivers! I blared out one of the wolf calls at 2am,
and you would not believe how fast the cops and animal control showed up. Apparently about ten neighbors called them because they were so frightened by the pack of wolves prowling our neighborhood!

I love that when I broadcast the cat call I end up with about 15-20 cats around the house. My spouse loves animals, so she is in heaven. When I want to entertain myself, I select the mouse call and watch the cats run around looking for mice. It is just like watching kids during an Easter Egg hunt. The best part is that when I am ready for the cats to leave, I simply broadcast the wolf call again and they all hightail out of the neighborhood.

This call is also great for farm entertainment. Watching the livestock racing each other to the call when broadcasting cow and bull calls is just too funny. And the pigs, do not get me started on them...

Fucking woods poodles.

Not a sound, morning, sunset, or now, past dusk a bit. Nada. Nicht.

It's like the Mother Ship beamed them all back up, and it sounded like a big-ass herd out there the other night.

Fuckstick. So, talk to your toilet like a porn star . . . .



Happy Monday!!! It's back to work today. Oh boy. I should have all my co-workers back, too.

I may have to try that with my critter call when I go home. The 'hood residents will think that moose are invading. Not that they know what noises moose make. :rolleyes:

Damn injured eye from last week is paining a bit this morning, like it's swelling or something. I may have slept on that side. I don't know - we'll see if it goes away after I've been up for awhile.

Coffee may help . . . .



Today will be a heavy chore day for me.
I have a laundry list of things to get done, including laundry.

But hey, the coffee is good.
Good morning all.

That eye should have healed by now Wat.

Gotta hit the store this AM for some little shit I should have gotten last week but somehow missed getting on the list.

Solved my bullet problem and at 'before the panic of '20' prices no less. But the quest for powder and primers continue. My press is beginning to feel neglected.
Did the laundry yesterday.

Landlady says that the mutt (Beegi) went out at midnight and barked at stuff. Prolly the woods poodles that ducked me, damn the lot of them.

J's dog got her up at 0400. I keep telling her that she needs to kick him down the stairs, but she won't do it. Fucking little rat.

Mr. Cat is excellent, however . . . .



I am thankful that we are enjoying, so far, a very mild winter.

Of course, now, I have probably jinxed that.

I got virtually all of my household chores done last week. Now it's just a matter of sitting back and waiting for them all to be needing doing again. :rolleyes:
Sort of a circle of life thing. We have lots of cool stuff, but lots of cool stuff needs maintenance.
Home. Grazed in. Cat is venting.

Work was a bit of a drag. I guess it was okay that everyone remembered that they work here.

The punch walk didn't go all that well, but it went moar gooder'n the first building.

And tomorrow is headed this way, so . . . .

It was an off day here, too much of everything so even a never ending cup of coffee was enough to keep my energy up. I gave the little one a digital camera and paper pad today and she ran around the shop helping us with the inventory, three someones kept sneaking leftover holiday candy while I was the big meanie who made her eat real food. She gets grumpy when she crashes from the sugar high. Tomorrow is another day, one of the guys promised pancakes and bacon in the morning so the little one should be hyped on sugar to start the day, I may call in sick.
Back from the cabin, today. Could of stayed longer, had food, but ran out of coffee. Some things are important.
Happy Tuesday!!!

Slept pretty well, and didn't squish the cat. He's sitting between my feet ATM, which is different.

The landlady gave me a rifle rack. She loaded it in descending order by length, whereas I think in terms of calibre. It's a nice thought.

And this is nice coffee, of which we're not running out soon.



She's an odd duck but a very interesting character, and very considerate of others.

And of critters, too.

Did I mention that I had two of the large poodles try to trap me in the barn so they could shake me down for peppermints? That was really funny. And one butts me and nuzzles my jacket pockets. It's all about what's in it for them.

Silly fuckers.

