TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

She's an odd duck but a very interesting character, and very considerate of others.

And of critters, too.

Did I mention that I had two of the large poodles try to trap me in the barn so they could shake me down for peppermints? That was really funny. And one butts me and nuzzles my jacket pockets. It's all about what's in it for them.

Silly fuckers.

Herd animules are like pack animules, it's all about pecking order. Don't be at the bottom.
Looking for anything in particular?

They are for raffle at the Legion. I have two Henry's on order but we keep two guns up at a time and they both sold out yesterday. So I need at least two, and if I can find four or five in stock I'll get them

I'm probably going to get an AR in .308. Those go quick. For some reason Creedmores are also popular. Too much gun for hunting around here though. I don't know... We have three local gun shops and they are having a hard time getting anything but shotguns.
They are for raffle at the Legion. I have two Henry's on order but we keep two guns up at a time and they both sold out yesterday. So I need at least two, and if I can find four or five in stock I'll get them

I'm probably going to get an AR in .308. Those go quick. For some reason Creedmores are also popular. Too much gun for hunting around here though. I don't know... We have three local gun shops and they are having a hard time getting anything but shotguns.

Palmetto State has AR-10's in stock. $1,150.00. Nice rig with MOE furniture, free floating stainless barrel. That's $200 off regular price.

They have some handguns on sale as well.

Hell, you could probably sell more tickets if you could get your hands on some popular ammo. :)
The post makes about $1,000 per week on the guns and that's the money we donate back into the community. So it sucks when we have an empty spot on the rack.

I was thinking about getting a gun safe and loading it with ammo to raffle.
Long day. Home. Cat. Leftovers.

The "new" painter is acting like he wants to be the former painter. We've had Hell's own time with these retched motherfuckers. I'd still like to get the first putos back to feed them to the pigs - the ones who live-n-eat on the dark side.

No matter, it will get done . . . if I have to feed them all to the pigs.

Lucky pigs . . . .



I like the sign in the picture. Please slow down. One wonders how fast the geezer is driving.

We got a ramp for the little hound because she has difficulty getting up the steps.
The little shit will use it for going down, but will not use it for going up, so I have to stand there
with the door wide open while she takes three or four attempts at every step
and of course, this kicks on the furnace because all of the cold air rushing in.
If I could find a way to bill her for the extra cost, I most certainly would...
No one would dare make a movie like Blazing Saddles in this day and age.
That day and age died along with Slim...
Happy non-payday Wednesday!!! No money will go to stimulate waffen und munitionfabiken from Wat's accounts today.

The landlady is paying the vet to come to tend to the cleaning of the horse cock today. Now, if what they "said" in the bestial pornos were true . . . . :rolleyes:

Oh yeah, and "thanks" to the Football Team for fucking my way to get a 6-10 team to the playoffs. I mean, anyone can make the playoffs as a 7-9 team . . . . :rolleyes:

Rolling my eyes makes the sore one feel better. Maybe I should pour some coffee into it also. :rolleyes:



The expanded playoff format has turned into a joke.
This weekend will be like watching a greyhound race where the dogs all have fleas.

What the hell is the regular season for if losing is its own reward?
Good morning! Happy Range Day Wednesday.

Kenosha cops walk. Gonna be a hot time in the old town tonight?
Good morning! Happy Range Day Wednesday.

Kenosha cops walk. Gonna be a hot time in the old town tonight?

Probably not because the usual suspects will be too busy celebrating to be outraged.

Of course, then, for Biden and the Democrats the really hard part begins...


... living up to the expectations of the riotous class

(which, they will never be able to do).
Agreed. How do you pay lip service to Communists?

Going to be a pistol day today. It's damn chilly out at the range and the wind is a brisk 18 mph. The pistol bays are sorta enclosed and act as wind breaks.
Laugh of the Day

After toeing the Communist line on Covid, the ChiComms are now not allowing the W.H.O. into China...

... and the bureaucratic idiots never saw it coming.

They remind me of Democrat voters.
After toeing the Communist line on Covid, the ChiComms are now not allowing the W.H.O. into China...

... and the bureaucratic idiots never saw it coming.

They remind me of Democrat voters.

From a purely cold-blooded POV the Wuhan Flu is the best thing that could happen for nations with social welfare programs like SS, Medicare/Medicaid. It kills off the elderly and the weak. I'm guessing that the CCP is celebrating behind closed doors and the last thing they want is WHO poking around and finding out what the true death toll is in China.
Or the lie that they have controlled it. They simply don't care how many die as long as
it's just the little people at the bottom of the cultural pyramid.
Hell, they have plenty of people, no one will notice
a few million gone...
China isn't the only country whose ruling class feels that way.

Off to burn some powder. Later folks.