TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

The local EMS and Police switched to a digital radio system and now my scanner is just a paperweight. Covid money screwed me out of my favorite entertainment!
The local EMS and Police switched to a digital radio system and now my scanner is just a paperweight. Covid money screwed me out of my favorite entertainment!

Our city is buying crappy hotels and turning them into homeless shelters with Covid money. That problem was there before Covid.
Our city is buying crappy hotels and turning them into homeless shelters with Covid money. That problem was there before Covid.

They didn't have the money before. They NEVER think ahead. The Wuhan Flu will go away eventually but the drag on the cities expenses, hence the taxpayer, won't.
They didn't have the money before. They NEVER think ahead. The Wuhan Flu will go away eventually but the drag on the cities expenses, hence the taxpayer, won't.

They could of used the money to help small businesses keep their employees after demanding they close their doors.
Home. Grazed out. Explained to cat that I'll be going home this weekend and he won't. He wasn't listening.

Boss had the painters from the other place come down this morning to look at what we have. Our painter flaked, so he shitcanned them. It was funny. So we hired the other guys to finish this building. Damn, they took ownership and fixed more than what they were asked to do. I was impressed. Their work looks good and they even cleaned up behind themselves.

Got caught by a few conspiracy theorists. Asked me what I think. I said, "my rifle is loaded." Only one got it.

Gonna turn in shortly . . . .



The local EMS and Police switched to a digital radio system and now my scanner is just a paperweight. Covid money screwed me out of my favorite entertainment!

Okay, that's funny. I never understood the allure of scanners, but then again, I detest the genre of real-life police "entertainment" on television. I don't see much difference between COPS and Maury and if I want to earn about a particular murder use, I can go to the internet and not watch an hour-long show with ten minutes of actual content. They tell you a fact, the promo upcoming, then commercial, they then repeat the fact and give you a new fact and repeat the cycle. No thanks. Life is too short.
Our city is buying crappy hotels and turning them into homeless shelters with Covid money. That problem was there before Covid.

Never let a crisis go to waste. That's why they keep freeing prisoners; not to protect them from Covid, but to fulfill close-held fantasies about the evils of incarceration.
Happy Thursday!!!

Everyone wants the "prize" at the bottom of the Cracker Jack box, but once they find/get it and figure out that it's not really worth a damn, then they don't really want it any more. It was "free," after all. Uh huh, okay. :rolleyes:

But it's too early to think about this shit when there's a whole crew of Guatemalans seeking direction on the job. Hey, one more generation and even the gringos won't be in manglement any more, and then it'll be official - 'Murrikun kids can't make nothin'.

This one still makes a mean potta coffee, so fuck that negative Nancy bullshit.



Cracker Jack™ used to have such cool prizes, but as we devalued the dollar,
so they devalued the prizes, now they are crap.
Cracker Jack™ is still good though.
Oft imitated.

Good morning.

Yeah we did and I think it's just the beginning.

I wonder if it will stop or if the right will now go back to
groveling for the scraps from Longshank's table. Will Romneyism prevail?
Will we now be haunted by the shade of McCain pointing fingers at each other
and bending backwards to prove to the Left that "We're not 'those' Conservatives!"
We're the real Conservatives and we want to reach across the aisle and work with you
(i.e., capitulate to all of your culture war demands and help you spend us into oblivion).

I rather suspect it will be the latter. I also wonder if part of the answer will be a continuation
of violent rioting from the Left as they demand the jails be emptied to make room for the "real" criminals...

PS - I started my thread. I'm going to let it sit and fester to prove my point.
Hain't et none since long-time. Not even sure I've seen any in stores.

Or maybe I just don't go down that aisle.

Or perhaps there's a weasel behind every Cracker Jack box.

Or behind every free prize is more like it . . . .


You know, I haven't actually looked for it in a long time.
I look for Darrell Lea's licorice. Man, that is some good stuff.

It's like crack to an addict or catnip to a cat. I can't stop with one piece.
It's like the old cocaine joke - a line of coke makes you feel like a new man,
the only problem is that every new man just wants another line of coke... ;) ;)
I never was a big fan of Cracker Jacks. Not that I didn't like them, just that there was other sugar highs I liked more.
It was all about the prize, and then the prizes began to suck
and then the huge cans of popcorn in three flavors appeared
one of the flavors being Cracker Jack™ without the peanuts.

I don't really eat any form of popcorn anymore.
Eventually the can goes stale and the contents
go to the chickens, the wild birds and the dogs.
It's hard to feed the wild birds and not them...
I wonder if it will stop or if the right will now go back to
groveling for the scraps from Longshank's table. Will Romneyism prevail?
Will we now be haunted by the shade of McCain pointing fingers at each other
and bending backwards to prove to the Left that "We're not 'those' Conservatives!"
We're the real Conservatives and we want to reach across the aisle and work with you
(i.e., capitulate to all of your culture war demands and help you spend us into oblivion).

I rather suspect it will be the latter. I also wonder if part of the answer will be a continuation
of violent rioting from the Left as they demand the jails be emptied to make room for the "real" criminals...

PS - I started my thread. I'm going to let it sit and fester to prove my point.
You should really keep your sore loser talk to the politics board where only one or two other sore losers have the guts to even show their face. I don't blame you losers for hanging out in here since losing the elections so BIGLY. You all talked a good game the past 4 years, but now...well...lmao!:D
I wonder if it will stop or if the right will now go back to
groveling for the scraps from Longshank's table. Will Romneyism prevail?
Will we now be haunted by the shade of McCain pointing fingers at each other
and bending backwards to prove to the Left that "We're not 'those' Conservatives!"
We're the real Conservatives and we want to reach across the aisle and work with you
(i.e., capitulate to all of your culture war demands and help you spend us into oblivion).

I rather suspect it will be the latter. I also wonder if part of the answer will be a continuation
of violent rioting from the Left as they demand the jails be emptied to make room for the "real" criminals...

PS - I started my thread. I'm going to let it sit and fester to prove my point.

stfu, prairie nigger.
Home. Grazed in. Heated cat. All is well here.

The horse house cat was quite entertaining this morning. She's a tiny creature with a personality the size of Montana. Quite the bossy little wench.

Got the second building signed off on today - as complete. The paint was acceptable - thanks to the new guys. They're working on building #3. This should make our lives easier, thanks be to Allah. So, if you sieve through enough central Americans . . . .

Yeah . . . .



Solved my powder problem today. Not to my complete satisfaction though. The powder I picked up will work but is not the best for my intended use. Regardless, it's better than none at all.

So I've got the bullets and powder but still no primers. After extensive shopping around finding primers is right up there with finding Unicorns or Big Foot.
Good morning.

Yeah we did and I think it's just the beginning.

Exactly and today will be the grandest day ever for virtue signaling (more later in the Politics forum).

What occurred yesterday was what we warned our "friends" on the Left was coming...

....aaaand Trump conceded less than 24 hours later, two months late but hai, he was busy wreckin' democracy.

So in 12 days you're gonna have a Democratic President, a Democratic House and a Democratic Senate.

My question to you two oafs is.....
