TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Yeah, just saw what happened in the US (people storming Capitol Hill) and I was about to start a thread on the Political board.

I wanted to move beyond the Republicans/Democrats/Biden/Trump good - Republicans/Democrats/B/T bad stuff, and to set a wider frame for both the BLM early riots, and this one.

I see them as more symptomatic of a wider US feeling of dissatisfaction with where America is going; people on both sides want the same thing, they just differ in who/how they think will deliver them.

But not just the US. Protests are breaking off in Europe too, on the background of pandemic frustration which magnified long-standing discontent.
Last year too. Protests were breaking off in France (yellow vests), Iran and countless other countries.

So I wanted to ask people to help me understand & give their opinions, but I gave up because the Trump good/bad dimwittery on the Politics board is soooooooooo....

Why are you guys and others no longer posting politics?

Nowadays, there's no incentive to come here any more: Older men lusting over 18-19 year-old airbrushed pics. in Mello69's threads, or Trump-good/Trump-bad low IQ posts in the Political forum.
Yeah, just saw what happened in the US (people storming Capitol Hill) and I was about to start a thread on the Political board.

I wanted to move beyond the Republicans/Democrats/Biden/Trump good - Republicans/Democrats/B/T bad stuff, and to set a wider frame for both the BLM early riots, and this one.

I see them as more symptomatic of a wider US feeling of dissatisfaction with where America is going; people on both sides want the same thing, they just differ in who/how they think will deliver them.

But not just the US. Protests are breaking off in Europe too, on the background of pandemic frustration which magnified long-standing discontent.
Last year too. Protests were breaking off in France (yellow vests), Iran and countless other countries.

So I wanted to ask people to help me understand & give their opinions, but I gave up because the Trump good/bad dimwittery on the Politics board is soooooooooo....

Why are you guys and others no longer posting politics?

Nowadays, there's no incentive to come here any more: Older men lusting over 18-19 year-old airbrushed pics. in Mello69's threads, or Trump-good/Trump-bad low IQ posts in the Political forum.

Answered in THIS thread.
Lol, we won, five terrorist MAGATs dead, thrown underneath the bus by degenerate conman, and obtained the House, Senate, and Presidency.
Happy Friday!!!

Damned site's been wonky loading. Of course, the answer is classified. Or it could just be another sick hamster writing under the bootheel of totalitarian oppression. One can never be sure.

The woods poodles have been very quiet of late. Not sure what's up with that. Maybe a poached deer carcass as bait. Hmmm . . . .

Coffee is purt-neer perfect this morning . . . .



A sprinkling of snow fell last night. Where the pavement was bare from the wind yesterday, it's just mottled, today.
I haven't checked the weather forecast but if I were a gamblin' man, I wouldn't bet on snow.
Home. Grazed in. Scored grub on the way home for tomorrow's ride. The landlady fed cat some chicken. Good pieces. He really likes good pieces.

We had sneaux in the air all day, off and on, but no accumulation. The air did have a raw quality to it. There was a steady breeze which didn't help. Meh. It's January. Forties and twenties coming for a lot of next week.

It was a quiet day at wirk. Shit was getting done. Stuff didn't suck. We confirmed some inventory - we have shit we need, and are able to get some shit we didn't have. Allah is kind to those who perform his work well.

Maybe some ice cream for dessert . . . .



Good morning folks.

Starting this afternoon is a rain/sneaux day here, allegedly anyway. I have nowhere to be after 8AM or so, so let it sneaux.

I'm still hunting Unicorns/Big Foot. There have been reported sightings here and there but they all turn out to be third hand rumors. In discussion with some friends we've started contemplating truck hijackings. Just don't have the data we need to determine which truck. :rolleyes:
Happy road-trip Saturday!!! Not much to pack. Just get some coffee on board, put what there is in the car, check the oil and then head to points that way.

The landlady's black cat came in to explore. He does that sometimes. He and my cat aren't quite friendly but they haven't squabbled, either. No hissing today. Funny thing is, the black cat doesn't sample my cat's food.

Kinda chilly out. May have a windshield to scrape.

There be coffee to drink, so . . . .




Busy night for the end of my week. I haven't seen or heard any weather forecasts so whatever we get will be a surprise.
I lost an old friend last week. I'll miss running into her, she was a darling woman.

And I keep getting notices from travel jobs...I doubt I do it, but lawd a mercy! The temptation is real.
Good moanin'!

Slept in. Felt good. Just checking in on some unfinished business.

Life is good.
Still pitch dark outside. And warm, just above freezing. Looking to be a day to get some chores done around the homestead.
House is quiet just me and the pups today.
Now that my chores are done for the day I'm going to start on that stack
of new books that are waiting for me and put in some serious self-care time.
Home. It's quiet without Mr. Cat. So was the ride. House is okay. No stimulus. :(

Stopped to get some Numbah Wun Fuckee. I like that woman. Somebody called in to ask when their food would be arriving, and she told them, "in a few minutes." What she said afterward was in Chinese, but I laughed anyway. Prolly wasn't flattering.

Gonna be a quiet evening around here.

I know, what a surprise . . . .



Had a sandwich on a paper towel for dinner, no dishes :D

I love having people around, the guys help me more than I help them
but when it comes to housework I could get used to being single.
This house has an interior kitchen sink, so "dining" over it is boring. I've done that more than a few times elsewhere.

Damn nose has decided to run. We'll see.

Feeling a bit of a chill. Off to bed shortly.

Sorry for the big pic, it didnt seem that big where I found it... I will try to figure out how to reduce the size.
Officer deserves a raise for blasting the terrorist thug bitch. He did what the other chickenshit cowards wouldn't do.