TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Good morning all.

I have to do some running around this AM myself. Mostly I need to fill up the go-mobile and as long as I'm out might as well pick up a few odds and ends.
Chilly here, but the kind that I can live with.

Coffee is good, but then, whenever is there a bad Kcup?

However, this is just a layover, I have a fresh pot ready to brew...

Cat is pleased. All of them. The ones who come to see me.

The barn cats have claimed the tenant's kids up at the rental house. It's funny to see.

Tomorrow is back to school . . . .



Happy payday Wednesday!!!

May get a motorcycle to work riding day, probably Friday. That ain't too shabby for January. Also, it's getting more obvious that the days are getting longer. That will expand coyote viewing, theoretically, at least making twilight when I'm home. I might should grease a deer so's I can have some bait, if I can see one.

And grease this coffee . . . .



Squirrels are actually good coyote bait if they’re in the area, just get out the pellet gun.

I use a digital call that the awful little creatures seem to love.
Good morning. It's Range Day Wednesday. :)

Yesterday was pretty nice after the Sun came up and today is supposed to be even warmer. We shall see. Besides, out here it's all about the wind.

Baiting squirrels in is easy. Scatter some wild bird food about.
Which awful creatures?

My coyote call hasn't produced any results - yet. In fact, we haven't heard any of the woods poodles recently. The deer still pass through with regularity, just not when I'm watching.

There was that verra big bunneh in the pasture when we wandered through week before last. He'd be perfect bait.

Gotta get ready for the weasels . . . .


I personally like Ford trucks, but that’s just a brand preference. That being said, I tend to beat vehicles like they owe me money, within an inch of their lives, so don’t know much about longevity.
Keep up with the oil changes, lube, maintenance on the mechanicals etc. and they'll last many miles. It's not so much the age but the mileage and the type of mileage (highway vs. off road). Every make and model year has it's own known problems. Try to jump on them before they become an issue.

Keeping up with the oil, tranny, and rear end lube schedules is probably the single most important thing you can do.
In my life, I've had one new car. A 2006 Corvette. I hated it. Every time I drove it, all I could think about was depreciation. I sold it three years later with less than 4,000 miles on it.

I drive a 2013 F-150 FX4 that I bought three years ago. The original sticker price was $58,000. I paid $25,000 with 85,000 miles on it. I did have some engine trouble, but that was because of the previous owner, not because of any Ford defects. The dealer put a new engine in it for me.
My Volvo estates usually clock up 300,000 miles before they become uneconomic. I am now on my sixth. The lowest mileage at which I had to say goodbye was 290,000.
Where I live, the local Dodge dealer is owned by a high school football star from the 70s - so there are a lot of Rams sold here. The Ford dealer is owned by a family of crooks, so Ford's aren't as popular. GMC/Chevy is rare here even though the local dealer is pretty big. I think they just sell more cars than trucks.

I've always had Fords. I don't really have brand loyalty, I just think they look better.
Love my F150.
Then again, I loved my S10 until it finally up and died.
I barely got it to the dealership for its trading-in. They valued it too high...

They should have waited to see it before making me an offer that I couldn't refuse.
The should have only given me scrap value for it. If that.
If it's good enough for fighter jets, it should be good enough for a truck.

Heck, they even make tanks out of aluminum.
In 1969 I bought a 1944 made ex-Army BSA M20 motorcycle with 300 recorded miles.

In 1972 I bought an unused spare engine, crated with all ancilliaries - gearbox, carburettor, Magdyno etc.

After 100,000 miles I sold it to a cousin who still has it. It has now passed 250,000 miles and the spare engine is still crated.
Really? Makes sense I suppose lighter, faster, more fuel efficient. Thanks now I know what to look for in newer model trucks - tempered aluminum. :)

Beware where aluminium meets steel. They both corrode where they meet.
Beware where aluminium meets steel. They both corrode where they meet.

I had a prof in England who quite literally took his Volvo apart every few years to insert zinc washers between the body panels. By the same principle used on propellers for ocean-going ships, the zinc corroded before the steel body. It worked, but only an English academic would go to all that trouble.
I had a prof in England who quite literally took his Volvo apart every few years to insert zinc washers between the body panels. By the same principle used on propellers for ocean-going ships, the zinc corroded before the steel body. It worked, but only an English academic would go to all that trouble.

Someone had too much time on their hands.

Beware where aluminium meets steel. They both corrode where they meet.

Hasn't Land Rover figured that one out?

Aluminized steel is quite superior to galvanized steel. If only the zinc corrosion products weren't water soluble......